All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2585: Why is the heaven not allowed to fall in love (thanks to Xiao Yuke’s Wan...

The yellow robe monster also has some ability, and it is comparable to Monkey King, but it is much more powerful than when Monkey King made a fuss in the Heavenly Palace. There are also reasons for thinking about it. When in the Heavenly Court, there were other two wolves beside Kui Mulang. Seventeen stars, there are so many celestial generals, everyone can deal with it, why bother to go out and attract firepower?

   Unless it is a situation where you are fighting alone, like Wang Lingguan, you can only fight with Monkey King. Other times, it is better to preserve your strength and work within the system. Sometimes being too pushy is not necessarily a good thing.

  After going down to the world, there are no other people around, which is equivalent to leaving the job without pay to start a business. Can you not go all out? This mood is different, not to mention that in the hole behind Huangpao Guai, his beloved Princess Hundred Flowers is still living.

Since he came out of the Five Elements Mountain, Monkey King hasn’t been so enjoyable before. The most intense fight before was the fight with King Huang Feng. However, he didn’t like guns and sticks, so he liked the air blow, which made Monkey King unable to play. Now he is on par with Huangpao Monster, but he feels happy in his heart.

"This monster, his knife, can also withstand Lao Sun's stick; when Lao Sun throws a flaw with him, see if he can recognize it." The good monkey king, holding the stick in both hands, made a high horse explorer. Possibly, the yellow robe monster doesn’t know how to do it. Seeing that he is free, he dances with a sword, rushes down three roads and slashes, being turned abruptly by the walker, picking up his knife, and making a leaf to steal the peach Looking at the goblin with a stick on his head, he hit him without a trace. He hurriedly took the stick and looked around, and the goblin was gone.

   Monkey King was shocked, "My son, I can't help but hit it, and it's gone. If it is killed, there is some pus and blood in the good way, how can there be no trace? I want to leave."

  Concentrating on the journal, I saw a white jade slab placed horizontally on the front door, with six large characters engraved on it, "Banzishan Boyuedong". The Drifter said, "Brother, this is a fairy cave. We ran to the monster's den."

   "We smashed his gate and copied his wealth!" With Monkey King behind, Zhu Bajie was quite courageous. Holding the palladium, he stepped forward and shouted, "Open the door! Open the door!"

However, the Huangpao Monster was quite jealous of Monkey King, and he dared not open the door for a while, and Shen Long said, "Wukong, it is better to find the land of the local mountain **** and ask about the origin of this monster. If there are repeated crimes, he will enter the cave to understand him. That is, if there is no evil, I will let him go."

   "Follow the name of the master." Monkey King pinched a hand and detained the local mountain god. The mountain **** hurriedly saw the ceremony, "Meet the Great Sage of Monkey King!"

Zhu Bajie hummed repeatedly, and he just went to see the Great Sage Qitian, so he would not come to see me, the marshal of the canopy, but when I think about what I look like now, there is only a sigh left in my heart. Hey, it looks like this. It's normal if you can't stop coming.

Monkey King asked the mountain **** to explain the origin of the monster. Even though the mountain **** was afraid of the yellow robe monster, there was a more fierce guy in front of him. He was helpless and could only tell clearly, "This monster is not a mortal, it was originally one of the twenty-eight star kings of the heavens. The Kui wood wolf, with boundless power and high martial arts, fell in love with the jade girl who served in the temple of incense. It is a strange thing for Sifan to occupy the mountains in the lower realm. She was taken to be born as the princess of Baoxiang Kingdom. Husband and wife."

   "No wonder I recognized my old grandson!" Sun Wukong waved his hand when he heard the words, let the mountain **** go, and then asked Shen Long, "Master, what shall I do now? I heard that this strange thing seems to be nothing bad."

   This yellow robe monster has been here for thirteen years, why haven’t the heavens found it yet? This reason is actually not difficult to guess. One day in the sky and one year under the ground, it’s only 13 days after the Nakui Wood Wolf descended to the earth. Kui Xing is in the west, and he is the leader of the Western White Tiger Star Region, so he Be late, leave early or not need to go to work at all if possible.

The number slipped down and turned around, and asked the brother of the 28th night to take care of him. It is estimated that he would flicker by. Shen Long thought about it and replied, "Although this monster is not evil, it has been 13 years away from the father and daughter. Something is wrong. The king and queen of the treasure elephant country will definitely miss his daughter. You will continue to call the door and ask the princess Baihua Shame what she wants."

"If she has a lot of complaints about Kui Mulang occupying herself, then let them separate. I will wait to **** the princess back to Baoxiang Country; if she really likes Kui Mulang, then continue to let them stay in this Wanzishan Boyue Cave. Staying together is just that, every new year, at any rate, I have to go back to Baoxiang Country to pay a visit, lest my parents feel sad."

   "The master said it was reasonable." Zhu Bajie hummed again, wondering if he thought of Gao Cuilan in Gao Laozhuang, hey, when can I go back to reunite with Cui Lan.

Hey, in fact, the relationship between Kui Mulang and Princess Baihuaxiu is also a bad relationship. Baihuaxiu is the reincarnation of the Maid of the Phixiang Temple. After drinking Mengpotang, he can't remember the things of his previous life, but Kuimu wolf is in the flesh. I remember everything clearly.

   He loved the princess Baihua ashamed to the extreme. The principal let Tang Seng leave, and he responded, "What matters. I want to eat people, don't you get some food there? Let him go."

   You must know that this is Tang Seng meat, but the beloved only said one thing, and the yellow robe monster responded to the princess without any hesitation.

   After Wukong returned to Zhizhi demon, turned into a princess, and excused his heartache, Huang Pao immediately took out the inner alchemy relic to treat his wife, which shows that he really likes Baihua ashamed.

  Of course, there were times when he was angry. After he let go of Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie and Monk Sha came to look for trouble again. The Huangpao monster was furious and suspected that Baihua was ashamed to inform him.

"You **** bitch, you are totally unrequited! I brought you here, let alone talk. The brocade you wear, the gold you wear, and the lack of things I look for. It works at four o'clock, and loves every day. You Why do you just miss your parents and have no feelings about couples?" Turn around a blue indigo hand the size of a dustpan, grab the golden branches and jade leaves, and pull the princess forward, hit the ground, holding a steel knife, and come to find a sand monk Confrontation.

Fortunately, the sand monk’s mouth was hard, the yellow robe monster lost the knife, and held the princess in both hands, saying, “It’s me who was so bitter for a while, and there was a lot of collision, no wonder." She was gentle and pleasant, and coaxed her in.

Please sit down and accompany you again. The princess is a woman of the family. Seeing that he was wrongly respected, she changed her mind and said, "Langjun, if you miss the love of the couple, you can relax the rope of the sand monk a little bit." Hearing this, the younger ones untied the rope and locked it there.

   It is estimated that Huangpaoguai’s anger is more because the princess Baihuaxiu cannot remember the feelings of the previous life. Then, why can't they fall in love in the fairy world, they have to come to the lower world?


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