All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2549: Gifted children training course

The latest website: "Uncle, what do you do?" The fat tiger licked the ice cream happily, and then looked at the layout of Shen Long's room. The room is quite large, but there is not much furniture, and it looks a bit empty.

"I am a teacher!" Shen Long said with a smile. Hearing the word teacher, Fat Tiger shivered subconsciously. His academic performance was not good, and he was often criticized by the teacher in school. Shen Long was a teacher, so he felt awkward.

"Old...Teacher, do you want to teach our school?" Fat Tiger asked tremblingly. Oh, he wants to go to my house often to buy things. If I fail the exam, he will tell my mother what to do? My mother will kill me!

Fat Hu’s mother didn’t beat him less, and didn’t know how many carrots he broke. But what Fat Hu was most afraid of was not his mother, but his aunt, his mother’s sister. Mom is more ruthless.

"That's not true. I actually started a training course!" Shen Long pointed to the sign hanging at the door, and saw the words "Training Course for Genius Children" written on it.

"Ah, training class!" Fat Tiger breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to lick the ice cream. "Our family has no money to give me training class." Then this matter has nothing to do with me, but you can go to the husband's house. Say, hey, it must be interesting that he was forced to attend the training class by his family?

When Fat Tiger thought that he could go to the open happily after school, but the husband could only go to the training class, and he felt comfortable, but after another thought, if the husband went to the training class, how about playing baseball by himself? A partner is missing? Isn't there one less audience for a concert? So for a while, I was a bit tangled, wondering if I should go to the husband's house and talk.

Shen Long didn't let him struggle for long, so he took out a banknote and handed it over, "You should have nothing to do now? Why don't you help me hand out the flyer, this is your reward!"

"For me?" Seeing the banknote, Fat Tiger's eyes lit up. His family wouldn't give him so much pocket money, so he immediately took it, "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely help you. Yes!" He has already thought about it. If there are too many flyers, he should go to Daxiong and Xiaofu for help and let them distribute it for him. As for the money, it is naturally hidden by himself. Anyway, even if you don’t give it, you don’t have to worry about him They dare not listen.

"Flyers are not too many, you can take them and give them to every household in the town!" Shen Long handed the printed flyers to Fat Tiger. The content on it was very simple. First use the most eye-catching words to highlight I got my PhD in education from Yale University, and then wrote the address of this gifted children’s training course.

It is now in the 1970s, and Japan’s yearning for foreign countries, especially the United States, in this period is definitely not under China in the 1980s and 1990s. As long as you see the words Dr. Yale University, everyone with children at home is sure Will come to give it a try, and Nobita's family should be no exception, right? So I have the opportunity to establish contact with him.

"Uncle, I'll be able to help you with this little thing soon! If you have anything else in the future, just tell me!" Fat Tiger happily put away the banknotes, and left with the flyer.

Shen Long followed out, staring at him from a distance. As soon as this guy went out, he found Nobita and Xiaohu, "Hey, you two, help me distribute these flyers. Everyone in the town will have to distribute them!"

"It's almost time for dinner, I'm going home for dinner!" Hey, Daxiong is a little dull, isn't he begging to say this? Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Fat Tiger went down with two punches, and Daxiong cried and accepted the flyer.

The little husband is more clever, he agrees without saying anything, and then immediately makes the allocation, "Then we will use this street as the dividing line, I will send the one on the left and Daxiong on the right!" He doesn't expect to be fat. Tiger will send it in person.

"Hey, there are obviously more people on the right than on the left, why should I post the ones on the right!" Nobita was yelled at by the husband again.

"No laziness is allowed, I will always supervise the two of you! If that one doesn't arrive, I want you to look good!" Fat Tiger wouldn't hold justice for Nobita, he waved his fist and drove them to hand out flyers.

"Yale University? Doctor? It sounds amazing?" The little husband handed out the flyer and walked to the door of Shizuka's house unknowingly.

Shizuka was practicing the violin in the room, and she was curious when she saw the husband walking by the door, "My husband, what are you holding in your hand?"

"There is a doctor from Yale University who wants to hold a training class at our monthly meeting." Xiaofu raised the flyer in his hand.

"Eh, Yale University? Is it the Yale University in the United States?" Jing Yuqian was a bit dissatisfied with Shizuka's distraction when she was practicing, but as soon as she heard the words from Yale University, she immediately went out and took the flyer from the husband to take a closer look. I stood up, "Wow, really a PhD from Yale University!"

"Auntie, is this great at Yale University?" the husband asked, and Shizuka was equally curious.

"Yes, Yale University is one of the best universities in the United States, much better than Dongda..." She has already begun to consider applying for Shizuka.

"Is it Yale University? Dad, please help me sign up for this training class, please!" Without the parents saying, the talented person in Mushan took the initiative to sign up. He could have heard of the name of Yale University.

"If talents can be taught by a Ph.D. from Yale University, they will definitely become better people! It's a bit late today, and I will pay an official visit tomorrow!" Chu Mushan's father is also very if It is worth spending more money to make your children better.

"Panghu, what are you doing?" Panghu's mother stopped him.

"Mom, I'm helping that uncle just now!" Fat Hu quickly took out the flyer.

"Training class for genius children? Your grades are so bad, why don't you try it?" I just don't know if the registration fee is expensive, Fat Tiger's mother pondered.

"Ah, Yale University, their business school is great. If you can have a good relationship with him, maybe Xiao Fu can go to Yale Business School in the future. Then, we will take Xiao Fu to visit tomorrow. !" The little husband's father said after seeing the flyer.

As for Nobi Nobita, this guy was out of breath after sending out the flyers. As soon as he got home, he started yelling, "Mom, I'm hungry. Is the meal ready?"

As for the flyers for his own home, he had already lost it. It is already very hard to go to school, so I don't want to go to any training courses!

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