All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2534: Nerzhul

Shen Long and Anub'arak walked through the frozen ground of Northrend and entered the dangerous ancient kingdom of Nirub. It is obvious that this kingdom of the Nerubians was once glorious and magnificent, and it was full of unforgettable splendor. Blue-violet colors, intricate geometric shapes separate rooms and corridors.

   They are still magnificent, but they are like a rose made into dried flowers. They are beautiful, but their lives are gone. When they walk through, the space reverberates with a strange smell, spicy and corrupt, which is the smell of carrion.

They were attacked shortly after they entered. A dozen or twenty spider creatures suddenly attacked from the darkness, screaming angrily, and Anub'arak and his soldiers immediately greeted them. The empty cave was filled with The piercing roar of the Nerubians, the grunting groaning from the throats of the zombies, and the painful screams of the necromancer after being poisoned.

Several fierce zombies were trapped in sticky and thick webs, helplessly bitten off their heads by powerful spider jaws, or pierced by blade-like spider legs, their internal organs were hooked out, Anub'arak is Incarnation of a nightmare, his legs acted separately, strangling the prey and piercing them, and using fierce claws to cut the limbs of the enemy.

"Many of us died in the Spider War and were resurrected to serve the Lich King." When the battle was over, Anub'arak paid some price to solve these Nerubians, and then explained to Shen Long, "These fighters did not die at that time, they still stupidly persisted in resisting, trying to liberate Nerub from natural disasters."

   "As a king, he said that the people who guard this country are stupid." Shen Long sneered, and it seemed that he had been completely recovered by Ner'zhul.

   Anub'arak was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, you don't know the power of the Lich King. It is unwise to disobey his orders." Then they continued on.

Walking through the long underground passage and returning to the faint light on the ground, Shen Long felt a lot refreshed when he breathed the cold air, at least there was no unpleasant smell here, no, there are actually some, this is Emitted from Anub'arak and his soldiers.

   After trekking in the wind and heavy snow, after climbing a small hill, he finally saw the glacier in the canyon. Ner'zhul was there, deep in the glacier, trapped in an ice prison.

He was alone in a huge ice cave, sealed in a strange block of ice like Frostmourne, but this block of ice was not smooth and tidy at all, but was full of cracks, like someone knocked away a block, The remaining wreckage remained here, under the cover of cracks, Ner'zhul's image was blurred, but his painful cry echoed in the glacier.

   Maybe it was because I destroyed the soul attached to Frostmourne. Shen Long subconsciously glanced at the thick snow on the glacier. Would such a cry cause an avalanche?

Anub'arak came to the ice block to salute, and Ner'zhul's voice came from inside, "Alsace, you are finally here, do you know what you did before? That rune sword, Frostmourne, once Also sealed in the throne, I spent a lot of energy to push it out of the ice prison, let it find you... and bring you, but you rejected my kindness!"

   "Oh? You take the plan to turn Lordaeron into **** as good intentions?" Shen Long smiled sarcastically, "I am not an unclear person like Anub'arak!"

"Haha, you don't know what a powerful enemy you are facing!" Ner'zhul's sharp voice sounded, and the words were full of bewitching, "Archimonde and his Burning Legion are coveting Azeroth. Continent, only when we become one can stop this terrifying destroyer, I am the one who truly guards Azeroth!"

"Come on, Arthas, like I open your soul, I will let you gain immortality and become the ruler of the entire Azeroth continent!" Ner'zhul continued to tempt Shen Long, Anub'arak flashed in his eyes A touch of jealousy.

   At this time, a chill suddenly hit Shen Long. This energy was far stronger than those of Kel'Thuzad and Mal'Ganis, and the runes of Frostmourne shined again.

A milky white light emerged from Shen Long's body, blocking these out of his body, "Archimonde is not as invincible as you think, and I will also have no interest in the eternal life of the undead!" Ma Dan, even Ding Ding Rotten, what's the point of being alive?

   "Ner'zhul, you betrayed the orcs before, but are you now here to betray the Azeroth continent? I won't let you do what you want!" Shen Long raised Frostmourne, intending to solve Ner'zhul completely.

Ner'zhul was deceived by Kil'jaeden the deceiver before, and he invaded Azeroth with the orcs but suffered a fiasco. He also fell into the control of Kil'jaeden. Kil'jaeden sent him back to Azeroth. Ner'zhul wanted to create disasters, spread the plague, and destroy human civilization forever with death and fear. Ner'zhul tried to use Alsace to fight Kil'jaeden.

But now, his plan has repeatedly failed. In Anub'arak's surprised eyes, Frostmourne smashed into the ice that had frozen Ner'zhul, cracks appeared in the ice, and Ner'zhul's power began to slowly Passing.

Ner'zhul was moved by He remembered the soul fragments that were destroyed by Shen Long. If he was allowed to attack, maybe he would really be destroyed, he could only give orders to Anub'arak Ordered him to stop Shen Long, but he was reluctant to destroy Shen Long's body. He still wanted to use this body to get rebirth.

Anub'arak roared and stood up, waving sharp spider legs and attacking Shen Long. Shen Long raised Frostmourne to block his attack. Although Ner'zhul now lost his body, his mental power was powerful. You can still control these undead army and command them to fight.

The sharp Frostmourne cut off Anub'arak's spider legs. As an undead, Anub'arak didn't feel pain, but he knew the fear. He subconsciously resorted to the means of burrowing and wanted to get into the ground. He came to avoid Shen Long's attack and launched a sneak attack at the same time. Now he was a bit reluctant to tell Ner'zhul not to hurt Shen Long's body.

"Haha, the vultures can also dare to fight with the axe!" Shen Long pinched a handprint and pointed to the ground. In the game, Anub'arak's trick doesn't work in frozen soil, so the team will definitely bring a few skills when brushing the BOSS. The DPS of the Frozen Ball, when it came to Shen Long, directly changed the attributes of the five elements on the ground, making the ground hard as steel.

   Anub'arak was left directly on the ground, he couldn't help being shocked, and Ner'zhul was also surprised, "What kind of magic is this?" This was a method they had never seen before.


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