All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2611: Korainonji Temple

The four people marched westward, traveling for a long time, and it was the winter dying. It was the day of the three springs, and everyone found themselves in the spring, followed their horses slowly, and suddenly saw a high mountain in the middle of the road, looking far away from the sky. .

Sun Wukong went to investigate and return, "Master, there is a monastery where I went, but I don’t know why it is a bit fierce in the light of Zen. Looking at this scene, it also looks like thunder, but the roads are different. In that room, you must never enter, for fear of being murdered."

Shen Long knew in his heart what monster this was, so he smiled, "The former Japanese teacher Shakyamuni Buddha was alive, and he has lectured for forty-nine years, and everyone who deserves it will be saved; Bo Xun, the demon king, saw Buddha Shakyamuni. I have saved many people, so I came to distinguish with the Buddha. The Buddha can deal with it freely. Only the last wave said, "When you are at the end of the Dharma, I will ask my disciples and grandchildren to mix into your monk treasure, wear your robes, and destroy yours. Buddhism; they misinterpreted your scriptures and broke your precepts to achieve the goal that I cannot achieve by force today... "The Buddha heard the words of the devil for a long time without words. After a while, two lines of tears slowly flowed down."

"This place may have been transformed by the disciples of that wave and used to slander my Buddha's reputation and corrupt my Buddha's reputation. Since we have already encountered it, if we don't get rid of it, I am afraid that this servant will become bigger." This place must be the little thunder of the yellow eyebrow monster. The temple is here. This guy was originally the boy who knocked the bell from the laughing monk of the Eastern Buddha. He turned a hammer from the hammer into a short mace; he stole two treasures of gold and the race bag when the Buddha was not at home. , The lower bound becomes fine.

   He set up such a big battle in Xiaoleiyin Temple, and conquered so many monsters. He would definitely do things that hurt the world and reason. Wouldn't it be too cheap to let him return to the east of the Buddha? That’s why Shen Long had these remarks. If you want to clean up this group of people, you must have a righteous name. At that time, you will first put a big hat of the disciple of Bo Xun on the head of the yellow eyebrows, and see that the Eastern Buddha Laughing Monk will return What can I say?

After hearing this, if Sun Wukong and others enlightened them, they said after a long while, "This time we went west, most of the monsters we encountered along the way were followed. It seems that it is not just the disciple of the West Tianling Mountain who has entered Bo Xun. It's not necessarily clean either!"

Speaking of the Heavenly Court, Shen Long remembered another interesting thing. The King Unicornis here was very disappointed in the face of the Western Heavenly Buddhas, and when he came to the Huangmeiguai, he gave a severe lesson to the generals of the Heavenly Court. After losing the face of Tianting, it seems that Lingshan and Tianting are also screaming at each other in this respect.

The decision was made. Everyone walked under the mountain gate. They looked closely and saw the four characters "Little Leiyin Temple" written on the plaque. After entering the second-story gate, they saw the Tathagata Hall and the treasure platform outside the gate. Below, there are five hundred arhats, three thousand Jiezhe, four vajra, eight bodhisattvas, bhikkhunis, upasai, countless holy monks, and Taoists. The real one is also beautiful with fragrant flowers and colorful aura.

When the Bajie and Drifting saw the soft legs, they knelt down to pay respect. Shen Long and Monkey King didn’t move at all. Monkey King looked at it with fiery eyes and saw the true and false, so they took out the golden hoop and shouted, "You A gangster, very bold! How can you falsely rely on the Buddha's name to corrupt the Tathagata! Don’t leave!"

Sun Wukong's two-handed wheel sticks, stepped forward, and only heard a ding in the air. He left a pair of golden hoops, put Wukong with his head and feet, and put them inside the golden hoops; Zhu Bajie and Sha monk suddenly panicked. Bai Long quickly guarded Shen Long with his sword.

   "Don't worry, I'll save your big brother from here! You are blocking these little monsters!" Shen Long gave an order, and the three apprentices used their weapons to block the monsters that turned into Arhats and King Kong.

Monkey King was entangled in the golden ring. He was so dry and sweaty. He arched left and right. He couldn’t get it out. He was so anxious that he would beat the iron rod around. Breaking through the golden kook, then twisting a tactic, it grows thousands of feet high, that golden bleach is also as long as he is, without any flaws and bright, and then twisting the tactic to lower the body as small as a mustard seed , That 铙 will also be small, and there are no holes.

I couldn’t take it off again and again. When I was anxious, I suddenly felt that a big hole appeared in Jin Kuang, so he hurriedly got out of the hole. After he came out, he looked intently and saw that Shen Long was smiling and retracting a golden circle into his arms. No matter how tight, it is useless to pass through a wall circle. This thing is simply the nemesis of magic weapons such as Zijin Gourd, Yujing Bottle, and Jinxi.

   "Huh!" Monkey King picked up the golden hoop and hit the cymbals with a bang, just like crashing a copper mountain and opening the golden studs. It's a pity that a Buddhist instrument was beaten into a thousand pieces of gold! Shen Long was not in a hurry, and when he smashed it, he hurried forward, collected the broken gold, and prepared to use it after repairing in the future.

The monster saw that his baby was crushed to pieces, and even the broken gold was rolled by Shenlong, so he was itching with hatred. The monster king held a grudge, and greeted him with a short soft mace, "Sun Xingzhe! Good men can’t go far and fly! Go ahead and fight me three times!

I saw this monster with its headless golden hoop; bare With two yellow eyebrows erected, and a mace in his hand, it looks like a beast but not as good as a beast, but looks like a human but inhuman, and Monkey King stands tall Jin Gu Bang shouted, "What kind of monster are you, you dare to pretend to be Buddha, occupy the top of the mountain, and set up a small Leiyin Temple!"

The monster said, "This monkey doesn't know my name, so he offended Xianshan. This place is called Xiaoxitian. Because of my practice, I have obtained the righteous fruit. God bestows me on the treasure pavilion. My name is Huang Meilao. Buddha, people here don’t know, but they call me King Huangmei and Grandpa Huangmei. I have always known that you go west and have some means, so I set up the image to show you the power to lure your master in and make a bet against you. Get past me, spare your master and apprentice, and let you wait to become a true fruit; if you can’t, beat you to death and wait for me to see the Tathagata to learn the scriptures.

   Monkey King laughed and said, "The fairy does not need to be Haikou. If you want to gamble, come up and lead the club!" The demon king eagerly pushed the mace against it, and the two fought into a ball.

Zhu Bajie waited to see the big brother escape, so he vigorously beat the little monsters to pieces. Seeing that the situation was wrong, the yellow eyebrows made a mace with one hand, holding a golden hoop, and one hand went to the waist. He immediately unwrapped a piece of old white cloth and put it in a bag, and tossed it up, with a slippery sound, and put Shen Long's five masters and apprentices in a bag.

   "Haha, kids, let them unload their strength in the bag first, and I will take them out and steam them later." Then arranged for life to boil water and wash the steamer to prepare Shen Long's apprentice.

   "Master, what should I do now?" Zhu Bajie panicked suddenly!

   Monkey King was calm and abnormal, "Master, get out your baby circle soon!"

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