All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2829: the 3rd time

Qianlong was trembling with fright, why someone came out under the heavy guards, the hen in his hand fell directly, and then a hand stretched out from behind to catch the hen.

Shen Long turned out from behind the tree, tore the chicken legs and stuffed it into his mouth, "Well, the taste is OK, does your royal cook have some skill!" He saw it all just now, killing chickens, marinating, and heating are all royal cooks. Ji Xiaolan just pretended to look after her.

   "Bold!" At this time, the surrounding people reacted and dared to grab food from the emperor. Isn't it too courageous? Fulkang, E Min and others immediately surrounded him.

"I've gone to the palace of Lao Tzu, what can I do if I eat one of your chickens?" Shen Long leaned on the tree and ate the chicken legs happily without any panic. He tore off two pieces of chicken and threw it back. "You two try it too, it tastes good!"

   "Well, I have smelled the scent a long time ago!" The little swallow turned out from behind the tree, and the crape myrtle turned out to be chicken. He covered his mouth with his hand and sipped his mouth, "The taste is good!"

   "Ah? It's you!" As soon as Xiao Yanzi came out, Qianlong immediately remembered the tragic past in Mulan Paddock and Chonghua Palace. Isn't this the female assassin? Frightened and hurriedly crawled, hiding behind E Min and others.

   Looking at Ziwei again, he was stunned again. Isn't this the heroine who saved me twice? How did the two of them get together? Little Swallow ignored him, and was still there nibbling the chicken. Although I ate seafood every day in Nanyang during this period, I was still a bit tired after eating too much. It would be nice to change the taste occasionally.

Ziwei was even more surprised. After going ashore this time, Shen Long did not take them to the capital. Instead, he went to this kind of wilderness and asked him why he didn't say anything, just smiled, and unexpectedly ran into Qianlong here. ! She knew that Shen Long had already left a mark on Qianlong's body. Seeing him run out of the palace, could this not rush to join in the fun?

   "The assassin in Mulan Paddock last time!" E Min also recognized it, and immediately blocked Qianlong behind him, "Protect the emperor, and take these assassins for me!" At this moment, they could not hide their identity.

The accompanying Ouchi guard saw Xiao Yanzi, and his heart was refreshing. Last time they had never seen or heard of the Shenwumen incident. The female assassin in red may have been carved into their bones. I didn't expect to be met by myself this time, it seems that this life cannot be saved!

   But you can’t do it if you don’t. If you don’t, you’ll kill yourself. If you don’t, you will die the whole family. These are all relatives of the Qing Dynasty. The severity can still be distinguished. They can only gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

"Hey, can't you wait for a while? Let me eat the chicken before serving!" Little Yanzi didn't draw her sword either, and she didn't know how she did it. After walking a few steps under her feet, these wardens pounced. Kong, he wiped his mouth satisfactorily after finishing eating the beckoning chicken, "It tastes good, you are not allowed to move the other one, leave it to me for a while!"

After talking about pulling out the short sword and killing these Ouchi guards, what she used this time was the jade girl sword technique taught by Shen Long. The swordsmanship was really beautiful, but before she knew it, the Ouchi guards It is falling down one by one.

Qianlong originally did not bring many people on this micro-service tour. Thinking about the peace and tranquility in the Qinghe territory, there will be no large groups of bandits and robbers. Even if they encounter a few eyesores, these large internal guards are enough to deal with. I didn't expect to meet a ruthless character like Xiao Yanzi soon after I left the capital, and I was caught blind now.

   Within a short while, those inside guards were resolved in a hurry. Qianlong became even more panicked and gave Ji Xiaolan a fierce look. Couldn't you stop me at the beginning? Then let other people block Xiao Yanzi, and he planned to mount and escape.

It’s a pity that just turned on the horse, the superb imperial horse collapsed to the ground with a cry of Lili, and was frightened by the domineering look released by Shen Long. It happened that a thin **** of **** was sprayed on Qianlong’s face. I didn't eat the chicken, but this time I can pad my stomach a little.

   "The emperor, change my horse..." Before Fulun finished speaking, he saw his horse get down too, leaving E Min, Yongqi, and Falcon's horses to fall down together.

   "You ate crotons for our horses?" E Min couldn't help but guess when seeing these horses also behaved like feces and urine, have we been targeted by others? But why didn't I find it at first!

   It's over, since the enemy came prepared, it seems that this time is dead! I don’t have to say, I can only save my life and fight, maybe I can still survive! E Min greeted the remaining Ouchi guards and killed Xiaoyanzi together. Fulun, Foltai, and Yong Qi couldn't care that Qianlong's feces and urine were smelly, so they ran away.

   Ji Xiaolan's legs and feet are not too slow, and she catches up with them round and round, complaining in her heart, why did I get into this matter? It's over now!

"Want to run?" Little Yanzi raised his hand and sprinkled it, using the technique of rain and rain, and spilled a silver needle. Qianlong, Fulun, Yongqi, Forte and Ji Xiaolan all fell to the Fell a dog to eat shit.

Then he raised his sword and fell, and solved E Min and other Ouchi guards. He walked slowly over and caught up with Qianlong and others. As soon as he came to the front, he quickly covered his nose, "Why is it so smelly, you are still the emperor," Don’t you take a bath?"

  Is this the reason for not taking a bath? I was sprayed with horse dung! Qianlong wanted to cry without tears, Xiao Yanzi looked disgusted, "You are so dirty that I can't kill you anymore, I don't want to dirty my sword!"

  Woman, then you let me go! Qianlong had a glimmer of hope, but as soon as the little Yanzi bent down, he picked up a few small stones. At this time, another Ouchi guard stood up slowly behind him. The little Yanzi did not look back, but used his magical powers. Means, the small stone immediately penetrated his head.

   "Then use this to kill you!" Little Yanzi turned the stone upside down, buckled it with her thumb and middle finger, and aimed at Qianlong.

   "The emperor!" Fulun and the others wanted to save people, but they were stabbed in their legs by a silver needle and couldn't move for a long time.

  My life is over, Qianlong closed his eyes in pain, preparing to welcome the arrival of death, only hearing a squeak, the stone flew towards his head.

   At this moment, there was a gust of wind, followed by a slap, Qianlong opened his eyes and saw a long sword lying across his chest. The stone just hit the sword and was smashed.

   "You saved me again?" Qianlong was in a complicated mood, why on earth?

   "It's the third time now. I have saved you three times, and I will cut off from you and me!"

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