All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2650: Are you a fighter too

"Boss, I want more!" With such a little effort, Yuri Sakazaki has eaten the buns, and she still wants to have a few more baskets.

what? you still want? No problem, how many times do you want...Oh no, you can have as many cages as you want, what I have here is that Shen Long responded, and started rolling out buns and buns.

"Yuri, why are you the same as Shii Quan Chong now!" Shiranui Wu joked, and the kid Shii Quan Chong likes to eat steamed buns. "But since the buns here are so delicious, maybe we can also tell him that Athena seems to have been recently Are you coming to Tokyo for a concert? Let him come and taste it!"

  Well, I support this. If Shii Quan Chong comes, wouldn't Mamiya Athena also come? At that time you can...Shen Long is making buns while muttering in his heart, what does Ma Gong Athena like to eat? According to the facts, this old woman is quite fickle. She liked strawberry Daifuku cake in New Year, Sakura Daifuku cake in 1999, Maple Leaf-shaped bean cake in 2000, and then changed to sesame powder milk, not specific at all. .

"Xiang Fei did not come to join our team this time. It was her biggest loss. I missed such delicious steamed buns. I announced that Xiang Fei's steamed buns have retreated to second place in my heart. The buns here are. The best!" After eating two more cages, Yuri Sakazaki comfortably touched her belly.

"Xiang Fei will definitely be angry after hearing what you say? She hates people saying that the food in her restaurant is not delicious!" Well, second only to people who ate overlord meals, Fujido Kasumi in 1999 After eating at Li Xiangfei’s restaurant, they were misunderstood to eat the Overlord’s meal. The two fought and caught the attention of KING, and Li Xiangfei joined the female fighter team.

   "Is that the case! If you ask Xiang Fei to come and taste the buns here, she will have nothing to say!" Sakazaki Yuri shrugged, obviously not caring.

"Um, let's forget it! What if she forgets to bring money again?" This brought back bad memories of Mai Shiranui and others. At the end of the 1999 King of Fighters competition, Li Xiangfei said that she would invite everyone to dinner , When eating, everyone saw her ability as a big appetizer, but when it was time to pay, no one brought money, and Li money at all, which resulted in everyone being left to work. Set off.

   I don’t know Huo Wu wants to come together again after such an experience. When he thinks of this, Fujido Kasumi is also silent. After all, this is not a good memory.

   "It's getting late, we should go home! We have to go back to see if anyone has signed up for our team!" After eating and drinking, Sakazaki Yuri stretched her waist and was about to return to the Fujido Dojo.

   "Boss, thank you for the hospitality, we're going back!" Fujido Kasumi came over and prepared to check out. After all, this is near her home, so she should naturally come and treat her.

   "Thank you for your patronage, today is the first day of opening, I will give you a 20% discount!" The price Shen Long quoted is not very expensive, after all, his purpose is not to make money.

   "Boss, do you have breakfast here? Can we come back for dinner tomorrow morning?" Yuri Sakazaki is a little addicted to eating, and Mai Shiranui feels the same way.

"No problem. Come here tomorrow morning. I already know your tastes. I will prepare an early one that suits your tastes!" Come on, come on, let alone breakfast, no problem for supper. Eat After that, just rest at my place, I provide a full set of services here!

"Then it's settled!" The three girls left contentedly, went back to the Fujitang Dojo and opened the email and found out that someone actually signed up, "Shijo Hinako? It seems that I have never heard of it. I should have not participated. The King of Fighters, right? I haven't encountered it in other fighting competitions. I'm still a rookie. I don't know what his skills are!"

   "What kind of martial arts school is she?" Shiranui Mai asked curiously.

   "Looking at the e-mail she sent, it seems to be sumo wrestling!" Sakazaki Yuri somewhat suspected that she had read it wrong.

   "Eh, girls practice sumo, it's rare!" Shiranui Mai was taken aback. After all, in Japan, sumo has always been a man's exclusive.

"In fact, as early as the Song Dynasty, before sumo was introduced to Japan, there were many famous female sumo wrestlers in Bianliang, Tokyo. In ancient times, female sumo wrestlers were a very common thing!" Fujido Kasumi had better than the two of them. Culture, casually uttered an allusion, "I just don't know what the strength of this Miss Shijo is. If we can have the strength of Edmond Honda, we will have a better chance of getting a good place in this competition!"

"I have asked her to come over for the test tomorrow, and I'll know when I compare her with her." Sakazaki Yuri said with a grin, "rest assured, I will control my strength and won't hurt her!" She obviously didn't. Take Shijo Hinako to your heart.

"Then, I'll go to bed first, oh, yes, Xiao Wu, the little brother opposite doesn't seem to be a bad I don't think I need to spy at night, right? Let's have breakfast together tomorrow! "After that, Sakazaki Yuri yawned and went directly to the room to rest. Shiranui Mai and Fujido Kasumi also went to wash separately.

   Hey, why do you have to make more mouths, isn't it good to let Shiranuiwu come over? She didn't want to go back after she came over! Shen Long, who was eavesdropping next to him, felt regretful in his heart.

"Bai Ze, have you found the location of the headquarters of the Yinchao organization? Has relevant information been collected?" When he returned to his residence, Shen Long began to ask Bai Ze. It was a pity to just turn around a girl. There are still a lot of good things in the nest organization, so they can pack it back together.

"The information on biological cloning has been collected and all backed up. The headquarters address is in space. Special stealth methods are used to avoid surveillance by relevant agencies of various countries. Their stealth technology is quite good. I am downloading this information. Information." Bai Zehui reported.

"Very good, continue to monitor and collect information!" Shen Long lay down and fell asleep after the instructions. The first day she came to this world, she met Shiranui Mai, and left a pretty good impression on her. Good head, keep working hard tomorrow, get Shiranui Mai early, of course, other girls can't miss it.

   Woke up the next morning, washed a bit, and started to move his hands and feet in the yard. Before he finished his punches, he heard footsteps outside. He didn't stop, and he still punched there.

   "Hey, boss, are you also a fighter?" At this time, Shiranui Mai's curious voice came from outside the door.

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