All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2666: South Town

   I also came to the concert later. I originally only wanted to enjoy the performance of Athena Asamiya. Who knew that I could see such a scene with such spicy eyes, Chen Guohan actually started to dance the house dance!

Shen Long originally wanted to turn his head away from watching this scene, but this scene is too horrible, and he couldn’t help but look back at it twice. If this was taken as a video and sent to the horror area of ​​station B, it would definitely burst into flames. Right?

   "What are you looking at!" Chen Guohan was forced to dance by Quan Xun, and his heart was already very upset. When he saw Shen Long sneaking on him, he became even more angry, so he turned his head and asked fiercely.

   Look at you! Shen Long subconsciously wanted to answer, then Quan Xun slapped Chen Guohan's head, "Don't be distracted, keep jumping, continue to cheer for Miss Athena!" Chen Guohan could only turn his head aggrievedly and continue. Dancing awkwardly, the audience behind him wanted to cry without tears.

   We paid a lot of money to buy tickets to enter the venue. We wanted to see Miss Athena's dance, but it wasn't because of you, a fat man. Next time I said I won't buy tickets for this position!

  Ooo, I didn’t want to make you wrong, but you got angry with me. In that case, let you be famous once again! Shen Long summoned Bai Ze in a low voice, let it capture all Chen Guohan's ecstasy dance, and then prepared to send it to station B when he returned to the real world.

The concert of Asamiya Athena lasted for two and a half hours, and Chen Guohan also danced for two and a half hours under Quanxun’s compulsion. When the concert was over, Chen Guohan had the heart to die. I knew that. Why not stay in Korea and be beaten by teacher Jin Jiafan! Why not go heads-up with Lucar and Yachi Orochi! Even if you are killed, it's better than this, right?

After the concert, I took a rest. The next morning, the two teams arrived at Tokyo Haneda International Airport and took a direct flight to Nanzhen. Nanzhen does not exist in the real world, but in this world, it is a very popular city. .

At the beginning, the residents of South Town were Puritans from the United Kingdom. Later, the United States became independent. The Mafia in Italy and immigrants from China and Japan also came to this city to survive. With the increasing number of residents, South Town in the southern United States also became a city. A super trading city, then Mr-big summoned some veterans, formed his own gangster force, and ruled South Town.

Then Guise Howard rose up. He first went to Tang Fulu to learn Bajiquan, and then returned to South Town to form his own gang, recruited Billy Kane and others under his command, challenged Mr-big and formed The two heroes stood side by side; after that, Guise went to Japan to practice, learned more advanced martial arts and eventually defeated Mr-big to unify South Town, and built the tallest building in South Town, Gista, to promote his own Power.

Afterwards, the brothers Terry and Andy came to Guice to avenge his father’s murder, slay Guice under Gista and put an end to his rule; Guice’s half-brother Klaussar rushed to South Town upon hearing this. , Succeeding Guise to rule here.

In addition to the rampage of gangs, Nanzhen also has many fighters. Extreme Current sets the dojo here. There are fighters such as Takuma Sakazaki, Ryo Sakazaki, Yuri Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Terry, Andy, and Ryo Sakazaki. His girlfriend KING also opened a bar here, and she was forced to play for Mr-big.

   And now, it seems that this place is under the control of the Sound Nest organization. The Sound Nest organization has designated this place as the venue of the King of Fighters 2000. Some feet were exposed in the early stage, which attracted Mary, Terry, Andy and others to keep tracking.

   They were busy all day and didn’t find any useful clues, so they went to KING’s bar to have a drink and have fun. KING was a little surprised when they saw them coming in and was about to go out, "Hey, Andy, haven't you gone to the airport yet?"

   "Go to the airport? Why are you going there?" Andy was a little dazed by her question. Did something happen?

"Xiao Wu and Athena are about to arrive in South Town, I am about to pick them up at the airport! I thought you knew the news too!" KING was even more surprised. What's going on here? My girlfriend is coming over. Boyfriend doesn’t know?

Sakazaki Yuri notified her before boarding the plane. She thought that Mai Shiranui had contacted Andy, but in fact, Mai Shiranui hadn't waited for Andy's call for so many days, so she had been stunned for a long time, how could she contact Him.

"Andy, did something happen between you? Xiao Wu didn't seem to have been like this before in Nanzhen, right?" Mary sensed that something was wrong, "Is it because of me?" I remember when I joined the team. , Shiranui Mai is very upset, right?

   "If this is the case, I will apologize to Xiao Wu! After all, I robbed her of her place!" Mary said uncomfortably, hey, if there was an emergency, I wouldn't want to participate in this competition.

   "No, Xiao Wu is not such a stingy person. I explained it to her before, and hasn't she also found a suitable teammate?" Andy scratched his head and didn't understand what the problem was.

"I heard that Xiao Wu was attacked by the Sound Nest organization before. This should be the reason?" KING guessed about it, and at the same time, he thought to himself, if I was attacked, Liang would definitely come over as soon as possible. Right? Andy stayed in South Town all the time, no wonder the little ball was angry. Oh, since Xiao Wu didn't notify Andy, it means she is still angry. I told Andy that she was about to arrive in South Town, which seemed inappropriate.

   "I should go!" Thinking of this, KING hurried out to the airport. The four of the Hungry Wolves looked at each other, and finally got up and chased after him.

   So when Shiranui Mai and the others appeared at the exit of the airport, they saw KING and the four members of the Hungry Wolves team.

"Sister KING, let's go to your bar for a drink in a while! You are so kind that you didn't tell my brother about them!" Sakazaki Yuri rushed over and hugged KING. She was a little annoyed with the old man in her family and didn't want to go home to live. .

   Shiranuiwu glanced at KING, I didn't contact Andy, you called these people, right? Shii Quanchong happily ran over to say hello, "Terry, it's been a long time, Dong Zhang, you seem to have improved your cultivation level again, Miss Mary, why did you come to the competition this year? I didn't say not to participate. Huh?"

   Then I finally saw Andy, "Yeah, Andy, what's the matter with you, I can send you a text message and you won’t be fine, why didn’t you even call Xiao Wu?"

   "SMS? When did you text me?" Andy looked dazed, Shiranui Wu immediately looked over coldly.


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