All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2664: Easy promotion

Going to Nanzhen will allow Shiranui Mai and Andy to meet. It is not the best way to keep them out of each other for a long time. After the meeting, the old relationship may rekindle, or it may lead to greater disagreements and break up. Shen Long had made a plan long ago, and he believed that after the meeting, he would give Andy an unforgettable memory.

"My most recent concert schedule is only one in Tokyo, and I can go there right away after it's finished!" said Athena Asamiya. She also wanted to find out from the sound nest organization that Shii Kenshou lost super powers and Bao fell into a coma. the reason.

   "At that time, we will leave in a big way! I believe the Sound Nest organization will also find out! In this way, they will not come to harass the Kasumi's dojo!" Sakazaki Yuri is considering this issue.

   "Then, Hinako, how about you? Do you have time?" Shiranui Mai looked at Shijo Hinako. She was in a complicated mood now. She wanted to see Andy and asked her all the questions early, but she was also afraid of disappointing her.

   "No problem! I will ask for leave with the school. My grades are not a problem. I believe the school will approve it!" Shijo Hinako said. Their family is one of the school's shareholders. It's too simple to ask for leave.

   "It seems that I haven't thought about meeting with my old friend for a long time. I heard that he is also planning to participate in the King of Fighters tournament this year." Jin Yuansai said. In fact, Sakazaki Takuma is one or two generations later than him, right? Of all the fighting families, there should be only Tang Fulu who is of the same age as him. What Sakazaki Takuma and Kusuna Chaizhou are his juniors.

"Then it's so decided, I'll book your tickets! Let's set off the next day after the concert!" Athena Asamiya took out her mobile phone and was ready to order her assistant to buy tickets. The qualifiers for the King of Fighters in Japan are over. Before the start of the concert, Shen Long got the qualifications ahead of schedule.

   Everyone looked at each other and they all nodded, so the matter was decided. Asamiya Athena’s assistant immediately began to book tickets after receiving the call. After a while, they came back to the news that the tickets had been fixed.

A few days later, Shen Long had removed the bandages, but whether it was him, or I do not know Huo Wu, Fujitang Kasumi and others, no one mentioned moving back to the next door. Shen Long still lives in Fujitang Liu's house. In the dojo, every day either prepares meals with Mai Shiranui, or exchanges and competes with these fighters.

Finally, it was time for the qualifiers to start. When they went to register, the organizers did not insist that Shen Long find three more teammates to participate in the competition. Seeing their expressions, I was probably wondering that this guy would be there even if he participated in the competition. Be eliminated in the first round. If so, why bother yourself?

The game officially started. When Shen Long appeared on the field, his opponent was very happy, "Hahaha, we are lucky. The opponent we encountered this time was only one person, not even a teammate! If the luck has been so good. , Say no, we can still make the finals, if that's the case, then we will make a lot of money!"

In this world, the King of Fighters is a competition that has attracted global attention. Players who can be selected for the main event will be sought after by advertisers and the media. Whether it is an interview with the media or signing an endorsement contract, they can bring them Come huge prestige and rich profits.

  Of course, advertisers and the media also look at people. Generally speaking, no one will go to a guy like Iorikan. What if he is pinched to death? Money is important, but life is even more important!

"Hey, don't be careless! Look over there! A lot of people come to cheer for him!" His teammates were not so optimistic, pointing to Shiranui Mai, Asamiya Athena and others behind Shen Long, feeling a little guilty. "He is familiar with so many fighters, maybe he is a real fighter?" If this is the case, then they will fail. After all, the gap between ordinary people and fighters is really too big.

   "Uh, maybe these fighters just happened to watch the game. He should have almost signed his signature in the past?" the captain said uncertainly.

   The game officially started. The first opponent didn't cause any trouble to Shen Long. In less than a minute, Shen Longti slipped up and threw it off the court. The opposing support team didn't even have time to appear.

   When the second player came out, he was obviously more cautious and called for assistance as soon as he came up. However, these were of no use, and the two were dropped by Shen Long one by one.

   The third player simply surrendered when he saw this. He is not as good as the first two. If so, don't lose the face, and it hurts to be thrown from the ring.

   Shen Long won easily without sweating. He felt that something was still in his mind. Zhui Quan Chong ate the steamed buns and comforted him, "The opponent at the beginning is so weak! Maybe it will be better later!"

   It's a pity that the opponents in the second and third rounds were also the same. The opponents were still weak and were thrown off the stage by Shen Long one after another, which attracted the attention of other players in the stands.

"Shingo, this newcomer seems to have a few moments. Maybe he is eligible to enter the race. You have to observe it carefully so that you don't know his strength in the future!" Nikaidou Hongmaru said with his arms folded~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Hey, Kusunakyo still hasn't appeared. In order to find him, he has to participate in this year's King of Fighters competition.

   But now Daemon Goro is busy promoting judo and refused my invitation. K and Maxima, who teamed up together last year, found new teammates. So who should I look for to form a team? I hope that guy's strength can satisfy me! Nikaidou Hongmaru remembered the mysterious invitation he had received.

"If it were me, I would definitely win, but I can't do it so easily, right? The enemies that appeared in the front can't make him serious!" Yabuki Shingo muttered, hey, master, when will you come back? , I want to continue to follow your practice.

   Nikaidou Hongmaru saw Yabuki Shingo’s thoughts, and shook his head secretly. The Kusana clan's martial arts must have the blood of the Kusana clan to exert its full power. If you can't shoot the flames, how can you work hard?

The fourth round, fifth round, sixth round...The game continued, but none of the opponents that could make Shen Long feel difficult to deal with did not appear. Almost all of the opponents would be picked up by him and thrown off the court. Hongmaru and the others were speechless, "Hey, how can this guy love to catch people and throw people away than Daemon Goro!"

   Two days before the start of Asamiya’s Athena concert, the final in Japan began. Shen Long once again defeated his opponent and easily qualified to participate in the race.


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