All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2651: Participate alone

"Ancient Chinese boxing method, Shen Long!" Shen Long said with a fist, and put on the look inside Ye Wen, showing a bit of a master's attitude, and for a time shocked several girls.

   "Extreme stream karate, Sakazaki Yuri!"

   "Fujido is the ancient martial arts, Fujido Kasumi!"

"Shiranui Ninjutsu, Shiranui Mai!" After the three sisters reacted, they hurriedly responded with the etiquette of their respective genres. They are both fighters, and some basic etiquette are still required. They are all those who have a long history of inheriting the martial arts genre. People, they naturally understand this. After the salute, they looked at Shen Long curiously.

"I didn't see it at all yesterday, I don't know where the boss's martial arts training has reached! What kind of heir is he? Tai Chi? Bajiquan or something else?" Sakazaki Yuri was the most impatient and jumped into the courtyard and said , "Boss, why don't we have a discussion!"

   "No problem, please advise!" It is good to learn, whether it is to learn martial arts or other, I welcome it, and it is fun to play with beautiful girls.

   "I will kill you soon!" Yuri Sakazaki habitually finished her appearance lines, and then launched an offensive. Huhuang fist, Leihuang fist, and extreme Liuyan danced like Shen Long.

Shen Long stepped effortlessly to avoid Yuri Sakazaki's attack, and then walked around behind her. Sakazaki Yuri's speed was too slow for him, and then he hit a big Fumo punch. With her vest, her inner strength was regained at the touch of her, and it directly knocked Yuri Sakazaki away.

   "Yuri!" Kasumi Fujido and Mai Shiranui rushed over, and helped Yuri Sakazaki to check where she was hit, "Yuri, are you okay!"

"It doesn't matter! He regained his strength when he hit me, but it was really frustrating. I was too far from his strength! I can't figure out his depth at all!" Sakazaki Yuri said with his head drooping; Hey, why are you trying my depth? Should be the other way around, right? Shen Long muttered in his heart next to him.

"His movements are so fast. Even when I met Iori-an and Kusunakyo in the previous competition, the difference was not so big, right?" Fujido Kasumi and Shiranui Mai didn't want to try it at all, they weren't of the same grade at all. !

"Is ancient Chinese boxing so powerful? I feel that his martial arts skills should have surpassed Zhenyuanzhai's teacher?" Shiranui Mai said in a mixed mood. In this world, Zhenyuanzhai and Tang Fulu are probably Chinese ancient boxing skills. The deepest person, right? Oh, there are two brothers, Qin Chonglei and Qin Chongxiu, who hold the secrets of "The Secret Scroll of Qin" and have considerable potential, but they do not have the strength of Shen Long.

"Yes! Didn't we happen to be missing a teammate? Why not let Mr. Shen join us to form a team! If Mr. Shen is willing to join us, we will have a chance to win the championship!" Sagasaki Yuri said excitedly, no matter it is Whether it’s the female fighter team or the extreme current team she was in before, she has always played soy sauce in the King of Fighters competition. She has never won a championship. Before 99, the championship was monopolized by Kusunakyo. Jing did not compete, K won the championship.

   Now she seems to see hope, if there is such a strong opponent, then it seems that she can also taste the taste of champion! The thought of this Sakazaki Yuri was very excited.

   "Uh, is this really appropriate? This is the second day we know each other?" Fujido Kasumi hesitated.

   "Yes, and we are a female fighter team? What does it mean to bring a male fighter in?" Andy will definitely be jealous by then, and Shiranui Mai also has concerns.

   Then change the name. I think Shen Long and his harem team are pretty good. Shen Long muttered in his heart and didn't bother them. It doesn't matter if you don't take me. I'll play alone.

"It seems to be the same." Sakazaki Yuri scratched her head. "By the way, I promised the Shijo Hinako-san yesterday to come for the test. Isn't it a good idea to just refuse her? Let's wait until the test is over. Now the most important thing is. It’s breakfast!"

So the proposal came to an end. They began to enjoy the delicious breakfast cooked by Shen Long, "It's so delicious. This time I came to Kasumi's house. If you go to my Shiranuiru dojo, you will miss this one." It’s in store! I really want to know how these dishes are made." Shiranui Mai is already a little addicted to eating.

   It’s okay, if you want to know, I can teach you slowly; after eating, Shen Long served them tea, and then chatted with them, "Are you planning to participate in the King of Fighters tournament?"

   "Eh, Mr. Shen is also interested in this game?" Yuri Sakazaki almost invited him to form a team again.

   "As a fighter, I naturally hope to communicate with more masters!" Master? Hey, I don’t know if all the players in the King of Fighters tournament can play together by themselves!

"It's just that I have been practicing my own cooking and martial arts before, and I don't know much about the outside world. Can you tell me about the King of Fighters competition?" Shen Long asked This will be from 1994. At that time, a fighter named Lucar sent invitations to master fighters all over the world, inviting them to participate in the first King of Fighters..." Shiranui Mai told Shen Long about the history of the King of Fighters. Carl talked about Storm Goniko, and then talked about Yaqi Orochi and Kuricha Power.

"...This year's main match venue is set in South Town. If you are in the preliminary rounds, you can sign up from all over the world; hey, I always feel that this year's match is the same as usual, there are hidden conspiracies. When will the King of Fighters competition become pure Competition!" Shiranui Mai sighed after speaking about the history.

   Sakazaki Yuri was about to say something, when the sound of a car rang out, she suddenly woke up, "Oh, it's time for the appointment with Ms. Shijo, let's go back!"

   "Boss, let's stop here for the first time this time, and we'll come over at lunch." Shiranuiwu has planned to eat three meals a day.

"Wait a minute, are you going to test your new teammates? I don't know if I can go over and take a look?" You have all been to my house several times, and I want to go to your place to check it out, um, I'm not fair yet. I've been here.

   "The humble home is simple, it's good if Mr. Shen doesn't dislike it!" The three exchanged glances, Fujido Kasumi, who is the host, sent an invitation, so Shen Long followed them out to the street.

After    went out, they happened to see a girl with blond hair, cute appearance, wearing a girls’ high school uniform, who gave the impression of a lady at first sight, got out of the limousine.

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