All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2552: Interview

The latest website: "You stop me!" Seeing that Nobita wanted to slip away, Nobita Yuko directly grabbed his ears. It was Nobita's mother. He couldn't be more clear about the temper of his bear kid.

"Nobita, you have to work hard, or else..." Doraemon pointed to Fat Hu and Tieko Gota next to him. If you don't work hard, you will be a brother-in-law for Fat Hu in the future.

"Um!" Nobita looked at Fat Hu, then at Tieko Gota, who was about the same figure as Fat Hu, and finally looked at Yuan Shizuka again, and finally she was counseled, "Mom, it hurts, it hurts, let me go. , I won't go!"

Everyone swept over to see, Yebi Yuzi quickly released her hand and looked at everyone with embarrassment, but in her heart he put an account on Nobita, and blamed you for making me be among so many people. Shame in front of you, you look good when you go back, and Daxiong's sad face seems to have to endure at least an hour and a half today.

"Mr. Shen, how can I train with you? Is it necessary to test and screen first?" asked Shan Yingcai's father. When it comes to exams, his children are not afraid of exams, and Yingcai Demu is confident. He straightened his chest.

"In addition to the normal exam, you should also test your specialty, right?" Gen Yoshio said, and Shizuoka, who was with him, was holding Gen Shizuka's violin in his hand.

"It's reasonable to add the specialty test, but I don't know whether to test sports or scientific literacy!" Ideki Shan Yingcai's father is not afraid, his children are all-rounders.

"Um... that my fat tiger sumo is okay, and the technique of painting is not bad." Fat tiger's mother felt a little frustrated.

"Oh, Mr. Shen, you are too simple here. As far as I can tell, you should buy more things. I have always supported education and scientific research." Xiaofu Guchuan's father became anxious when he heard this. , If we follow this standard, there is little hope for my children.

Nobita Yuko heard their conversation with a sad face. This waste in my family is nothing, and... and our family has no money to donate. She subconsciously looks at Nobita, or we go back, but she is reluctant to give up this opportunity.

"Mom." Daxiong felt his mother's sadness ignorantly, probably because of himself? Nobita started to complain about his incompetence, otherwise his mother wouldn't be so sad, right?

"Haha, you are misunderstood, my training class does not require examinations, nor does it need to test specialties. I only need to chat with each child for a while! In my opinion, every child is a genius, but someone needs someone That’s all for digging and training! The children present today are eligible to join the training class for free!” Shen Long’s words made Yebi Yuzi smile again.

"But everyone has seen that my place is not big enough here, and my energy alone is also limited, so I can't recruit too many students for the first time. I can only choose five or six children; of course, this does not mean that there are leftovers. My children are not good enough, but my ability is limited!" Shen Long doesn't want to accept all the children, as long as the protagonist's four-person group plus Gang Tian Jizi and Yi Mu Shan Yingcai are almost the same.

After speaking, Shen Long went into the office inside and greeted the children one by one to go in and talk. The first one who came in was a talented wooden sweater, and the child took out his transcript as soon as he came in, "Hello teacher, I call a talented wooden sweater , I am in fifth grade this year, and my academic performance is not bad. I am also good at all kinds of games and sports. I am also good at magic, script writing, painting, and cooking. I hope I can get your guidance."

"Really a good kid, so, among these things that you are good at, which one of these things is your favorite?" Shen Long asked, "Is it because you like it that you start trying, or is it because others want you to learn, so you Study hard?"

Mr. Mu Shanying fell into a brief silence. This question is a bit difficult for a fifth-grade elementary school student to answer. Fortunately, Shen Long did not embarrass him. “A person will only concentrate on what he really likes. Devotion, but your life is still very long, and some are slowly groping. It’s not a bad thing to be exposed to more things at this age."

The second person who came in was Fat Tiger. As soon as he came in, he touched his head and smirked, "Hey, teacher, my study is actually not very good, but I still have some strength. If you have any chores in the future, you can still give it to I will do it, and I will definitely be able to do it."

Fat Tiger’s younger sister Gang Tian Jizi was a little shy when she came in, "Old... teacher, actually... I really like drawing comics, I want to be a cartoonist! But it seems so difficult, I don’t have much confidence. "

"It's always good to have a dream. In fact, I also know a little about comics, and I may be able to provide you with some trivial opinions in the future." Oh, I have read a lot of comics, and I am definitely an expert in this aspect.

As soon as Koogawa came in, he gave a gift and said according to his parents' instruction, "Teacher, thank you very much for providing such educational opportunities for our children in Nerima District..."

"Ah, there is no need for this." Shen Long gave in, asked a few questions, and asked Xiaofu Guchuan to go out with a gift. This made his parents a little worried. Dr. Shen would not refuse us. Right?

"Teacher, do you want to listen to me playing the violin?" Soon after Yuan Jingxiang entered the room, there was a melodious violin sound.

"Wow, Shizuka is really amazing." Nobita's starry eyes appeared.

"Well, it's Schubert's "The Ode to Our Lady". Although it is an entry-level song, Shizuka is already very good at reaching this Nobita is a little bit disappointed when he is a talented man. , He only thinks it sounds good, but a talented person in a wooden sweater can tell the origin of the song, maybe he is a man more suitable for Shizuka than himself?

After a while, Yuan Jingxiang came out happily, "Ms. Shen is so amazing! I only pulled two syllables wrong, and he heard it out, and he corrected my movements!"

Shen Long is a big man who held a solo concert at Carnegie Hall. What is it to point out a primary school student?

"Ms. Shen also has a lot of research in science! You deserve a PhD from Yale University!" Chu Mushan Yingcai echoed.

"He also has a lot of strength, and he is very good at sumo and judo." Fat Tiger said.

These words made Yebi Yuzi more and more nervous, and Nobita must not be eliminated.

"Next, Nobita Nobita!" At this moment, Shen Long shouted in the office, and it was finally Nobita's turn!

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