All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2828: meet again

The various things that happened in Nanyang have not yet reached the ears of the Qing court. Those officials of the Qing court still have the dream of going to the kingdom of heaven. They don’t care about what happened outside the border at all, even if there are people who return from Nanyang. When the news spread, they thought they hadn’t heard it. What does this have to do with me?

   It is the magistrate's magistrate who noticed something. After all, Shen Long made such a big move on the island. He was reclaiming the land and absorbing the refugees. He even opened the furnace to make iron. Why do you plan to do this? It's a pity that they are already riding a tiger. If they report to the court, the court will ask, how come to report now? They were caught blind.

   They had collected Shen Long's silver back then, tacitly accepting that he was reclaiming land in these places. Originally, those places were deserted and uninhabited. Can someone pay for them? The elders are very poor here, and they don’t have much money on weekdays. They finally come to give money, how can they be driven away? It's too late to say anything now.

   I didn't expect this money to be so hot! Those who have access quickly find a way to move the relationship as soon as possible, and those who have no access can only desperately squeeze the local people, hoping to get a handful in the end and quickly resign.

So until now, Qianlong still didn’t know about this. The injury caused by the sword that Little Yanzi pierced him was already healed, and after so long, Little Yanzi didn’t continue to look for him. He thought Little Yanzi was out. What's the matter, slowly relieved, and began to wonder about going out again, this is really boring to stay in the Forbidden City.

   "I want to go for a walk recently, and I will go on a'microservice tour' to inspect the people's sentiments. Ji Xianqing will go together! Yongqi and Ertai, you guys too!" Qianlong shook his fan and planned to sneak out to play again.

If this was put aside until the Ming Dynasty, the ministers would definitely stop the emperor from going out. Except for such a strange thing as Zhengde, the other emperors had no choice but to listen to these ministers, but in the Qing Dynasty, those The officials were afraid of being killed by the emperor, and the bones were not so hard.

   "Weichen abides by the order." Ji Xiaolan immediately agreed. Yongqi and Foltai were even more excited. During this time, they were also suffocated, and they had long wanted to play with Huan'er.

"What identity shall we pretend to be this time? Go there to play... Go there to see the sentiments of the people!" Qianlong asked while shaking his fan, still muttering in his heart. I don't know if I can meet beautiful women this time. The little green jade outside is comparable to the palace. These concubines have a lot of flavor.

"Back to the emperor, I think it’s better to pretend to be a businessman. The emperor is the'master', the fifth elder brother is the'young master', and I am a follower. Master Ji is still a master. Ama, Fu Liushu and E Min are buddies. Go to collect the accounts, and travel all the way! In this way, you are all generals except Master Ji, so you don’t need to bring many guards. It is eye-catching!” Forte thought for a while and said, “I’m afraid I will add another one. People, Madam Hu, in case you need it!"

   "Okay! That's it! You are very thoughtful!" Qianlong nodded in satisfaction, "Then do it, you go back and tidy up, let's set off as soon as possible."

   After a few days of preparation, Qianlong went out of the palace. Although it was said that it was a "micro-service patrol", an emperor was going to go out, but it was still mighty. It was a car, a horse, a general, and a follower. Everyone has tried their best to "Qingqi", and the team is still very spectacular; the horse-drawn carriage, kicked and walked on the picturesque suburban road, and the horse team kicked and kicked each other.

Inside the car, Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan were sitting inside; outside the car, Yongqi, Fulun, Falcon, E Min, and the imperial physician all rode on horses. Qianlong looked out the window of the car, the green hills and the fertile fields, and he couldn’t help feeling relaxed and happy. Rili, we were right to walk out! The air in the suburbs is really refreshing!"

On this day, while walking on the way, Qianlong was going to climb the mountain on a whim. The name of the mountain was not known. It was full of towering ancient trees. Everyone walked down the mountain road. At the foot of the mountain, there was a winding creek. On the side, the green grass and the surrounding scenery are incredibly beautiful.

   Qianlong stood by the water, lingering, and suddenly said, "I've been away for so long, now I am hungry! I don't know where I can get something to eat?"

   "Now?" Forte was stunned, "It seems that I walked all the way, but I didn't see the village and wanted to eat, so I had to get in the car as soon as possible. We hurried forward. We should not be far from Baihe Village!"

"But, the scenery here is really good! If we get some wine and vegetables, we all, spread a piece of cloth on the ground and sit on the ground like this, taking the sky as our house and the earth as our home, facing the green water and green mountains, eating and drinking, wouldn’t it be wonderful? That's it!" Qianlong said, with no intention of leaving at all.

"Just do it, Ertai! Hurry up and think of a solution! In the car, we took the wine, and took it to the nearby people's home to heat it up, and then look for anything to eat." Fulun hurriedly explained, hey , Why is your child so stupid? The emperor has said, don't you think of a way to do it? What are you still struggling with?

  Falcon then took people to soon after he brought back the pots and pans, vegetables, chickens and ducks, he actually returned with a full load, and I don't know if he paid for it.

"The emperor, although the chen was born in Hejian Prefecture, Zhili, his ancestral home was in Jiangning. The chen heard from his family that there is a dish called Huaji in the south of the Yangtze River, which has a special flavor. The minister try to do it, please don't dislike it!" Ji Xiaolan seized the opportunity to flatter.

   "Oh, do you still do this?" Qianlong is happy, but Ji Da's pipe is interesting, "I don't have to hurry to do it, I will reward you if you do it well!"

Ji Xiaolan hurriedly went, let the accompanying chef help kill the chicken and remove the hair, add the marinade to marinate, and he made the mud with rice wine, wrapped the chicken with lotus leaves, and wrapped the wine mud outside. A big hole was dug in the ground, and two chickens were grilled. This was originally the work of the little swallow in the TV series, but now he snatched it.

   Forte ordered someone to build a stove with a stone nearby, and the accompanying chef hurriedly made cooking. After a while, the aroma diffused.

   "The emperor, the calligraphy is ready!" Ji Xiaolan estimated that the time was almost up, digging out the calligraphy in the cave, knocking the mud shell outside, and offering it to Qianlong like a treasure.

   "It's quite interesting, it smells very fragrant, and it's probably good to eat!" Qianlong took over the chicken with great interest and was ready to eat.

   Ji Xiaolan said how to eat. Qianlong was about to rip the beckoning chicken apart and eat as he said, but he heard someone talking behind him, "Tear into two, give you the chicken butt, and give me the rest!"

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