All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2537: He is back

   "These ice cubes seem to be quite hard! It seems to take a lot of time to burn through!" Shen Long smiled, but he didn't worry at all. He happened to have the right means to deal with this.

Ner'zhul can only pray that the ice block will hold on for some time so that his undead Scourge can come over. He doesn't expect these guys to beat Shen Long now. He just wants to use this time to escape and find a place. Hide and recover slowly.

A layer of black mist appeared on Shen Long's hand, wrapped his right hand, and then Shen Long pressed his right hand on the ice block, armed with domineering color to isolate the erosion of cold and negative energy, the ability to shake the fruit began to activate. Although the block is hard, there are gaps in it, and vibration is the best way to deal with it.

   "What is this again?" Ner'zhul was about to collapse, why this guy has so many methods! He has no physical body now, only his soul is trapped in the ice cube. Once the ice is broken, he will be finished. He doesn't think that Shen Long has no means to prevent him from escaping, let alone those who killed Frost just now. The speed of the flying sword of the giant dragon is not comparable to him.

With the release of the ability to shake the fruit, the cracks in the ice became bigger and bigger. The Lihuo Mantra and the Samadhi Real Fire drilled in along these cracks, and they did not give Ner'zhul time to escape. Two different flames At the same time, Ner'zhul's soul was scorched, causing him to scream.

Haha, if he had a physical body, it would be more difficult to deal with than Kel'Thuzad and Mal'Ganis. After all, Ner'zhul was the most powerful shaman of the orcs back then, possessing various magical abilities; but now, his body is already Destroyed, even though the soul-only Ner'zhul can confuse the creatures and transform them into the undead Scourge Legion, they can't deal with Shen Long.

   "Let me go, I can teach you profound knowledge and tell you the roots of void magic." After being defeated, Ner'zhul could only continue to find ways to seduce Shen Long.

"No, if I want to know, I can find the answer by shredding your soul!" Shen Long said indifferently. He has tortured Mal'Ganis' soul now, and he doesn't mind torturing Ner'zhul again. Let's talk about the weakening of his soul. Why should I exchange something with Ner'zhul?

   "I can tell you Kil'jaeden's conspiracy. Even if you can beat me, you can't resist the attack of the Burning Legion." One condition failed, and Ner'zhul changed another.

"No need, I know his plan." Shen Long was not fooled either. "And without you, you can't get into Azeroth without you calling Archimonde." According to the plot, K After Er'Thuzad was resurrected, Arthas led the undead army into the magical city of Dalaran. He killed the leader of the Kirin Tor Archmage Antonidas and seized the Book of Medivh. Then Kel'Thuzad opened A portal greeted Archimonde, the powerful demon lord of the Burning Legion, who came to Azeroth. If there was no portal, Archimonde and the others could not enter.

"The Holy Light is blessing you!" After the fruit of the shaking had opened a wide enough gap, Shen Long stopped shaking and sprinkled the Holy Light on Ner'zhul's body, and the three forces simultaneously attacked Ner'zhul. , Making him more painful, his energy gradually weakened, his soul became more and more fragile, and the wailing almost spread throughout the entire ice crown glacier.

The huge ice coffin slowly melted. This ice coffin not only restrained Ner'zhul, but also protected him. Without the protection of the ice coffin, his entire soul was revealed, and he was tightly surrounded by the real fire of Samadhi and the fiery curse. Burning, while still enjoying the bath of holy light, the destruction speed of his soul accelerated again.

   The surrounding undead Scourge Corps accelerated their progress under the urging of Ner'zhul, and there was a frost dragon in the sky rushing over, Ner'zhul once again gave birth to a slim hope.

However, Shen Long still let him down. Countless thunders fell again, triggering a new round of avalanches. The second batch of undead Scourge Legions were also buried in the avalanche, and the frost dragons were also shot down by the thunder, and the ghouls , Crypt Lord, Abomination, Death Knight, Necromancer, and Lich were buried together.

   "What happened there?" Muradin and Jaina in Dagger Bay also saw the thunder. They could feel the abnormal happening, but because of Shen Long's instructions, they could only endure curiosity and wait here.

"Well, it is estimated that no one will bother us for a long time!" Shen Long can concentrate on dealing with Ner'zhul, and he burned Ner'zhul for a while, and his soul became weaker and weaker. , But Shen Long was not fooled. He knew that this was Ner'zhul's disguise. As long as he relaxed a little, he would look for opportunities to escape.

This is indeed an old and cunning guy, but in front of Shen Long, these methods do not work, Li Huo curse and samādhi true fire still tightly wrap Ner'zhul's soul, and the black aura in the center of the flame is getting smaller and smaller. The lighter it gets, and soon Ner'zhul can't even whine.

Now it’s almost time, Shen Long muttered, began to restrain the power of the real fire of Samadhi, re-cast the Imperius Curse, UU reading began to torture Ner'zhul, this guy still has a lot of good things. For example, the use of shadow energy, such as undead magic, etc., these things may come in handy when it comes to.

Shen Long was torturing Ner'zhul leisurely here, but Jaina was awake at night in the Dagger Bay. The abnormal changes of the Ice Crown Glacier made her worried, and she kept asking Muradin to allow her to disembark. , Went to the depths of Northrend to search for Shen Long, but Muradin refused again and again.

"Alsace has said that he will come back in three days, so he can definitely do it!" Muradin believed his words very much for the benefactor who saved his name. He no longer regards Shen Long as the one to learn from him. Wu Yi's child, he regards Shen Long as the hero of Azeroth.

   "If he doesn't come back in three days, you can't stop me!" Muradin's stubbornness made Jaina helpless, she could only say so.

   "In the morning three days later, if he has not arrived, I will go to the Ice Crown Glacier with you!" Muradin solemnly promised.

   Three days passed quickly. At dawn, Jaina, who had not rested for several days, looked at the direction of the coast, "Muradin, now the time is up, I want to get off the boat!"

   Before Muradin could answer, the watchman on the mast made a surprise voice, "Look, Prince Arthas is back!" Jaina looked over immediately!


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