All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2539: Coalition forces

"Now this disaster is not just a matter for Lordaeron. There were 200,000 undead Scourge Legions in Northrend. The remnants of the curse sect are still lurking in places such as the School of Spiritualism and Naxxramas. We must Clean them up!" Only in this way can Azeroth completely get rid of the threat of the Undead Legion.

   "Two hundred thousand legions!" King Terenas was a little frightened when he heard this number. After all, Lordaeron had a population of only 1.5 million. How many troops could they put together?

"Fortunately, most of these legions have been destroyed in the avalanche. We only need to send thousands of troops into Northrend to completely solve the remaining troops! And the Nerubians of Northrend will also attack them." Shen Long quickly comforted, "We are not alone. Muradin has agreed to return to Ironforge to persuade King Magni, and Jaina will return to Kirin Tor and seek help from the mages!"

Hearing this, King Terenas breathed a sigh of relief. This matter is indeed not something that Lordaeron can solve alone. Uther-the Lightbringer also immediately stated, "The Silver Hand has solved Andorhal. Members of the cursed sect, the Holy Light will continue to guide us in the fight."

   "Your Majesty, the undead are also enemies of the elves." An elven diplomat said immediately, they hated undead creatures more than Lordaeron.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to do our best to protect our homeland!" The new Lord Stratholm quickly followed up, and then the nobles of Lordaeron announced the number of troops they could send. In the face of this crisis, no one has With the idea of ​​preserving strength, dwarf diplomats and diplomats also showed their support. The undead are the common enemy of all forces on the road.

So, on the second day after Shen Long returned to the city of Lordaeron, Lordaeron’s envoys took King Terenas’s letter to the various forces for diplomatic mediation. Muradin and Jaina also returned to Ironforge. And Kirin Tor, the diplomats stationed in Lordaeron King City, also reported this situation to their respective countries.

Shen Long continued to work with Uther to lead the Knights of the Silver Hand to clean up the remaining forces of Lordaeron’s cursed sect. After a battle was over, Uther said with emotion, “Alsace, the older your Holy Light, the stronger. It’s over me now! Maybe I’m almost old enough to retire."

Soon, these countries and forces sent affirmative answers. They organized an army to surround Naxxramas. The wizards of Kirin Tor attacked the psychic college, and the cursed sect on the mainland gradually became clear. The next thing to consider is the remnants of the undead Scourge in Northrend.

   So the parties formed a coalition army, and they were going to take a boat north to Northrend to completely wipe out the remaining undead Scourge. Regarding the commander of the coalition army, the parties had no doubts, and they jointly elected Shen Long as the commander.

"I have fought side by side with Alsace in Northrend, and his art of command amazed me. As long as he is there, we will definitely win!" Muradin began to boast of Shen Long's glory in Northrend. The record comes.

"The wizard of the Kirin Tor is willing to accept the command of Prince Arthas!" Jaina said, she not only brought the wizard of the Kirin Tor, but also a large number of ships from the island country Kul Tiras, her father Dalin -Proudmoore also came to the city of Lordaeron, but he did not go north with the army, but stayed in the city of Lordaeron.

Now that the legendary adventure story of Arthas and Jaina has spread throughout the alliance, it is time to discuss their marriage. Daelin Proudmoore is here to discuss the wedding. I believe the entire alliance is looking forward to this. Wedding of two young people.

  啧啧, the union of the filial son and the filial daughter, don't you two feel worried? Looking at King Terenas and Daelin Proudmoore who were discussing the details of the wedding, Shen Long muttered to himself.

The coalition forces were quickly ready to set off. The armies of humans, dwarves, elves and gnomes successively boarded the huge battleships in Kul Tiras. Kul Tiras has the best battleships in Azeroth and the best sailors. With the help of the superb sailing skills of these sailors, after a short time, Shen Long returned to the Northrend continent again and anchored in Dagger Bay.

Different from the previous adventure, this time it became Shen Long and the others with more and less. The Undead Scourge in Northrend lost the command of Ner'zhul and Anub'arak and became a mass of scattered sand. No effective resistance can be formed at all.

What Shen Long and the others need to do is to find these scattered undead legions, and then surround them and destroy them. The paladins of the Silver Hand add various buffs to the soldiers, and use the holy light to weaken the strength of the undead legions. Bullets were fired, the elves shot arrows, the mages had thrown fireballs, and the human warriors in full armor stood in the front to protect the long-range attacking army behind, while the swords and warhammers in their hands caused huge damage to the undead.

   Although these undead are not afraid of death or pain, they lack wisdom. Under the perfect cooperation of the coalition forces and the excellent command of Shen Long ~ batches of undead have been wiped out, and they have returned to peace.

Only a few surviving frost dragons can cause a little trouble to the coalition forces, but the elves also brought dragon eagles. The dragon eagle riders rode the dragon eagle and approached the frost dragon at a swift speed, and then released the air yoke to bring the frost The dragon is fixed in the magic yoke, and the locked frost dragon cannot move, attack or cast spells, and can only withstand the attack of the coalition force until it falls.

It may be a little troublesome that the Nerubians hidden in the ground are the undead. Fortunately, the dwarves are also accustomed to the underground life. Soon Muradin led people to figure out the route of the underground passage, which was composed of dwarves, gnomes and wizards. The formed army went underground, channel by channel clearing the undead transformed by Spider-Man.

Soon, the surviving Nerubians finally determined that the coalition forces were here to deal with the undead. They didn't have much interest in the Northrend continent, especially the underground world, so they tried to send envoys to guide the coalition forces. These underground passages They built it all, and they knew nothing more about this place.

With their assistance, the coalition's attack in the underground passage has been smoother. Most of the Nerubian undead were killed by Shen Long along with Anub'arak in the Ice Crown Glacier. The few remaining are also being successively killed by the coalition forces. Clear.

   It took several months to finally clean up the Undead Scourge in Northrend.


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