All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2583: Flower blooming cup

"One word is final!" The two high-five, and Zhenyuan Daxian thought in his heart, there are many magical medicines in this world that can heal people, and if you want to save the ginseng fruit tree, I am afraid that only Guanshiyin Bodhisattva mutton fat jade bottle The water is gone. This person's westward journey was originally Lingshan's plan. As long as he can find Guanshiyin, it won't be a problem.

   However, Shen Long had no plans to let Monkey King go to Luojia Mountain to find Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. You found Fulushou Samsung and Guanshiyin. They still can't eat ginseng fruit? Let's save Zhenyuan Daxian Province!

"Master, this is a disaster that I have caused. Let the disciple go find someone. Even if he looks around the corners of the world, he must find someone who can save the ginseng fruit tree!" Monkey King felt very guilty, and his impulsiveness caused the teacher. .

   "Hey, you don't need to find someone, just remember this lesson!" No wonder Bodhi Patriarch didn't let you mention his name, because you have the energy to cause trouble, everyone is afraid of it.

Shen Long took out a wooden bowl from his fourth-dimensional pocket. The wooden bowl was filled with things like wood ash. Shen Long handed the wooden bowl to Monkey King, "You take this bowl and fly to the garden and sprinkle the ashes on the ginseng fruit tree. Go!"

"Master, this thing is useful?" Monkey King did not see the wooden bowl and wood ashes for a long time, but Zhenyuan Daxian had the same idea. I can't feel this thing at all. Bring my ginseng fruit tree back to life? Are you trying to tease me?

"Let you go, you can go, you are too long!" Shen Long flicked his sleeves, Monkey King did not dare to say more, went straight to the garden, and everyone followed him into the garden. When they arrived in the garden, they only saw the ginseng fruit tree. Falling into the ground, the soil opened up and the roots appeared, the leaves fell and the branches withered, and they couldn't be saved no matter what.

Sun Wukong endured his doubts, set up somersaults, and flew into the air. He took out the wood ash from the wooden bowl and sprinkled it on the ginseng fruit tree. As soon as the wood ash fell, the ginseng fruit tree came alive, and the green branches and green leaves were in the garden vigorously. There are a lot of 24 ginseng fruits on the tree.

There were originally thirty. Before Zhenyuan Daxian left, let Qingfeng Mingyue beat two to Shen Long to eat. Shen Long took it and shared it with his disciples. Then Sun Wukong stole four more, and the brothers shared the food together. , So there are twenty-four left, one more than in the novel.

   Zhenyuan Daxian was originally stroking his long beard. When he saw this scene, his hands trembled and he almost pulled off his beard. This wooden bowl of wood ash looks unusual. Why does it have such a magical effect?

What surprised him was still to come. I saw the ginseng fruit tree that originally bloomed for three thousand years and once blossomed for three thousand years. Suddenly it bloomed, and between the flowers blooming, another six ginseng fruit appeared, and then matured into a child-like appearance. , Swaying with the wind in the treetops, exuding bursts of fragrance.

"I had eaten six ginseng fruits before, and I just came back now!" Shen Long said with a smile and bowed to the Great Immortal Zhenyuan. If it hadn't been for this ginseng fruit tree could only bear 30 fruits, maybe it could grow more. Many, hey, it's really a pity, it should be Sun Wukong riding on the fruit tree and it hasn't blossomed yet, so he should quickly knock down all the remaining fruits.

   But it’s a bit too greedy to do so. It seems to be inferior in the eyes of others. Besides, I have other methods to get more ginseng fruit, but I am not in a hurry.

Zhenyuan Daxian's face blushed. "This incident was originally my negligence. I didn't expect that there were more disciples on your way. That's why it caused so many things. I apologize to you all!" Yuan Daxian twitched.

   "As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Since it is a misunderstanding, it is all right." Shen Long laughed and brought all his disciples to the Zhenyuan Great Immortal again.

   "What a magic weapon is this virtuous brother? Not only can it save the ginseng fruit tree, but it can also make it bloom again?" Zhenyuan Daxian asked. After this incident, the relationship between the people has increased a lot.

"My treasure is called a flower blooming cup. As long as the ashes in this cup are scattered, no matter what tree can bloom, even the injured and fallen tree can be saved!" Once the Nobita family was going to the park. Looking at the cherry blossoms, I didn't expect that a strong wind would blow all the cherry blossoms down. In order not to make the family sad, Doraemon took out this prop, but Shen Long did not expect it to be used here.

Zhenyuan Daxian was very happy, and hurriedly ordered to take the golden hammer, knocked down six fruits, and invited everyone to return to the palace to have a personal fruit meeting. The small immortals then adjusted the tables and chairs, laid the Dan plates, and asked Shen Long to sit. At the top seat, Zhen Yuanzi accompanied him in the front seat. Several apprentices sat on the left and right sides, each eating a ginseng fruit.

   "It's a pity that this ginseng fruit can't be kept for a long time, otherwise I will give a few to Xian brother to eat better on the road." While eating the fruit, Shen Long and Zhenyuan Daxian opened a case to worship their brothers, and now they want to be called brothers.

"My little brother came to the door for the first time, and I haven't given a gift to my elder brother." Shen Long took out a jade bottle from his arms. This jade bottle looked ordinary, but it contained something unusual. It was the fairy water that Shen Long brought out from the secret of Shangri-La. , This thing is just right for Zhenyuan Daxian.

   talked about the magical effect of this fairy water, Zhenyuan Daxian took it over and studied it, "the aura in this is quite abundant, and it seems to be innate aura, the gift of virtuous brother is great!"

   Zhenyuan Daxian is even more I have accepted such good things from others. What gift should I return? Is it possible for me to give him the book from the ground? Fortunately, Shen Long didn't let him struggle for long, so he smiled and said, "If it is convenient for my brother, can you give me a few leaves of the ginseng fruit tree? I have another magical use."

   "If there is Brother Xian, what are the few leaves worth mentioning? If it is convenient, how can Xian Brother take all the ginseng fruit trees?" Daxian Zhenyuan quickly ordered Qingfeng Mingyue to take a few leaves.

After    took it back, Shen Long took out a small pot from his arms. The pot was painted with flowers on the outside, with a circular **** in the middle, surrounded by a circle of scales, and the words Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter were written beside it.

   This item is called an ecological plant pot. It only needs a few leaves, and no matter what kind of plant, it can be planted out of the pot.

Shen Long took the leaves of the ginseng fruit tree from Qingfeng Mingyue, threw it into the jar, and then turned the knob, and saw a ginseng fruit tree seedling popping out of the jar, growing continuously with Shen Long's rotation, only for a while Kung Fu grew to be the same size as the ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuang Temple, blooming and bearing fruit, and thirty more ginseng fruits grew on the tree.

   Zhen Yuan Daxian couldn't help but twitching his eyes. My ginseng fruit is a treasure in the world comparable to flat peaches. There is only one plant in the world. Why does he come here and just make one more plant?


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