All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2612: Kill yellow eyebrows

"It's not busy or not, this monster has some ability, I can't wait to rest in this bag for a while, wait for him to sleep and then come out to kill him!" Shen Long said calmly, if there is no gold It’s not a problem for Monkey King to get rid of the yellow eyebrow monsters. I am afraid that Maitreya Buddha will take too long to intervene.

   If he rushed over in time, it would not be so easy to kill the yellow eyebrow monster, so it had to happen suddenly, so Shen Long decided on such a strategy.

"Master, although this method is good, we can't stand it! Since entering this bag, my old pig has become weak and weak. If I stay here, I'm afraid it will turn into a mass of pus and blood!" Zhu Bajie Feeling abnormal.

At the same time, they also heard the yellow eyebrows say outside, "My baby, as long as I put people in, it will become soft and numb, and my skin will become wrinkled. Let them suffer more torture inside before letting them out. I lost my strength, and then poured it out and tied it with a string, and slowly concocted it."

   After saying this, he began to instruct the little demon to wash the steamer, light a fire and boil water, prepare to set up a banquet to eat Tang monk meat, the little demon under him sent all kinds of flattering prices, and the yellow eyebrows were happy and laughed.

   "Master, let's go out quickly, otherwise, wait until we are completely exhausted, and then we can only go to the steamer!" Zhu Bajie became more anxious after hearing this.

"No hurry, no hurry, I have a way to keep our strength!" After saying that, Shen Long took out a new item from the fourth-dimensional pocket, but it was a thing that looked like a gun, and snapped it at Monkey King. When I triggered the trigger, I heard biubiu, and a beam of light enveloped Monkey King's body.

   Then he aimed the light at Zhu Bajie, Xiao Bailong and Monk Sha, and finally gave himself another shot. After the irradiation was over, Monkey King and others immediately regained his strength, and he was alive and kicking in the bag, seemingly unaffected.

This item is called environmental adaptation light. As long as it is irradiated by this light once, it can adapt to various harsh environments. Whether it is swimming in volcanic lava or traveling in space, it is no different in normal times. It's just right in this kind of place.

"Hey, the master's magic weapon is really amazing!" Zhu Bajie turned his sorrow into joy, "This place is comfortable, neither hot nor cold, my old pig sleeps for a while, and I will call me when I'm going out!" He stunned. The yellow eyebrow monster's acquired bag was used as an inn and hotel, and when he found a corner, he snored.

Shen Long is quite speechless. You have a good mentality. You can fall asleep wherever you are; he shook his head, took out the fragments of Jin Yu from the portable space, and irradiated it with restoration light, Jin Yu returned to its original shape. , This is a good baby, no matter how you have to leave a backup, um, the bag is the same the day after tomorrow, and you will copy it when you go out.

   After doing this, Shen Long narrowed down the wall and opened a small peeping hole in the bag the day after tomorrow to peep out the situation outside. I saw that the old man with yellow eyebrows was busy with the triumphant commander.

   Shen Long whispered to Monkey King when he saw this, "You let your sleepy bug out, bite him twice, let him fall asleep and let us go out, and you will kill him with a golden hoop as soon as you go out!"

"Master, this is not my grandson's method, as long as I don't have this bag, my grandson can't beat him!" Sun Wukong groaned, and he was a little reluctant. After all, this kind of sneak attack really lost him. The face of Monkey King.

"If not, you can't kill this monster with yellow eyebrows! He is not a monster without heels! He is the boy under the seat of the Laughing Monk of the Eastern Buddha. If you fight with him for three to five hundred rounds, it is estimated that the Eastern Buddha At that time, you can only watch people take him away like you did when you met King Si before!" Shen Long sneered. If you just send someone to try it, you can see. Look at what these monsters have done to the surroundings. The kitchen is full of blood, and I don't know how many lives they have killed here!

   It's so cheap to make the monster with yellow eyebrows come back. Isn't it too cheap for him? Let him pay with his life! After Sun Wukong heard this, he was very entangled, and finally figured it out. If the yellow eyebrow monster is allowed to go away, he will lose more face. In that case, it is better to listen to the master and kill him with a stick!

He pulled out a few vellus hairs from his body and turned into sleepy bugs. He flew out along the small hole trapped in the wall and bit twice on the neck of the monster with yellow eyebrows. The monster with yellow eyebrows reached out and scratched twice. I couldn't help yawning a few times, then waved his hand and said, "Xu is a little tired of fighting the monkey just now. I'll go to bed first, and you will call me when you clean up!"

   The yellow eyebrow monster returned to the bedroom, threw the bag on the head of the bed, and then lay down and snored. The snoring sound was like thunder and directly awakened Zhu Bajie!

After waiting for another piece of incense stick work, it was determined that the yellow eyebrow monster had fallen into deep sleep. Then, Shen Long expanded the wall-piercing circle, and Monkey King was the first to get !

"Oh, it's not good!" Above Lingshan, Maitreya Buddha suddenly opened his eyes and yelled, causing all the surrounding Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to look sideways. He quickly asked the reason. Maitreya Buddha frowned and said, "Just now I was suddenly alert. Huang Meitong'er is afraid that he has been beaten to death by Monkey King!"

"Ah? That boy has a golden ring and an acquired bag for protection. How can Monkey King win it?" The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were shocked. They originally wanted Huang Meitong to sweep the generals of the heavens and give Lingshan one increase. The face was coming, who knew that Monkey King and the others had just arrived at Xiaoleiyin Temple, and in a blink of an eye came the news of Huangmei Tong'er's death.

   "Tang Sanzang's journey is quite strange, many things are a little different from what we expected, such changes may not be a good thing!" Guanyin Bodhisattva also thought of the Great Inspiration.

   "Even though Tong'er has gone, my golden hair and the acquired bag have to be taken back!" Maitreya Buddha couldn't bear his magic weapon, so he immediately went to Xiaoleiyin Temple on the lotus platform.

   As soon as I arrived at the Xiaoleiyin Temple, I saw four brothers, Sun Wukong, were slaughtering the Quartet, killing those little monsters so that they were crying and howling. As for Huangmei Tonger, Sun Wukong had already been beaten into a mass of meat.

   "Stop it, stop it!" Looking at the corpse of Huangmei Tong'er, Maitreya Buddha felt distressed, and quickly showed his figure to question Shen Long and the others, "Since you have already belonged to Buddhism, why do you act so harshly?"

   "Are you acting harsh?" Shen Long showed a sardonic smile, and reached out to the kitchen, "These monsters are evil, and they should be damned. Although my Buddhist family talks about mercy, there are times when King Kong is angry!"

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