All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2550: Dorayaki

Latest URL: This guy really is! Shen Long was rather speechless when he saw this scene. Originally, he wanted to use this leaflet to let Nobi Nobi’s parents send him to the training class, so that he could teach him. Who knew this guy didn’t bring the leaflet back at all. , I am probably worried that my parents will let myself go to tuition when they meet? A lazy fellow like Nobita must be unwilling.

Forget it, Yuejiantaimangyuan is not a big place, everyone else knows it, and Daxiong's parents will know it sooner or later, and don't care about the work of these two days.

The next day, Shen Long woke up for breakfast, and someone came to visit. The parents of Chu Mushan Yingcai came to visit with gifts. "Unexpectedly, a doctor from Yale University came to a small place like Yuejiantai Manghara. As a neighbor, I would like to ask Mr. Shen to take care of you!" The two of them gave gifts after saluting.

"The two are really too polite! Actually, I should go to meet them first!" Shen Long politely greeted them inside and gave them tea and snacks.

"Mr. Shen is so young that he can get a doctorate from Yale University. It's really amazing!" The father of Mushan Yingcai chatted with Shen Long, and his mother listened silently beside him with a smile. The status of Japanese women is not high, and there is generally no opportunity for women to speak on such occasions.

After some probing, the father of the talented Mushan had no doubt about the identity of Shen Long’s PhD at Yale University, so he took the initiative to mention his child, “It’s true that I have a child, ten years old this year, in elementary school. The grades here are pretty decent, and there are some achievements in sports and theater performances. Yesterday, when I saw the flyers you distributed, I wanted my children to follow you to learn. I just don’t know what your training class requires for enrolling students?"

The father of a talented wooden sweater is still very confident about his child’s performance, but he is a little worried about the high registration fee. Just imagine that a doctor from Yale University runs a training course. Once the news goes out, which districts are the busiest in Tokyo? The rich and powerful will rush to sign up, right? Although he works well, he is absolutely not qualified to compete with these people.

So he asked this to ask more about tuition fees. Shen Long naturally understood his thoughts, so he said, “This is actually my practice of the new educational concept, so I won’t charge any fees, it’s just for the children’s qualifications. It must be required. Of course, this does not mean that only children with good grades are enrolled." If this is the case, Nobita is qualified to come in.

"In my opinion, every child is a genius, but the existing education system may not necessarily be able to discover their genius; therefore, my training class intends to enroll some representative students, who can have good grades. The top students of, can also be middle-level students with average grades, and even poor students who fail to pass have the opportunity to join."

"And I will formulate different education methods according to their specific conditions, and strive to tap the talents of each student, so that they can have better development!" Shen Long continued to flicker.

This answer made Mushan's parents both happy and a little worried. What is happy is that they don't have to worry about the high training fees, and what is worried is whether Shen Long can select the Mushan talents.

"If you two want to let your child participate in the training class, then after school he will bring him over, let me have a chat with him!" Shen Long said.

"Thanks to you!" The parents of the talented wooden sweater bowed respectfully, and then went back to discuss how to help the talented wooden sweater pass the interview.

Soon after they left, Yuan Yixiong and Jing Yuqian also came. They also signed up for Yuan Jingxiang. Shen Long repeated what they had just said, and then asked them to bring their children over after school. China Library

Then Xiaofu Guchuan’s parents also came. In addition to consulting the requirements of the training class, they were more to test Shen Long’s influence in Yale University, especially paying attention to the business school, which was fooled by Shen Long. Past.

"Mr. Shen, how did the radishes taste yesterday? We just bought a batch of fresh radishes in our store today. I thought you would like to eat them, so I brought them to you!" After they left, Fat Tiger’s parents came Now, unlike other people, Fat Hu’s father seems to be a little bit reticent, but his mother speaks more.

"Your child is a filial and good child. It is not easy to help the family at such a young age!" Shen Long praised Fat Hu.

This made Panghu’s parents very happy, but then they began to sigh, "Hey, although this child is sensible, but his academic performance is really bad, if this continues, I am afraid it will be difficult to enter university in the future, and perhaps only inherit The family business! My daughter's grades are also very average. It may be that both of us are too stupid, which is delaying the child!"

"I think these two kids have great potential. If you don't dislike it, let them come to me to study for a while!" Shen Long wanted to collect only Daxiong, but he put Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Shizuka and All the talents in the wooden sweater are recruited. Maybe Nobita will feel more at ease.

"Thank you so much!" The couple wept with joy, and quickly bowed to Shen Long.

Yuko Nobi felt a little strange when she was shopping and selling vegetables today. Why did other mothers get together to talk about Yale University doctors, gifted children training courses, etc., and she couldn't intervene at all.

"Eh, don’t you know Mrs. Nobita? Didn’t Nobita’s child distribute flyers everywhere yesterday? Didn’t he bring them home?" The other children’s mothers were Tamako hesitated to deal with it. After returning home, it immediately became popular, "Doraemon, what happened yesterday, why didn't Nobita tell me such an important thing!"

"You go out to inquire first, and see what this genius children's training class is all about!" She was embarrassed to inquire about it by herself, and let Doraemon go out.

"I know, I'll go now!" Doraemon was also afraid of Yuzi's nagging, and quickly walked out with two short legs, and found Shen Long's office in the library all the way.

"Huh? This is... the smell of Dorayaki? And it's still hot, hot Dorayaki!" As soon as he arrived at the door, Doraemon couldn't help but sniff. Its nose was originally normal. Twenty times as much, but it's broken, but he can still smell the smell of dorayaki.

Doraemon was attracted by the scent of Dorayaki, and unconsciously entered Shen Long's room, just watching Shen Long come out with a tray full of Dorayaki.

"Oh, another guest is here." Shen Long greeted with a smile.

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