All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2533: Anubarak

The hilt of the sword and Shen Long’s fingers fit so perfectly, as if they were born for each other, a icy cold spread along the hilt to his arm, as if to spread all over his body through the arm, piercing into his heart. .

But Shen Long just transported pure Yang mana and circled his body, and the chill disappeared without a trace. In front of mana, this chill is nothing at all. If you change it to "Shu Mountain" The ice silkworm or the ice soul cold lightsaber might make me feel a little uncomfortable.

   "Alsace, are you okay?" Jaina came over and looked at him with concern, "I think this sword has a very strange smell."

"It tried to invade my soul, but it was blocked by me! I can feel that this sword is forged by a powerful and evil being, and it is likely to be Ner'zhul!" Regarding the forge of Frostmourne, again It’s Ner’zhul’s, and some are Kil’jaeden’s, but it’s certain that there are some Ner’zhul’s souls on it, and he used this method to lure Arthas into complete fall, but now, N’au The broken soul of the ancestor could not interfere with Shen Long.

   "Arthas, since this sword is so dangerous, then just give up or completely destroy it!" Jaina was a little worried, and she looked at Frostmourne nervously.

  Hey, this seems to be a good idea. If Frostmourne is refined with Samadhi Real Fire, wouldn't it be that part of Ner'zhul's soul was destroyed? But Shen Long still didn't want to do this. After all, equipping Frostmourne was his long-term dream, and this thing couldn't seduce himself anyway.

"I think it will be difficult for us to destroy it. If we continue to leave it here, it will definitely seduce other people, so I should take it with me. I believe the Holy Light can bless me!" Shen Longshou Raised the sword, "Well, now we can continue to search for Ner'zhul."

   I think, Ner'zhul must be anxious to meet me now, right? He couldn't seduce Shen Long through the mutilated soul attached to Frostmourne, so he would definitely think of other ways to bring Shen Long in front of him.

After returning to the camp, new zombies were surrounded soon. This time there were more zombies. After Shen Long released the BUFF, he began to wield Frostmourne. This weapon is so balanced and perfect in his hand, maybe N'ao Zu didn't understand ergonomics, but the Frostmourne he created was undoubtedly in line with this principle.

The arc flashed, cutting off the head of a certain ghoul; swiping the sword, a certain skeleton bone scum scattered; another blow, knocking down the third zombie, Shen Long quickly found the rhythm of the attack, according to Alsace's memory, using orthodox knight swordsmanship, a burst of magnificent cutting, piles of zombies lay down like straw under a sickle.

   Muradin looked at him with awe in his eyes. He did not expect that the kid who followed him to learn martial arts has now progressed to this level. If I continue to fight with him, can I win him? No, there is no possibility of winning at all. The only thing in doubt may just be able to persist for a few rounds, right?

The wind rose and the snow fell, and the dense snow fell rapidly. Frostmourne seemed to be like a fish in the water. The snow fell and heavier without any impact on Shen Long. The blade hit the target again and again, and the pile of corpses became higher and higher. Finally, the zombies The soldiers were crushed and it was their master's turn.

Kel'Thuzad and Mal'Ganis had been killed by Shen Long, and now only Ner'zhul himself was left. The rune on Frostmourne glowed impatiently, and then another whisper, which seemed to sound He kept telling the address of Frozen Crown Glacier in Shen Long's ear.

Ner'zhul could not control Shen Long and could not let him return to Lordaeron to kill King Tenaris, to revive Kel'Thuzad and Mal'Ganis, to create undead natural disasters, to open the portal to welcome the invasion of the Burning Legion , So he could only lure Shen Long to the side of his Ice Throne, and then use a stronger force to make him succumb.

   "Muradin, your adventure is over, you should leave Northrend, Jaina, you also go back with Muradin, the rest is for me to walk alone." Shen Long looked at them.

   "Man, you can't reassure me the way you are now!" Muradin frowned, and Jaina was even more concerned. "Alsace, no matter where you go, I will be with you!"

"Don't worry, the Holy Light will bless me!" Shen Long's warhammer once again gave out a milky white light, this time shining brighter than ever before. The shining light shone on Frostmourne and burned Ner'zhul's The soul was broken, black smoke came out of Frostmourne, and at the same time there was a screaming scream.

   Frost's Sorrow immediately became more and more pure. It is no longer in the cold, and even if Muradin took the sword, he did not notice anything wrong. "Now don't worry, the curse attached to this sword has been driven away by the Holy Light."

   "If there is an enemy, then I should face it with you!" Muradin said firmly. Dwarves are not a race that will flee in battle, and Jaina is the same.

"No, the enemy I'm going to face this time is not the same as in the past. UU reading is not necessarily good! If you are not at ease, go to Dagger Bay and wait for me for three days. If I haven't returned in three days, you will come to me again!" Shen Long firmly drove them away, and headed towards Ner'zhul's lair with Frostmourne alone. This time, some other means must be used. It's not suitable for them to see.

After walking alone in the cold wind for a while, a huge, beetle and spider-like Nerubian creature greeted Shen Long, and then said, "Master Lich King sent me to welcome you, death Knight, I am Anub'arak, the old king of Azoni Rub."

   "I'm not a death knight!" Shen Long smiled, "Of course, it seems that it is correct to call it that way. I am the knight who brought death to Ner'zhul, so let's lead the way."

It’s not far from here to the Frozen Crown Glacier, but the roads along the way are rugged and icy peaks stand up, and it will take a long time to walk past, but Anub'arak is the king of the underground kingdom of Nirubugu, and the Nirubians built it under the frozen ground. Through the long underground passage, you can reach the Ice Crown Glacier as soon as possible.

   It took Shen Long to the entrance of the tunnel. In front of it were some carved stones, which looked like sickles, perhaps insect legs. Moving forward, the shape of the gate was vaguely recognized. A giant spider was always carved on the gate.

   Anub'arak walked in, and Shen Long immediately followed without hesitation.


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