All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2663: Go to south town

Well, Andy really didn’t receive the text message. I asked Bai Ze to intercept it. Shen Long muttered in his heart, Shiranui Wu’s eyes started to turn red slightly. Recalling all these years of experience, Shen Long’s first words appeared again. In her heart, is the love that has been unilaterally given like this really worth continuing?

"Aron, thank you, but you don't need to comfort me like this! Looking back on it seriously, after so many years, I seem to have been taking the initiative most of the time. Maybe I am in Andy's heart, not as important as I think. !" Shiranuiwu sighed, and an outsider would be injured to save me. As a boyfriend, you don’t even show up. What is this?

"Since it's been so many years, there must be a lot of things that you can't bear to give up, right? I can't as well give him a few more opportunities. Sometimes problems between men and women are mostly due to misunderstandings. Just make it clear when the time comes. !" Shen Long didn't start criticizing Andy right away. It would be too much to do so.

After all, I don’t know Huo Wu and Andy have known each other for so many years, and I have only met her for a few days. Just click on it and the rest is to wait for it to slowly ferment. Shen Long believes that this time will not be too long. .

   "Maybe so!" Shiranhuo Wu still looked in a trance, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's concentrate on cooking, there are a lot of people in my family today!"

   "No problem, oh, are you planning to make maple-leaf mantou? I will do this too. I will help you make the filling. You are ready to sit on the dough!" So the two began to work hard.

Shiranui Wu feels that this is probably the smoothest meal she has made. No matter what dish she wants, Shen Long can perfectly help her complete the preparatory work. She only needs to do the most critical steps. It feels so comfortable for a person who likes to cook.

She couldn't help but think back to the time Andy was in Shiranuiyu Dojo. Every time she was busy in the kitchen, Andy was either practicing martial arts or resting in the room. It seemed that she never said that she would help herself, let alone. Such a perfect fit, what if... if Andy could be like him?

   Looking at Shen Long who was preparing the side dishes, Shiranhuo Wu fell into a trance for a while, then shook her head quickly, what on earth am I thinking, we just met!

   "Okay, the last dish is ready, I'll go out to set up the dining table, and the rest of the work is up to you!" Shen Long was also aware of this, and he chose to leave at the right time to give Shiranuiwu more room for imagination.

After setting up the table, Shen Long greeted them to eat, and then brought the dishes with Mai Shiranui. Athena Asamiya looked at her favorite maple-leaf mantou and couldn't help but taste, "Wow, Xiao Wu, yours The cooking skills have improved again, and I really came to the right time! It would be so happy if anyone has a good chef like you!"

"Well, the taste of steamed stuffed buns is also very good!" Zhui Quanchong nodded repeatedly with a steamed stuffed bun in one hand. Hey, the table is full of good dishes. You just stare at the stuffed buns. You can just change your name to Goubuli. Anyway, your character is also human. Dislike the dog.

   "No, actually..." Shiranui Mai wanted to say that the most important filling of Maple Leaf Mantou was actually made by Shen Long, and Shen Long should be responsible for more than half of it.

But Shen Long didn’t wait for her to finish, so he interrupted her, “Yes, Xiao Wu’s cooking skills really have nothing to say. These meals are all made by Xiao Wu himself. If anyone can marry Xiao Wu so virtuous A girl would be so happy to be a wife!"

"Hey, Aron, do you like Xiao Wu? It's a pity that you are late. Xiao Wu already has a boyfriend! But Andy doesn't like these very much, he prefers pasta!" This time Shen Longren I couldn't help but praise Shii Quan Chong, you finally got the right thing once.

"I actually already know it, and I also feel very sorry. If I could meet Xiao Wu earlier, I would definitely compete with Andy! But now, I can only wish them happiness!" Ha ha, rest assured, as long as there is I'm here, you two won't make it!

"I'm not as good as you guys said!" Shiranuiwu lowered her head shyly, and secretly looked at Shen Long from the corner of her eyes, thinking to herself that if I met him before I met Andy, it would be What does it look like? She couldn't help but began to imagine that she and Shen Long were doing scenes where she liked dishes and learned martial arts together every day.

   Hey, sure enough, big beauties like Xiao Wu sister are popular with men, right? For some reason, Fujido Kasumi felt a sense of loss in her heart.

   Hmph, let me see, Aron is much better than Andy, you should change your boyfriend! Sakazaki Yuri talked to her lips, but she still endured it. She is not a person with low EQ like Shii Kenshou, and she knows what to say and what not to say.

After eating, washing the dishes and tidying the table, after the busy work, everyone sat together and chatted about the recent events in the fighting world, and slowly waited for the arrival of the Sound Nest organization, but strangely, until they fell asleep, the Sound Nest organization No one came.

   Woke up the next morning, and everyone analyzed that they might have discovered that the superpower team had also been living in the Fujitang Dojo, so they won’t launch an attack until they have enough manpower!

   "Although the Sound Nest organization is strong, it is not easy to find a man who can defeat our two teams at once, so we should be safe in a short time." Athena Asamiya analyzed.

"This would be great, Athena, you can prepare for the concert with peace of mind, Aron, you can also go to the qualifiers first!" Mai Shiranui said, she and Athena can directly compete without fame. The newcomers can only start from the qualifiers, "We will all go over and cheer for you at that time!"

   "Well, I will qualify for the finals!" Shen Long nodded.

   Then the conversation turned, "However, we have been waiting for the enemy to come to the door, which seems inappropriate! Sometimes we should take the initiative!"

   "But we don't know where the headquarters of the Sound Nest organization is? Colonel Heaton, Ralph, and Lianna have not found it after investigating for a long time!" Zhenyuanzhai said.

"Based on the information you disclosed before, it seems that this year's King of Fighters competition still has the shadow of the Sound Nest organization. Since they have set the finals in South Town, there must be some conspiracy, so maybe you can find some in South Town. Clue." You don't know, I know.

   "So, when Athena finishes the concert and I get the final qualification, let's go to South Town together!"


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