All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2584: Bone Essence Kui Wood Wolf

"Oh, I don't know what the ginseng fruit looks like when it grows up?" Shen Long turned the **** of the ecological plant pot twice. There are 6/1, 3/1 to 2, 3, 6 scales around the knob. After scaling the plants to a certain ratio, Shen Long turned the **** to the 3 position.

The ginseng fruit tree continued to grow vigorously as if it were alive. In a short while, it grew to three times as high and three times as thick as the original tree. The tree was originally more than a thousand feet tall, with a circle around the roots. Now it has become more than 3,000 feet high and more than 20 feet in circumference. The ginseng fruits that were originally like a fat child look like a little sumo wrestler.

   "God, my old pig has always had a big belly for such a big fruit, I'm afraid I can't finish any of them!" Zhu Bajie sat down on the ground, looking at the huge ginseng fruit, saliva flowed all over the floor.

   I drop a good boy, a tree more than a thousand meters high, this is probably only the mythical world, right? In the real world, the tallest tree is an Australian almond eucalyptus tree with a height of 156 meters. The ginseng fruit tree in front of Shen Long is more than six times taller than the Australian almond eucalyptus tree, and it is more than the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa. It is more than two hundred meters high.

"If this is to climb up to pick the fruit, I am afraid that people are starving to death and have not yet climbed!" Zhu Bajie saw that his neck was about to break, and Qingfeng and Mingyue were also muttering, "This is a golden striker that is so big that it can move. What size tray does it take to catch it?"

"Oh, it seems a bit too high, let's reduce it!" Shen Long then turned the **** again to reduce the ginseng fruit tree to the smallest possible size. The ginseng fruit tree, which was originally more than a thousand meters high, shrank rapidly, gradually becoming only a dozen. The meter is high, and it looks as tall and short as an ordinary pear tree. As for the original ginseng fruit as big as a pear, it is directly reduced to the size of a cherry tree.

   "It's not enough to stuff my old pig's teeth between his teeth," Zhu Bajie hummed aside, regretting not picking a big one just now.

   "Well, it's not convenient to carry such a big tree on the road! Let's change it back to the original!" Shen Long pressed the close button again, and the ginseng fruit tree disappeared, leaving only a few leaves in the jar!

   "The magic weapon of virtuous brother is really interesting!" Zhenyuan Daxian is now in a complicated mood. I really gave him a ginseng fruit tree? No, it seems that a leaf can turn into a tree. So, if he wants to, wouldn’t it be okay to have as many ginseng fruit trees?

"I have a few more of these things, if my brother wants to take it!" Shen Long generously handed over the ecological plant pot, next time Sun Wukong went to the heaven, let him pick a few flat peach leaves, yes Now, you can also go to Fu Lu Shou Sanxing and pick some fire jujube leaves back, but you can't let go of any fairy species in the world of "Journey to the West".

   By the way, if you have the opportunity to enter the world of "Dragon Ball" next time, you must remember to bring back some of the leaves of fairy beans; where are those magical plants in the world I have been to before? Shen Long thought about it in his mind.

   Zhenyuan Daxian didn't want to agree, but this thing is really amazing, different from all the magic weapons he has seen, so the old face blushed, "It's disrespectful to be such a brother!"

   Zhen Yuan Daxian kept their masters and apprentices in Wuzhuang Guan for a few days before letting them leave. The masters and apprentices left and went on the road, and saw a high mountain. Shen Long saw the wind and wind on the mountain, and knew that there must be monsters.

Sure enough, when Shen Long was resting in the col, he saw a daughter with a beautiful face, beautiful eyes, white lips and red teeth, walking over with a green sand jar in his left hand and a green magnetic bottle in his right hand. When Ba Jie saw that he was born handsome, the idiot moved Fanxin and couldn't help talking nonsense, and exclaimed, "Bodhisattva, where are you going? What is in his hand?"

   The woman replied repeatedly, "Elder, I have fragrant rice in the green pot and fried gluten in the green bottle. I have come here for no other reason, because I still vowed to be a monk."

When Ba Jie heard the words, he was full of joy, hurriedly pulled away, ran a piggy wind, and reported to Shen Long, "Master! Ji people have their own rewards! Master is hungry, he obviously has the good fruit but does not eat it, so he has to be a teacher. Brother went to Huazhai, the monkey did not know where to pick the peaches and went to play tricks. The peaches were eaten too much, and it was a bit noisy and a little bit falling. Do you think that a monk is here?"

   Shen Long sneered several times, "Hehe, how can someone from such a wilderness, a weak woman, can climb such a high mountain? I can tell at a glance that she is not a human! Where to escape, prepare to catch the demon!"

Zhu Bajie wanted to explain a few more words. Xiao Bailong and Sha Wujing didn't care about him. They got Shen Long's order and started immediately. The monster was panicked for a while as if running away, but when she turned around, she saw Monkey King swinging an iron rod and falling from the head of the cloud. To escape by using the primordial spirit to escape, I did not expect that the soul would be trapped in the flesh, and could not escape in a hurry.

   The big sacred stick got up and defeated the demon, and cut off the aura with one stick. The woman showed her original shape after her death, but there was a bunch of pink skulls there, and there was a line on her spine called Madame Bones.

"Bajie, your problem of obsessing with female **** is still hard to fix, so you have to grow your memory! Wujing, give him the burden, let him pick the way first!" Although you haven't had time to wish for Sun Wukong this time, it is a problem. But I can’t get used to it. I must give some Let Sun Wukong wait to go to Mrs. Bone’s cave, clean up the little demon, and distribute the property to the surrounding people. The masters and apprentices continued on the road and passed Baihuling. Suddenly I saw the forest hills in the area. It was really a vine climbing a ge, Bai Cuisongqing.

   came out of the pine forest, suddenly raised his head, and saw the golden light twinkling on the wall, and the color was radiant. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a pagoda with the golden dome shining. This is the setting sun, reflecting the golden dome.

   came under the tower gate and saw a bamboo curtain hanging in it. Monkey King took a few steps forward and opened the curtain with a golden cudgel. He saw a demon sleeping beside the stone bed.

   This monster has an indigo face, white fangs, a big mouth, and tangled temples on both sides, draped obliquely with a light yellow robe and a shining steel knife.

   This monster woke up from his sleep and saw the monkey carrying an iron rod in front of him. He felt quite familiar. For a while, he couldn't help blurting out, "Ah, Bi Ma Wen is here!"

   Monkey King hated Bi Ma Wen the most in his life. When he heard this word, his teeth creaked, and the monster quickly raised his knife to deal with it.

   "It looks like a good old man!" Zhu Bajie laughed.

   Ha ha, what's so funny, this monster in yellow robe can still recognize Monkey King, even if you stand in front of him, he might not recognize you as Marshal Canopy, right?


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