All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2553: It's a waste to have children

The latest website: "Nobita, come on!" Doraemon raised his small fist to cheer Nobita Nobita, while Nobita Yuko managed to squeeze a smile, "Nobita, go, mother believes in you." Although on weekdays He often scolds Nobita, but in Yebi Yuzi's heart, he is still his favorite child.

Nobita Nobita walked into Shen Long's office tremblingly, and Shen Long smiled and greeted him to sit down, "Nobita Nobita, right? Don't be too nervous, let's just chat."

"Ohhhhh~~~" Nobita couldn't help crying, "I can't do anything well. I often get zero points in exams. Every time I swing my baseball, I lose everything. I am awkward, unresponsive, lost everything... I was bitten by a dog , Being chased by a fat tiger, eating Mushan vinegar, being squeezed out by the husband...I'm just a waste!"

Do you want to say what you can't do, unfortunately the first place? Didn't you expect you to know yourself quite clearly? Shen Long walked to Nobita and sat down, touched his head, and handed a tissue to let him wipe his tears.

In fact, you are not a waste. You are a sharpshooter?? The Pirate King?? The Sun King?? The Demon Slayer?? The pioneer of prehistoric civilization?? The protector of the dinosaur civilization?? The guardian of Yaxing?? Wangwang rescue Who? Terminator of Bermuda Civilization? Little Star Revolutionist? Leader of the Animal Star Resistance Army? The solver of the platinum labyrinth? The captain of the space team? The patron of the winged clan? The creator of the parallel universe? The mediator of plant and animal civilizations?? Sinbad’s best friend?? The builder of the kingdom of clouds?? The oldest true **** in Japanese civilization?? The mediator of silicon-based and carbon-based civilizations?? Atlantic and Pacific Ocean bottom Civilized asylum and savior?? Nobita?? Wild comparison.

"Yabi-kun, do you know? Actually, I have been a waste in the eyes of others since I was a child." Shen Long said, thinking of his own past. Before he got the system, he was actually just like Nobita Nobita. Although the results are not as bad as Daxiong, but not very good, at best it can be considered good or bad.

Not very good at sports, too. She is thin and from a mediocre family background. Although Daxiong has not experienced such frequent bullying as Daxiong, she has not experienced it.

There is no special skill that can be said. The game is very mediocre. I rarely win the love of girls. After graduation, I just barely maintain my life...

Although these seem to be very far away things, Shen Long still feels very emotional when he speaks, "... But even if I was so wasteful, there were many good friends. When I first came to the Moon Terrace that day, Isn’t it fun to see you guys playing games in the open space? Even though Fat Tiger will bully you and the husband will play tricks on you, you should still treat them as friends? Or you won’t be playing with them all the time, right? "

"Really?" Nobita stopped his tears and became confused. It seems to be so. I remember the last time the husband fell into the water. I didn't hesitate. I couldn't even remember that I couldn't swim and I jumped into the water to save. It's the same with him and Fat Tiger. Every time I use Doraemon's props to bully him too much, I always feel uneasy.

Looks like they are the same, right? When someone from outside came to bully me before, Fat Tiger would stand up for me, even though he was beaten by others because of this, he didn't complain about me.

"But...but you seem to be amazing now? Although I don't know what a doctor is, but they all respect you, you should be a great person, right?" A new question emerged.

"That's because I found a way that suits me!" Well, I actually turned on and ran into the system, but you were also forced, Doraemon might be better than my system.

"Actually, every child is a genius. Having children is a natural waste, but they haven't found what they are good at! Nobita, I believe you have done a good job, right?" Shen Long asked.

"As for me, it seems that I have never lost the rope!" Nobita flashed a light in his eyes, and then dimmed again. "But this seems to be useless, right?"

"No, no, no, it shows that your space geometry imagination ability is excellent. It is a great talent to find a reasonable route plan in the shortest time!" Let him go to design the overpass and say It may be quite appropriate, and absolutely will not come up with an anti-human design like the Xizhimen Overpass.

"My Othello also seems to be good. The husband couldn't beat me last time." Nobita thought of another advantage.

"Look, you really have a good place, but you just don't have confidence; people like you and me, shouldn't they have received any praise since childhood? They are always criticized, and over time, they become less and less convinced that they can do it. Good thing!" Shen Long continued to console.

There are countless shortcomings in happy education in the United States, but one thing is absolutely worthy of praise. Teachers habitually praise students for every advantage, which makes it easy for people to become confident. Of course, not all teachers can do this and can do this. A little teacher is also a minority in the United States.

"Just that is not enough, right?" Nobita asked.

"It doesn't matter, I am best at discovering the shining points of each child. As long as you are willing to come to me and study hard, I will definitely be able to tap your strengths!" Dear, do you want to be a shooting Olympic champion or a god-level comic editor? Just tell me, I promise to train you into a talent, you are still very good in these two aspects.

But if you want to learn to you should choose a rifle. For pistols, forget it. According to your age, you will only be twenty when you are in the Los Angeles Olympics. I don’t want you to compete with Xu Haifeng for the championship. .

It’s not bad to be an expert in plant and animal research. Don’t you go to the Environmental Protection Agency as a nature investigator in the future? You like animals and plants so much, you must really like this job, right?

"Come on, I'll send you out. Today's interview should be almost over." Shen Long pulled Nobita out. Seeing the tears on Nobita's face, Nobita Yuko and Doraemon were very worried.

"It's okay, Teacher Shen is a good person! I said a lot of moving things!" Nobita said with tears.

"It’s getting late, then, everyone, let me announce the candidates for the training class, Ikushu Yingcai, Takeda, Koo Oukawa, Shizuka Genta, Kiko Gota, and Nobi Nobi. ! These classmates will come to me for training from tomorrow after class!" Shen Long said.

As for Anxiong, Haruo, Jiarisaka and so on, forget it, the supporting roles are not human rights.

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