All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2561: Oolong Police Station

"Oh? Did Daxiong find any interesting comics? Take me to see!" Five hundred flag heads just passed by, and he came over with interest when he heard Daxiong's words. He didn't think Daxiong could find anything awesome. The comics just wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Shen Long and let him say a few good things to the comics club in the newspaper.

""This is the police station in front of Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward"? What a long name!" Wubaiqitou took the manga and glanced at the name first, then looked at the author's name, "Akimoto, I haven't heard of it!" It should be a newcomer, but the style of painting is very ordinary."

   Looking at the inattentive appearance of the five-hundred flag head, Shen Long muttered secretly, if you let this comic miss out of your own hands, then you wait to be expelled from the comic club! This is the most serialized comic work in the history of your comics club. It has been serialized for forty years in one go. It has been published 1960 times in total, and there are as many as 200 monographs!

Such vigorous vitality is enough to prove the popularity of this manga. Perhaps everyone hasn’t heard of the name Akimotoji very much. "This is the Kameari Park Police Station in Katsushika District" does not seem to be well-known, but it is replaced by a translation. Many people probably know the name that came over.

   This cartoon is called "Oolong Police Station" in China! As the name suggests, it is the police station that specializes in oolong incidents. This comic tells that the Kameari Park police station in Katsushika was originally just an ordinary small police station under the Katsushika Police Station in Tokyo, but since about 20 years ago, An unparalleled police officer who is super troublesome and a joke maker-Ryojin Kanji was dispatched to this place, Kameyou is a small place because of his existence, and it is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are countless Oolong disturbances.

Because of this trouble, the police station in front of the park can not only cause trouble to the Metropolitan Police Department, but also the world’s number one oolong policeman who can go up to the Tiangong and go down to the prefecture. Japan is “famous” and has become the “Oolong Police Station” familiar to the public. "!

This is a classic comic with a strong ability to attract gold. The total sales volume of single books is second only to One Piece and Dragon Ball, reaching more than 142 million copies. (One Piece, 200 million copies (Volume 1-60), ranking No. One; Dragon Ball is second with 152 million (all 42 volumes); third is Oolong Police Station, with 142 million (1 volume-171 volumes)).

   was later remade into a TV series, starring by star Shingo Katori. Shen Long originally thought that Nobita would not be able to dig out a comic that was eligible to be published in a magazine. Who knows that when people do it, they will be Wang Bo! It's just that he was a little puzzled, remembering that this comic seemed to be serialized only in 1976, so why did it appear early? But after thinking about it seriously, it seems to understand.

Although "Oolong Police Station" has been serialized since September 21, 1976, it takes a certain amount of preparation time for the publication of any work. The editor communicates with the cartoonist to determine the overall style and outline of the comic, and then there is still Manuscripts, publications of magazines, etc., did not go well a little bit, and one year passed quickly.

"Hahahahahaha!" Shen Long was thinking about it, and the five hundred flag head over there laughed while watching the cartoon, "Oh, this manuscript is really interesting! I really don't know what the author thinks. Yeah!"

   This is a funny and funny comic. If you don’t even have the ability to make editors laugh, how can you conquer the audience, and then serialize it for forty years!

   Wubaiqitou watched and laughed, drew the editors around to watch the excitement, and then even the editor-in-chief was alarmed, "Hey, Wubaiqitou, what are you doing here!"

"Editor-in-chief! Sorry! This manga is really funny! So I couldn't hold back it for a while!" Wubaiqitou quickly apologized, and then passed the drawing with both hands. "Although the style of the story is not stable yet, the protagonist Our personality is also a bit fierce, but still can't hide its charm. This comic definitely has the potential to become a hot spot! I think we should sign it!"

"Oh? Really?" The serious-faced editor-in-chief took the draft, and before the serious expression remained for thirty seconds, he laughed like a five-hundred flag head, "Ahahahahaha, this protagonist is too Funny!"

When the editor-in-chief finished reading the manuscript, he patted the shoulders of the five-hundred flag head vigorously, "Well done, you can find this manuscript, it shows that your manga appreciation level seems to have greatly improved, this is definitely a great For works with potential, you should hurry up and contact the author to understand his idea and outline, and if appropriate, sign up for publication as soon as possible!"

"Um, uh... uh, in fact, this comic was not discovered by me." Wubaiqitou scratched his head embarrassedly, and pushed Nobita to the editor-in-chief. "It was Nobita who found this comic in the submission. , He thought it had great potential, and he showed it to me!"

   Hey, I'm really sad. I have been to the comics agency for so long and I haven't found such an excellent comics. Why did he meet him when he came over? Five hundred flag heads are beginning to be jealous of Nobita, is this lucky?

   No, maybe not luck! Five hundred flag heads looked at the paper that Nobita put on the It was filled with the scores for each drawing, most of which were failing scores, and the drawing that was scored was indeed None of them can pass the editorial review, which shows that this kid does seem to have an eye for manga appreciation!

   With such a keen eye and such good luck, this guy definitely has the talent to become a gold medal editor! What an enviable ability!

"Huh?" The editor-in-chief was stunned. He originally regarded Daxiong's experience of editing life as a joke. He didn't expect that he would produce results just a few days after he came here. To be honest, such a promising comic work will last a year. He might not be able to produce one, but he discovered it.

   can let such a small child be responsible for contacting cartoonists, maybe it will irritate them? So the editor-in-chief thought for a while and said, "Well, five hundred flag heads, you should be responsible for this comic! When you communicate with the author, you can bring Nobita! Dr. Shen, shouldn't it be a problem?"

   "No problem, is it one of the editors' jobs to contact a cartoonist? Just don't take too much time!" Shen Long agreed with a smile, then patted Nobita on the shoulder, "Good job!"

"Hey, hey, teacher, so this manga I found should be published in the magazine?" Nobita smirked and touched his head. He is already preparing to wait for the magazine to be officially printed, and show it off to his friends .


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