All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2535: avalanche

The thoughts in Anub'arak's mind flashed by, and now he didn’t care about it. He had to defeat his opponent first. Seeing that the method of burrowing didn’t work, he immediately resorted to the second trick and released a lot of The scarab came towards Shen Long.

   "I don't know how high the sky is, and I dare to be wild here, and didn't put me in my eyes!" Shen Long sneered, and the fingers in his hand changed again, "Sanmai is really hot, get up!"

With a scream, a sea of ​​fire ignited on the ground. These scarabs could not play any role in front of the real fire of Samadhi. They were burned to ashes after a while, and the sea of ​​fire continued to roll towards Anub'arak, scared. He had to retreat again and again. From the encounter with these scarabs, he had already understood that the power of this kind of flame was definitely not something he could easily resist. It was much more powerful than the fireball technique released by ordinary wizards.

Anub'arak could still escape, but Ner'zhul, who was frozen in the ice, could not move. The real fire of Samadhi licked the ice, and the ice that ordinary flames could not harm began to melt instantly. The ancestor made screams, and the true fire of Samadhi not only melted the ice, but also consumed his power.

"You are not Arthas, Arthas does not know this kind of magic at all!" Ner'zhul finally understood, "No, this kind of flame has never appeared in the entire Azeroth continent! Who are you!" He said Shen Long had become an alien who had invaded this world like Kil'jaeden and others.

"Go against the sky, deserve punishment, tempt all beings, a dead end! The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law, the sword comes!" Shen Long opened his mouth, and the flying sword that was refined in the "Legend of the New White Lady" blurted out. A mysterious arc was drawn in the sky and flew towards Anub'arak. Ner'zhul couldn't move anyway, so let's clean up this guy first!

Anub'arak ordered the release of scarab and shadow energy, but these did not hurt Shen Long at all. The scarab could not climb the sea of ​​flames of samaya, and the shadow energy dissipated like hot oil splashing snow in front of the holy light. Anu Barak tried to use the spider's legs to resist the flying sword, but the flying sword made by Shen Long would only be sharper than Frostmourne. When he turned around Anub'arak, all the spider legs on his body were severed.

Anub'arak could only lie on the ground and waited to die. Shen Long raised his left hand and pointed at Anub'arak, chanting the mantra secretly, "Close!" Anub'arak's huge body was sucked over by Shen Long. , Fell into the true fire of Samadhi, and immediately the whole body began to burn. Although the true fire of Samadhi can directly burn the soul, even though it has become an undead, Anub'arak still felt extremely painful and desperately in the flames. Wailing.

Fortunately, the power of the Samadhi Real Fire is too great. Anub'arak did not wailing for long before being wiped out. The Nerubian king finally got rid of the restraint of Ner'zhul. At the last moment, he asked Shen Long. With a grateful glance, he finally woke up and restored the dignity that the king should have.

"This is impossible! This is impossible!" Ner'zhul murmured, black air bursting out of the cracks in the ice. Ner'zhul already understood the danger he was facing, and also guessed Kel'Thuzad and How did Mal'Ganis die? If it were this kind of flame, maybe even their souls would be burned clean, and there would be no way to resurrect, right?

   Hehe, you guessed wrong, my soul destroying method is far more than this! Shen Long knew that Ner'zhul wanted to escape now, although it would cost a huge price to escape here, and there might even be no way to recover his strength, but it was better than burning his soul clean.

Ner'zhul's soul has been tortured by Kil'jaeden for countless years, but he still does not want to be completely free, he still wants to find a way out for himself; seeing the black gas in the ice cracks thicker and thicker, the cracks become wider and wider. , Shen Long sneered again, "Such a spell is still strong, I see you flee there, I want you to die without a place to be buried!"

With a light stroke of the left hand sword art, the real fire of Samadhi on the ground seemed to come alive, rolling towards the ice block, the flame blocked all those cracks, the black energy instantly dissipated as soon as it touched the flame, and Ner'zhul issued again He cried out horribly, this pain reminded him of the scene where his soul was tortured by Kil'jaeden.

He even regrets it a little bit now. He knew that he would meet such a terrible guy in Azeroth. It would be better to continue to be tortured by Kil'jaeden. At least he was still useful in front of Kil'jaeden and would not be easily killed. Death, and this guy in front of him, he is definitely going to wipe out himself!

"Ah ah ah ah~~" After a scream, Ner'zhul could only give up his plan to escape, and the black energy retreated into the ice cube, and the real fire of Samadhi immediately rolled in along the gap, trying to continue chasing , Ner'zhul could only reluctantly abandon the precious energy and use it to repair the cracks in the ice, barely temporarily blocking the real fire of Samadhi.

   At the same time, he tried his best to summon the surrounding undead army. It is not time for him to solve the problem alone. Northrend has 200,000 undead. He doesn't believe that Shen Long can beat so many people.

Immediately, rapid footsteps sounded around, including ghouls, crypt lord, abominations, death knights, psychics, liches, and other undead army or from underground passage or from The trail between the mountains rushed over here quickly, and the sound of dragon chants came from the sky, and the frost dragon that turned into a skeleton flew towards Shen Long.

In ancient times, dragons would fly to the cold Northrend continent to wait for death when their life was about to die. For a long time, it became the tomb of the dragon. The bones of countless dragons were scattered on the continent. After Ozu took control of Northrend, he used powerful magic to resurrect the bones of the dead dragon.

   These giant dragons eject breath, which can freeze enemies in the air and on the ground, but their speed is very slow, far inferior to the Vesellion who was resurrected by the Night King in Game of Thrones.

"Kill him, kill him!" Ner'zhul no longer cares about Shen Long's physical body. It is the most important thing to save his life. As long as you kill him, you can lure others to pick up Frostmourne and become Own death knight.

"Thunder, wind and fire! Kill!" Shen Long was not scared by the densely packed undead natural disasters. He leaped and flew into the air with a flying sword. Numerous thunders fell instantly, smashing the undead natural disasters on the ground. Eight fall.

   But this is not the most lethal method. More importantly, amidst the loud thunder, the immortal snow on the Ice Crown Glacier began to collapse, and the avalanche swept towards the undead army.


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