All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2578: 2 brother

  Farewell to Elder Jinchi and so on, Shen Long and Monkey King, Xiao Bailong continued westward, after a while, Monkey King couldn't help asking, "Master, the robe can't be brought back?"

"In fact, it's still there. The one that was thrown down is just a change." This is the fault of the Woodman's Spring. Once you tell a lie, you can't get it back, but Shen Long was prepared to copy it with a copy mirror. After wearing a robes, what Sun Wukong threw in was actually copied, not the real one.

   "That's good, if I really lose it, my grandson will inevitably feel guilty." Sun Wukong's words made Shen Long admire, and being able to say this proved that he was convinced by himself.

   "Hey, I am obviously a cultivator, and I should be so obsessed with things outside my body. I really shouldn't." Xiao Bailong also sighed, wondering if he remembered the Ye Mingzhu burned by him.

  When you pass the Liusha River in the future, you and Monk Sha must have a common language. As a general of the roller shutter, you were beaten to earth because you missed a glass cup and were knocked down. The experience of both of you is the same.

The masters and apprentices traveled on a barren road for five or seven days. Suddenly, the sky was going to be late. They saw a village from a distance, and the master and apprentice watched intently. The truth is: dense bamboo fences, dense huts, towering wild trees welcoming the gate, The Qushui River Bridge reflects the households; the willows beside the road are surrounded by green trees, and the flowers bloom in the garden. At this time, the evening shone in the west, and there were noisy birds and birds everywhere in the mountains and forests; the smoke came out in the evening, and the roads turned to cattle and sheep; and the corners of the house where the chickens and pigs were fed sleeping, the drunk neighbors sang.

   Wukong praised, "Master, please do, it must be a good family in the village, and it is a good place to stay."

The master and apprentice entered the village and saw a young boy with cotton cloth on his head, wearing a blue jacket, holding an umbrella backpack, squeezing trousers, and a pair of three-ear sandals on his feet. He walked arrogantly out of the street and stepped forward and asked. Fan, it was the talent Gao Taigong sent to find the mage to catch the demon. Wukong laughed and took the matter up. The master and apprentice went into the village to meet Gao Taigong.

Gao Taigong talked about the origins of the monsters. He originally had three daughters. The first two were married to the descendants of the village. The third hired a son-in-law. "He said he was from a family on Fuling Mountain, his surname was pig, and he had no parents. I have no brothers, and I would like to be a son-in-law with someone. I always see that he is such an unfettered person, so I recruited him. When I entered the door, I was diligent: plowing and raking the ground without using cattle gear; harvesting the fields , Don’t need a knife and stick. It’s faint, but it’s just one thing, some will change their faces..."

   Hehe, although the second brother has thirty-six changes that can conceal his identity, it is a pity that he will return to his original form when he eats and drinks more, and he probably scared the people of Gao Laozhuang.

After listening to Gao Taigong's words, Sun Wukong showed some abilities and took over the trick of catching monsters. Everyone came to the backyard together, opened the door lock and rescued Gao Cuilan. This Gao Cuilan looks a little haggard, but overall it looks good, Shen Long After inquiring, I learned that Senior Brother No. 2 didn't treat her harshly. He just married a monster, and Gao Cuilan couldn't accept it for a while.

   "Wukong, I'll leave the matter to you!" Shen Long showed Gao Cuilan the prescription of Zhang Yangshen, and asked Gao Taigong to take medicine for her to adjust her body, leaving Monkey King in the backyard to catch the demon.

Gao Taigong thanked him for his gratitude, and invited Shen Long to the front yard to drink tea. While drinking tea, Shen Long talked to him about the doorway of farming. He heard Gao Taigong nod and praise him, "The elder is not only the spirit of Buddhism, but also proficient. Agriculture, it’s really amazing!” Hey, it’s a pity that my Cuilan has already been married. Otherwise, I persuade the elder to return to the vulgarity and marry Cuilan to him. My Gaojiazhuang will definitely become richer and more prosperous. All of Zhuangzi's covered it.

The next morning, Monkey King came back to report, explaining the origin of the monster, "That monster is not a mortal evil monster, nor a mountain monster. He was originally the Tianpeng marshal Linfan. He said that he took Xiang as his surname and called the name Zhu Gang. ."

After that, he blamed Gao Taigong, "You don’t know where you are. That stranger once said to me that although he has a big bowel, he has done a lot of good things with you after eating some tea and rice at your house. In the past few years, he has earned money. Many family assets are his power. He never ate your food for nothing and asks you how to get rid of him. According to him, he is a lower realm of gods, who does work for your Ba family, and has never harmed your daughter. I think. Waiting for a son-in-law, Yemen is the right one. He doesn't ruin his family's reputation and humiliates his behavior, so he should be kept."

   Gao Taigong shook his head again and again, only to think that this matter was unsightly. Shen Long said, "Since it is Ling Ai's husband-in-law, why not invite Ling Ai out and see how she speaks?"

"If Ling Ai still wants to be married to that pig Gang, the poor monk will explain his origin to the people in Zhuang, and it will not make Tai Gong face dull; if Ling Ai has other ideas, then my master and apprentice Take this pig Gang away!" Gao Taigong said nothing after listening.

Sun Wukong rose up again and went to the Yunzhan Cave on Fuling Mountain to catch the demon. During the fight, Sun Wukong revealed his identity and purpose. Pig Wu could hear that he was following the philosopher to go to the west, so he quickly grabbed it and went back to Gao with Sun Wukong. Homestead.

   Gao Taigong saw that Zhu Wu could no longer be mad when he was drunk, he was also delighted, and was a little reluctant for a while. Shen Long asked Gao Cuilan to come out and ask. Although Gao Cuilan refused to speak, she still felt nostalgic.

So Shen Long began to ask the second If you can guarantee that you will not be drunk and show your true face from now on, and you will not disturb the people in the Quartet, the poor monk can make peace for you and let the people know you. Not a monster, you can still stay in Gao Laozhuang. "

Zhu Wuneng hummed twice, then twisted and said, "Why don't I want to, but I was punished by the Jade Emperor and was thrown into the mortal world and thrown into a pig. How can I see people like this? Now that the Guanyin Bodhisattva said, then I I’ll just go with you for a while, maybe I can restore my original appearance, if I can’t get it, I’ll come back halfway.”

   After he said, he handed his hand to Gao Taigong, "My husband, you still treat my **** family well, I'm afraid that when we can't get through, we can return to the vulgarity and live with you as a son-in-law."

Mrs. Gao sighed and greeted everyone to set up a banquet for them to practice. After the banquet was over, a gold and silver plate was delivered. Shen Long only asked him to take some unfinished dry food to take away. New clothes, his old clothes were torn by Monkey King in the fight, so he said goodbye to Gao Laozhuang and continued to the west.

   "Brother Brother, Brother Second Brother, how far do you have to go to Xitian? Don't wait for me to get back from the scriptures, my wife is old!" After a while, Zhu Wuneng began to talk.

Hey, I haven't noticed this problem yet. In the novel, Xiao Bailong has always appeared as a white horse, but now he is in human form. Zhu Wu can treat him as his own disciple, so Zhu Bajie can't be the second brother. .


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