All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2562: This is me

"At the level of this work, as long as the author is willing to cooperate, it is only a matter of time." Wubai Qitou said confidently, "I will contact the author and wait for the visit, if you are interested in Daxiong, You can go together."

   "Eh, is it really okay?" Nobita was excited, and now he could finally show off at school. He could not help but start to make up for the scene where he was envied by his classmates at school with a comic book.

  I didn't dare to be sloppy when I encountered such a good work. I contacted Qiu Benji as quickly as possible, and then took Nobita and Shen Long to visit Qiu Benji's home.

Akimotoji was raised by his mother when his father died when he was nine years old. He began to draw comics in the third grade of elementary school. After graduating from high school, he became an animator. He tried to join the old bug production company, but he failed the job test of bug production. Under the introduction of Insect Production, he entered Dragon Son. Now Akimoto’s financial conditions are still very tight. He has pinned all his hopes on the book "Here is the Police Station in front of Kameari Park in Katsushika District." The response was extremely excited.

"Please come in, please come in, Simi Masai, the humble house is really not what it looks like, I made you laugh!" At the same time, he was also a little curious. Generally speaking, when you meet for the first time, just come to an editor. Why are you here this time? How about so many people? And there is a kid, why is he here?

"Teacher Qiumoto, next is the editor of Jiyingsha 500 Qitou." Wubaiqitou handed the business card with both hands, and then began to introduce, "This is Teacher Shen, Teacher Shen is a doctor of education from Yale University, and this kid is Nobi Nobi. Teacher Shen’s student."

   Now Qiu Benji is even more puzzled, why is there another doctor of education? My comic is not an educational theme, right? But 500 Qitou soon resolved his doubts.

"Ms. Shen is experimenting with a new educational model in Tokyo, focusing on discovering the talents of each child. He found that Nobi-kun has a certain talent in manga appreciation, so he asked Nobi-kun to practice in the company. As a result, your work was Yebi-kun discovered it and gave him the highest score. After reading it, we admired Yebi-kun’s talent. If it weren’t for Yebi-kun, maybe your work would not be discovered by us for a while!"

"Nani? Thank you so much!" Akimoto stunned, and immediately bowed to Nobi Nobita to thank you. I don't care if a child can evaluate manga. As a manga artist, what is it to the person who discovered his work? I can't be grateful, my hard work for so many years has finally not been wasted!

   "Hey, hey, I'm very happy to see such an interesting comic! By the way, are there any new drafts?" Nobita smirked, touching his head.

"Of course, of course!" Qiu Benji hurriedly got up, went to take out all his saved manuscripts, and then thought about it, first handed it to Nobi Nobita. Although it seems that this five hundred flag head is his own editor, it seems Is it more suitable for him first?

   Wubaiqitou started chatting with Qiu Benji to learn about his experience. Nobita looked at the manuscript and laughed from time to time, "Hahahaha, hahahaha, this guy is so interesting!"

   "Hey, why is it gone so soon? When can I see the next issue!" After Nobita finished watching, he was still a little bit unsure.

   Then Wubaiqitou took it and read it. After reading it, he commented, "It is indeed a rare masterpiece. If Mr. Qiumoto has the will, I want to sign a contract and start publishing it as soon as possible."

   "Yes, of course I do!" I have worked so hard for so many years, so that this is the day? Qiu Benji could not wait to take out the pen and start signing the contract immediately.

"I have brought the contract." Five hundred flag heads didn't want to let go of such a good work. They brought the standard contract a long time ago. After signing, they talked about the manuscript. "Although this is an excellent work The work, but some details still need to be revised slightly, Nobita, do you think there needs to be revised?"

"In fact, it's already very good. This is almost the most interesting comic I've seen. It's...that is, the protagonist's character is a bit too irritable, and he uses violence at every turn. I think it's a bit not good." Often bullied Nobita, naturally hates violence.

"This is also the consensus of our editorial department. In addition, the personalities of the two important characters, Nakagawa and Reiko, are completely different from those of gentlemen and ladies from rich families. Their daily habits and settings are a bit contrary to each other. There won't be too much problem, and these changes can be published immediately." Wubaiqitou added.

   "Actually, I also think the protagonist's personality is a bit awkward. As for the second question." Akimamoto scratched his head embarrassedly. "You have also seen me here. I also imagined the life of a rich gentleman and lady."

"It's okay. In this respect, I will provide you with the necessary help. First, I will give you some information in this area. If the opportunity is suitable in the future, you can also take you to some upper-class gatherings for you to observe." These are all trivial matters. child.

Akimotoji started the revision on the same day, and quickly passed the review of Nobi Nobita and Wubaiqitou, and then "Here is the Kameari Park Police Station in Katsushika District" appeared in Shueisha's ace magazine "Weekly" at the fastest speed. Juvenile Nobita got the sample before the release.

   As soon as the sample was received, Nobi Nobita eagerly got it to school to show off, "Wow, isn't Weekly Shonen Jump until tomorrow? Why did you get it so soon, Nobita?"

"Hey, here are the comics I recommend! Here, it's this "This is the police station in front of Kameari Park in Katsushika District"." Nobita pointed to the picture on the cover and said, the five hundred flag heads gave Akimoto a big Closed push.

   "Nobita, you brag again!" Other people don't believe it.

"It's true, Nobita has been doing internships at Shueisha these days!" Both Sugi Ideki and Yuan Shizuka testified for Nobita, and Fat Tiger subconsciously wanted to grab the manga to read it, but when he thought of Shen Long's teaching, he put his fist away. "Hey, Nobita, lend it to me after reading it!"

   "Uh, okay!" Nobita almost didn't react, Fat Tiger wanted to read my comics, so he would use the word borrow?

The big guy watched the comics around Nobita, and was amused by the plot. Soon the content of the first issue was finished. When it turned to the last page, the big guy cried out in surprise at the same time, "Hey, this People look like Nobita!"

   "That's right, this should be me?" Nobita was stunned when he looked at the last page!


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