All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2586: Said the marriage princess returned home

   It seems that this heavenly court is more strict about dating, at least more strict than high school. You are like Yang Jian’s parents who are in love, the Three Madonna and Liu Yanchang are in love, and the Cowherd and Weaver Girl are both punished.

Shen Long estimated that there may be two reasons. The first is that the aura between heaven and earth is limited, and the number of gods must be limited, otherwise it will be unsustainable. If the gods fall in love and give birth to children, can they not let the children be gods? The number of immortals will increase, eventually leading to a decline in spiritual energy.

There may be another reason. The Eastern immortal system is different from the Western immortal system. Most of the Eastern immortals are mortals who have become immortals through practice or accumulation of merit, while the myths of ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and Northern Europe. Most immortals have blood. Relationship, the quota of heavenly gods must be reserved for these people.

"Master, then I will call the door!" After seeing Shen Long nodding, Monkey King waved the golden hoop and went to smash the door again. The yellow robe monster didn't want to play against them, but Monkey King's golden hoop was not vegetarian. Seeing that the cave door was about to be unable to withstand it, Huangpaoguai had to come out again with a knife to prepare for a fight with Monkey King.

   "I said no wonder you recognized me, it turned out to be Kui Mulang descending to the earth!" I didn't want to wait out of the cave, but saw Monkey King standing there with his arms folded, and he didn't mean to do anything.

"Hey, do you ever recognize me? I'm Marshal Canopy?" Zhu Ba asked with his pig nose ringed, and then pointed at the Drifter, "The one over there is the General Roller Blind, who counts as acquaintances, I wait Follow the master to Xitian to learn the scriptures."

"You take your scriptures, I live my life in the cave, our well water does not violate the river water, if we renew the old, there are wine and vegetables in the cave, if it comes to trouble, I am not afraid of you!" Huangpao strange face is still wary .

"Hey, I said you guy, you don’t take what I’ve been waiting for as a donkey’s liver and lungs." Zhu Bajie said, patting his stomach. Isn’t Zhuang He’s wife and father-in-law and He Meimei more happy than you are in a cave?"

Bah, you are ashamed to say that your old husband has asked us to catch you pig demon, Shen Long secretly sipped, and the pig bajie continued, "If we talk about this fight, we may be on the same level, but who should we talk about? If you understand the younger daughter’s intentions better, you are far behind my old pig! Come here, my old pig will teach you well!"

   Ha ha, with me in front of me, is there any qualification for others to teach this? Shen Long sneered in his heart, how much can your girl have mine? The yellow robe monster was confused by them. You told me this after smashing the door for a long time?

   I guess the Huangpao monster is also muttering in his heart now, when did the dignified Great Sage Qitian and the Marshal Tianpeng become the aunt of the neighborhood committee? Do you need to take care of our private affairs at home?

"You two have a marriage in a previous life. It's not a mistake to say it, but it's not right to be separated from the father and daughter. If you are willing to talk to the princess Baihuashao for a good life, then accompany her back to see your parents. That's it, we will take our scriptures, and you will live your life in Poyue Cave. If you don't want to, then I can only save the princess back!" Shen Long said.

   "My master is also kind, don't mistake yourself!" Zhu Bajie hummed.

   Huangpao monster is holding a knife in a dilemma, hit it, I really can't hit these people together; don't hit it, go back and talk to Princess Baihuaxun, will she come back when she goes home?

   "It's a marriage in a previous life, don't you have any confidence in the princess?" Shen Long saw his thoughts and said vigilantly.

   The yellow robe monster pondered hard, and then sighed, "It's nothing, it depends on the fate of the two of me, please, please!"

   The monster in yellow robe welcomed them in, and then greeted his subordinates, "Go and invite the princess and the children!"

Soon after a while, Princess Baihuaxun came out with two children with red lips and white teeth. Kui Mulang and Princess Baihuaxun gave birth to their children, but they were much better than Zhu Bajie. Princess Baihuaxun brought the children to the ceremony, "Langjun, these men Yes?"

   This man called well, this man is really a wolf, Shen Long secretly smiled in his heart, and then folded his hands to bow to Princess Baihua Shame, "Amitabha, the poor monk came here to talk about marriage!"

Seeing Shen Long's handsome appearance, the princess Baihuashao had a good impression. Then, when Shen Long talked about her long-term marriage with Kui Mulang, she couldn't help but believe a little bit, "I was taken captive by him that day, I just thought he I am greedy for beauty, but I didn’t expect this to happen."

"When I think of the past mountain alliance and each other, the princess can't remember. Kui Mu Xingjun has been hurt every day." Shen Long sighed and continued, "So I will be a peacemaker today. If the princess still likes Xingjun, then I will Let Xingjun send you back to Baoxiang Country, reunite with your parents and sisters, live for a few days, and then return to Boyue Cave. In the future, you will come and go during festivals, just like other couples."

"If you don't want to, then it's easy to say, I will personally **** you back to the treasure elephant country, Xingjun will return to the heavens! After that, I will not harass you!" Shen Long spoke for a long time, and then set out two paths. .

   Princess Baihuaxie struggled a little, "Although Lang Jun looks ugly, but he has nothing to say to me. In these years, except for not allowing me to go home, everything else can be said to be compliant."

   " I'm afraid you won't go back and leave me alone!" Kui Mulang quickly explained.

"Now that the child is so old, even if I can afford you, how can I be willing to accept these two children!" Princess Baihuaxun hugged the child tightly, "Since it is the guarantee of the holy monk, then I will believe it and you will take it with me. The child will go back to see his parents, and then go back to the mountain to live a good life! It's just that you look ugly, and I'm afraid it will disturb the father and the queen."

   "What's so difficult about this? What do I look like?" Huangpaoguai changed his body and became a handsome person. Fengshen is really a strange man, magnificent and majestic.

   I saw the princess, she was very happy, and said in her heart, how good would it be for you to look like this in the cave? Now that this matter has been said, the yellow robe monster began to prepare, and the next day he took the princess and the child to the Kingdom of Baoxiang.

  Meeting the king, the Huangpao monster claimed to be a family from the Wanzishan Boyuezhuang in the east of the city. He has been good at bowing horses since he was a child. By coincidence, he saved the princess and became a married couple.

   After more than ten years, I finally saw my daughter. The king's family was naturally moved. Looking at the son-in-law's appearance and character, he was top-grade, and even some dissatisfaction quickly passed away.

   Seeing their family reunion, Shen Long quietly left Baoxiang Country with his disciples. In any case, it was a good deed to save the lives of the two children this time!


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