All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2538: Return to the palace

Shen Long walked over slowly and waved to the boat from a distance, "Jaina, Muradin, are you all right?" He seems to be no different from a few days ago, and it doesn't seem like he has experienced a The look of a fierce battle.

   "Alsace!" Jaina could no longer control herself, ran across the deck quickly, rushing towards Shen Long, and finally the two young men hugged each other on the coast of Northrend.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything is over." Shen Long touched Jaina's head and comforted, "Look, what I said at the beginning, you just have to wait patiently, and I'll be back. "

   "You know how much I miss you these days!" Jaina hugged Shen Long tightly, and didn't want to separate from him at all. She fumbled with her hand on Shen Long, as if she wanted to confirm whether he was really uninjured.

   "Hey, buddy, it's great to see you come back!" After they finally separated, Muradin came over and patted Shen Long's...waist affectionately. He could only get here.

The dwarves have already lit a bonfire on the coast. They prepared a meal and invited Shen Long to enjoy it. While eating, Shen Long talked about his adventure in the Ice Crown Glacier, "...Ner'zhul is bound to one. In the huge ice coffin, his body has been destroyed, his soul has suffered a lot of damage, and only the ability to bewitched is left... Originally, I was already in despair, but thanks to the blessing of the Holy Light, an avalanche occurred. All the undead The Scourge has been destroyed..."

"After the avalanche was over, I used the Holy Light to purify Ner'zhul." Well, I am not telling a lie, after all, Ner'zhul's last soul was indeed purified by the Holy Light. "Now Northrend Continent Most of the undead Scourge has been buried under the ice and snow, and the rest seems to be dealt with by the surviving Nerubians!"

"Without Ner'zhul, the members of the cursed sect in places such as the School of Spiritualism and Naxxramas have lost their foundation. When I return to Lordaeron, I will immediately organize an army to clean up here. Muradin, I also need you. Help!" To completely eliminate the influence of the cursed sect, naturally the more allies, the better.

"I will go to Magni when I return to Ironforge!" His brother Magni-Bronzebeard is the king of Khaz Modan. Muradin had seen the threat of the undead Scourge in Northrend and knew about it. The severity of.

"I will also go back to Kirin Tor to seek help from my mentor." Jaina was reluctant to leave with Shen Long, but she knew the seriousness of this matter. Lordaeron and Khaz Modan's army could deal with the ordinary undead army. The enemies of the School of Spiritualism still need the assistance of wizards. These wizards are not easy to eliminate. They may not be able to fight against the army, but escape and hide their tracks are good hands. Once hidden, it is really difficult to find.

"I believe Lord Antonidas will solve this matter!" Ner'zhul, Kel'Thuzad, and Mal'Ganis are all dead, and the rest are just Kiltunos, Jandis, Barov and the like. It's just a small role, it's not difficult to get it.

   "How is this sword? I seem to feel that it is not as scary as it was when I first saw it!" Muradin looked at Frostmourne.

Shen Long took Frostmourne down and handed it to Muradin, "Try it! The curse that Ner'zhul attached to it has completely disappeared with his death!" In a sense, this sword It could also be said that it was Ner'zhul's Horcrux. Shen Long still had some experience in dealing with Horcrux.

Muradin took the sword carefully and gently stroked the blade and hilt, muttering in his mouth, "It's a good sword, I don't know who built it." Dwarves are always good at forging, Muradin sees Once such an excellent weapon was instinctively started to wonder how it was forged.

It's a shame that you didn't let you see my flying sword, or you would be even more addicted. Although Frostmourne is excellent, it is not essentially different from other weapons on the continent of Azeroth, and flying sword is another. Kind of power system.

After dinner, everyone boarded the boat again, and then left Northrend and headed south. After the boat arrived in Lordaeron, they changed horses and headed to the city. When Shen Long and the others arrived in the city, the city rang one after another. They were only important It will sound only when the state affairs of the king’s family, the birth of the heir, the king’s funeral, all these important events record the course of a kingdom, but today they are celebrated to celebrate their prince’s greatness Victory.

When Shen Long had just arrived in Lordaeron, he sent back news, telling how he found the master of the plague, how to find and kill it, when he strode towards the capital without riding a horse, he was greeted with cheers and applause. Thrall and Farrick also stood at the gate of the city with a smile to welcome him inside.

   "Alsace, you are now a legend of Azeroth." Uther said with satisfaction.

   "Congratulations, Your Majesty! It's a shame not to be able to go to Northrend with you to get this honor." Farrick said with regret.

The sturdy suspension bridge was put down, and Shen Long strode across, surrounded by everyone. Those diplomats from the elves, dwarves, dwarves, inferior nobles, and other dignitaries, not only were they full of them. The courtyard was also full of high-level observation rooms, and pink, white, and red rose petals rained down toward the returning hero.

   "Our wedding will have more and more beautiful flowers than today." Shen Long whispered in Jaina's ear. Jaina's face was flushed, and her heart was full of expectation.

Shen Long walked into the giant gate of the Throne Hall and strode forward. He glanced at Terenas quickly, "Alsace, it makes me happy to see you come back safely." Terenas said, shaking. Stand up tall.

Terenas looked a little haggard. After all, too much happened in Lordaeron during the previous period. The lord of Stratholme was executed. Traces of undead appeared everywhere in Lordaeron, Terenas. To continuously send troops to clean up these zombies, while also buying food from other countries to avoid Lordaeron from falling into starvation, these are very exhausting.

   It’s okay now. Now that I'm back, leave these troublesome things to me! Shen Long saluted with Jaina, Muradin and others. Holding the hilt of Frostmourne in his hand, he muttered in his heart, hey, he came to Lordaeron’s palace with Frostmourne, if he didn’t strike a sword. , I always feel that something is missing.

   But let's forget it, Shen Long put these messy thoughts aside, and began to discuss with Terenas about forming a coalition army.


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