All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2665: Too spicy eyes

   "Aron, congratulations, we can finally go to the main match of the King of Fighters tournament together!" Shiranui Mai stepped forward and said hi, hey, why am I so happy? Is it because you can appear in the same arena with him?

"Then, when the concert is over, let's set off together! By the way, this is the ticket for the concert. Come and cheer for me together at that time!" Athena Asamiya sent a few tickets, and the surrounding audience were envious. .

Athena Asamiya is the most popular idol singer in the world. Her tickets have always been very popular. Almost every time she is released, she will be robbed immediately. Even fighters like Quan Hun will be there. Injured when grabbing tickets.

   Therefore, the organizers of the King of Fighters competition will deliberately adjust the time of the game to avoid conflict with Asamiya’s Athena concert! If it is placed on the same day, even the King of Fighters will lose a lot of audience.

   "Miss Athena, Miss Athena! Please sign me!" The crowd was about to leave when they suddenly saw a man with long silver hair rushing out of the crowd and squeezing towards Athena Asamiya.

   "Wow, it's Baihujun, he is always so fanatical and bold!" At the same time, the fans of Asamiya Athena sighed at the same time. It seemed that the silver-white long-haired man was still a celebrity in the rice circle.

Shii Quanxun originally subconsciously protected Athena Asamiya, but as soon as he saw the other side's appearance, he immediately relaxed, and said helplessly, "Senior Quanxun, are you really good like this? You are a fighter. What about honor?"

It turns out that this guy is Quanxun, a member of the Taekwondo team who played in the King of Fighters 99. His master is the president of the World Taekwondo Association and is known as the "Fighter of Gang". His fellow senior has the "highest attainments in Taekwondo". Known as Jin Jiafan, but Jin Jiafan is really too old-fashioned, and Quan Xun couldn't get it through, so he left Korea and came to Japan.

After arriving in Japan, Quanxun was fascinated by Japanese idol culture, and quickly became the little fan of Athena Asamiya. He never missed any concerts of Athena Asamiya, and he was also a fan of Athena. The name "Baihujun" probably came from his long silver hair!

"Thank you Quanxun for your support. I hope you will have a better performance in this year's King of Fighters competition!" Athena Asamiya is accustomed to his approach, showing a sweet smile, and signing her own in the autograph book. first name.

   Quanxun suddenly fell into drunkenness, holding the autograph book and smirking, Shii Quanxun couldn't help rolling his eyes. How many Athena's autographs have you saved? As for this?

Behind Quan Xun, Chen Guohan covered his face and couldn't bear to watch this scene. On the eve of the King of Fighters 99, Quan Xun returned to South Korea; when they met with Kim Jia Fan, the two quarreled over the education concept. Finally, Quan Xun Thinking of a way, the two led one of Chen Guohan and Cai Baoqi to practice. Within one year, whoever ordered him to reform and rehabilitate was the winner. In this way, Quan Xun took Chen Guohan back to Japan.

   What Chen Guohan thinks about day and night is to leave Jin Jiafan, and now his dream comes true, and he followed Quan Xun to Japan full of hope. Who would have thought that he would jump from one pit into another pit! Unexpectedly, Shishu turned out to be a fanatic. In addition to daily martial arts training, Chen Guohan was tortured most by accompanying Quan Xun to see Athena's concert, and even singing and dancing together. This made Cai Baoqi feel very lucky: Fortunately, I was not the one who took him away.

   Today, Chen Guohan was also brought over by Quan Xun. Now he is standing there stupidly holding Athena Asamiya's support card. He misses his big iron ball very much now.

   "Thank you so much! I hope you can continue to see your wonderful performance at the concert the day after tomorrow, and I will cheer for you when that time comes!" Quan Xun said very sincerely.

After seeing the idol, Quan Xun finally became a little normal. He greeted acquaintances such as Shiranui Wu, Zhenyuanzhai, Shii Kenshong one by one, and then it was Shen Long’s turn, "This little brother is quite good. However, the opponents you meet in the main match of the King of Fighters competition will not be so weak. You'd better find a few teammates."

"If there is no suitable target, I may be able to introduce a few for you. Kim Soo-il, Kim Jae-hoon, and Kim Dong-hwan are all pretty good!" Kim Soo-il is the support behind Dong Jang in the game and the descendants of Kim Jia-fan. Jin Xiuyi is the support behind Cai Baoqi and Chen Guohan, and is also Jin Jiafan's child.

   It seems that although the two brothers quarreled as soon as they met, they should actually have a good relationship, right? Shen Long smiled and shook his head, "Thank you, but I don't need it anymore. I'm used to participating in the competition alone." If you ask your master to send me a teammate by your sister Liang, I can still consider it. Forget the man!

   Quanxun’s mind was normal when he wasn’t chasing stars. He didn’t say much about this. He left after a few greetings, but Shen Long saw him again at the Asamiya Athena concert two days later.

The tickets given to Shen Long by Ma Gong Athena are naturally the best tickets. They are only a short walk away from the stage. I didn’t expect Quan Xun and Chen Guohan to sit near them. Now the fans who sit behind Chen Guohan are down. It's This guy is 2.27 meters tall, taller than Yao Ming, and the fans directly behind can't see the stage when they stand up.

What is even more depressing is that Chen Guohan is not only tall but also fat. The whole person weighs 303 kilograms. One person occupies two seats, which obscures the sight of the four rows of fans in the rear. These otakus line up all night and work hard. I bought the front row tickets, but I didn't expect to be in such a file as Chen Guohan, the viewing effect is not as good as in the stands.

   Moreover, Chen Guohan looked fierce, they didn't dare to scold them, they could only scold their mother silently in their hearts.

   Except for these few hapless guys, the others were in a very good mood. The scene was full of joy. Countless otaku came to the holy place in their hearts, waiting for Athena Asamiya to appear.

   Finally it was Athena's turn to play. As soon as she came on stage, she sent her favorite song "Super Warriors". The scene suddenly boiled, and the otakus got up, shaking light sticks and cheering cards to dance to Athena's rhythm.

   Quanxun is the same. He jumped for a while and saw Chen Guohan still sitting there, so he reprimanded with dissatisfaction, "What are you doing, hurry up and cheer for Miss Athena with me!"

   "Yes yes yes!" Chen Guohan stood up with a dark face, raised his cheering card and twisted his fat body to dance.

   This is too spicy!


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