All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2577: Woodman's Spring

   Directly, this cassock was even more luxurious than Tang Sanzang's. The female fairy in the pool flicked away, and she suddenly gave birth to a thousand radiance and glory, and everyone in the temple dazzled their eyes.

   The old monk stood still on the spot, and his mouth couldn't help but drool. The apprentice hurriedly took his arm and shook it a few times, "Master, master!" The old monk woke up from shock.

   "Female Bodhisattva? But are you asking me?" The old monk knelt on the ground with a thud. Is this the Bodhisattva who sees me being pitiful, so he came to give me a robe?

Shen Long, Monkey King and others were peeping nearby. When Monkey King lost his robes, he changed into the appearance of an old monk with seventy-two changes. Therefore, the fairy in the Woodsman's Spring regarded him as a person who lost his robes and took them. The better robes came out and asked.

The Woodman’s Spring is a prop from Greek mythology. As long as you throw something into the spring water, the spring goddess will take out the same but more advanced things, and ask if you fell into it, and to be honest, he will wait until this. It’s a high-level thing, but if you lie, you won’t get anything. Unlike myths, the things that fell in can’t be taken back whether they lie or not.

   Shen Long had already spread the Woodsman's Spring in the pool, waiting to see the excitement. He felt that with the greedy character of the old monk, it was not hard to guess what decision he made.

"Is this the robes you lost?" The fairy in Quanzhong asked again. Everyone looked at the fairy in weird appearance, but they didn't think much about it, because the goddess and bodhisattva in the Buddhist family also have many ways of dharma, which is more strange than this. It's not without it.

   "Female Bodhisattva, this is the robes that the little monk lost!" The old monk now only had this robes in his eyes, and subconsciously replied.

   "The liar deserves to be punished, and I won't give you anything!" After speaking, the fairy in the spring slowly sank into the pool. Without the ray of light from the robes, the surroundings of the pond suddenly became dark.

"Ah!" The old monk sat on the ground with a thud. Guangzhi and the others wanted to jump into the pool to **** the robes out, but some were afraid. Before they could react, they heard a sound of wind behind them, and Sun Wukong said. His feet kicked the old abbot into the air and fell into the woodcutter spring.

   Before the monks could react, they heard a sound on the surface of the water, and the female fairy in the spring floated up again, holding the old abbot in her hands, "May I ask if you lost this kind and generous old abbot?"

   "No, what we left behind is the greedy and stingy old abbot!" Shen Long smiled, standing by the pool and replied.

   "It's really an honest person, then this kind and generous old abbot will give it to you!" After saying that, the fairy in the spring returned the old abbot back.

   "What the **** did I do? There are so many people around me who have no food and clothing, but I have built the Guanyin Temple so luxuriously, which really violates the Buddhist way of compassion." The old abbot began to confess for himself.

   "Old Abbot!" Guangzhi looked dumbfounded, what the **** was going on? Is it really a bodhisattva manifestation?

"Go down too!" Sun Wukong flew again and kicked Guangzhi into the Woodman's Spring. After a while, the fairy from the spring appeared again, "May I ask if you lost this witty and kind monk? ?"

   Shen Long continued smiling and replied, "No, the one I left behind is a cunning and vicious monk."

   "It's really a kind person, then this witty and kind monk will be given to you!" So Guangzhi was thrown back again, and then went to repent with the old abbot.

"Master, what a magic weapon is this?" Monkey King was also frightened. This thing has completely subverted his three views, but he still can't care about these at the moment. He and Xiao Bailong are doing the same. All the monks kicked it down, and then one by one, either greedy or vicious monks, turned into kind and generous monks.

  In the cartoon, Woodman's Spring turned the violent fat tiger into the kind fat tiger. Is it reasonable to turn these bad monks into good monks now?

Look, this is much better. Shen Long nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a gust of wind, and a dark man came down. It was the old abbot’s friend, the black bear spirit. The black bear spirit was a little strange. "Old abbot, why are you so refreshed today? Could it be that the Dharma is also diligent?"

"The poor monk received the enlightenment of the Great Bodhisattva today. I know that there are so many things that shouldn't be done in the past, but fortunately, it is still too late to change it. Tomorrow morning the poor monk will open the mountain gate to help the people around! Goodness is.” The old abbot was a bit of a monk today.

   The Black Bear Spirit couldn't help but start to think, he was a monster born by nature, and he had no way to practice the first-class methods. After listening to the old abbot's words today, I felt that he would have gained something.

   Shen Long didn't bother them, and he put away the Woodsman's Spring and took Monkey King and the rest to rest. In this case, the black bear spirit wouldn't be reduced to Luojia Mountain as property management, right? It's also a good thing.

   "Master, what a magic weapon are you? May I show it to my grandson?" Monkey King looked at the woodcutter's fountain stacked in Shen Long's hands with curiosity in his eyes.

  Shen Long smoothly took Monkey King’s wishful golden cudgel and turned it upside down in his hand, “Throwing this treasure into the spring water, maybe it can get better. Would you like to try it?”

"Master...Master! This stick weighs 13,500 can you hold it?" Monkey King almost stared out his eyes. Master, you are not a mortal body. What?

   "Hehe, if it weren't the case, how dare you say that you stepped on the Lingshan Mountain and Broken the Sky! Wukong, do you want to try it?" Shen Long was ready to open the Woodsman's Spring and threw the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick in.

   "Let's just... forget it, old grandson is used to this stick." Sun Wukong quickly snatched the Ruyi golden hoop and hid it in his ears, for fear that Shen Long would throw it in.

   "Haha, rest so early, I have to hurry up tomorrow!" At the same time, he muttered in his heart, what would happen if he snatched the magic weapons from those monsters and threw them in? For example, how powerful will the banana fan and diamond bracelet be thrown in? This thing is simply a magic weapon upgrade magic! If there are more magic weapons accumulated, maybe you can really win the Tathagata.

The next morning, after Shen Long and the others woke up, they saw the monks in Guanyinyuan put away their gorgeous monk robes, and they wore unusually plain clothes. They came out of the temple gate, carrying food bags or holding cloth. To relieve the people around, the old abbot set a table at the door, and a young monk set fire to make medicine next to him, as if he was preparing to give the people a free medical consultation.

  Well, does this look like a monk? It's much stronger than the greedy appearance of the past, but I don't know if Guanshiyin Bodhisattva likes you now?


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