All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2830: Kill a few first

Having said that, Ziwei also clutched his nose and walked aside. The smell on Qianlong and the others was so stinky, she couldn't bear it a little bit like a daughter.

   What the **** is going on? I don't know you, what is my grudge with you? Looking at Xiao Yanzi, he hurriedly begged, and he finally reacted, "You killed the former Hangzhou Defensive Mode Zhou and the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang? I retrialed the case before and found that there was indeed a grievance. I have already issued an order to restore your father. Fang Zhihang's innocence, and he ransacked the homes of Shizhou and Governor Ma to inquire. I was deceived by these two treacherous officials at the beginning!"

   It's none of my business. Just forgive me. After talking about Qianlong, Qianlong looked at Xiao Yanzi eagerly, hoping that she would spare her life by watching these things.

   "Hmph, if it weren't for you to go to the literary prison and kill the innocents, how could my parents die? In the final analysis, it is your sin!" However, Xiao Yanzi's words made him fall into an ice cave.

"However, since my sister rescued you today, I'm not going to kill you again, so forget it this time, you can get out of here! Next time I meet you, there won't be such a good thing!" Xiao Yanzi saw Qianlong's trousers were still clean, so he kicked him in the thigh, and heard a click, this must be a fracture!

   "Thank you female hero, thank you female hero!" Qianlong endured the pain and did not dare to speak out, then looked at Ziwei, wanting to know what she had to do with him? However, Ziwei turned his head away from him.

Qianlong had no choice but to give up, and stood up with Fu Lun's support. He wanted to get on the carriage and leave, and Shen Long walked to the carriage, "I want to ride the carriage? It would be good to spare your life, so there is such a good thing? Go back quickly!"

   "This Taoist leader, the journey to the capital is far away, and your majesty hurt his leg and foot again. How can I go back!" Fulun quickly pleaded, "Please also go on a long trip and return the carriage to us!"

   "My little girl said to let the dog emperor get out, but she didn't agree to let you go!" Shen Long looked at him with a smile, "You should worry about yourself first!"

"I spare you this time, but these people have no kindness to my sister. Since we met, don't even think about leaving. I will send you on the road!" Little Yanzi walked slowly to them with the sword. In front of him, "Which one should I kill first?"

"Which two children should you start with? Fulun and the dog emperor don't know how many people have been killed over the years. Let them see how their son died in front of them!" Shen Long pointed to Fuerkang and Yongqi Said.

   "Quit hurting my son, I have nothing to do with Fang Zhifu's murder. I have a debt and a debtor. What do you want me to do?" Fulun cried. I knew it would be like this. What am I talking about!

It was a pity that it was too late. Little Swallow's dagger touched Falcon’s neck. This guy hurriedly covered his neck, but blood still kept pouring out of his hands. After a while, Falcon collapsed to the ground. .

Then he grabbed Yong Qi’s braids again. Yong Qi burst into tears, and her words became incoherent, "Huang Ama, Huang Ama, save me! Woman, woman, you forgive me Well, I was just a child back then, this matter has nothing to do with me, even if there is a mistake, it is also my Huang Ama's fault!"

   Qianlong was a little bit unbearable at first, but when Yong Qi said that, he couldn't get angry at all, and they finally let me go. Do you want to see me die that way?

   But when Little Swallow's dagger crossed Yong Qi's neck and heard Yong Qi's screams, Qianlong still couldn't hold back a few tears. It was his son after all!

"Master Fu, don't cry, you will go down to accompany your son soon. Then you and father and son will be good companions on Huangquan Road!" Shen Long put his hand on Fulun's neck and twisted it lightly. This guy went after his son.

   Just for a while, in the lively place just now, besides Shen Long and the others, there are only three living people who can breathe, Qianlong, Ji Xiaolan, and Doctor Hu.

"Back then….. Back then, I was just admitted to a talented scholar, not even a person. This kind of court event has nothing to do with me!" Seeing Shen Long walking over, Ji Xiaolan also pleaded, but he didn't have much hope in his heart. Even Falcon and Yongqi, who were younger than him, were killed, can they let me go?

"That's right?" Who expected Shen Long to really listen to what he said, and quite agree with him, "If that's the case, get out of here! Don't let me see you again next time!" Hey, how can I say that this is also a Han. Stay if you can keep him!

"And you too, hurry up." Shen Long waved his hand to Doctor Hu. Ji Xiaolan wanted to express her thanks but didn't dare. She could only use her back to block Qianlong's sight, arched her hands a little, and then left with Doctor Hu. As soon as he picked up Qianlong, he hurried down the mountain to the nearest town.

"This chicken is still hot, can you eat it?" Shen Long bent over and picked up the remaining chicken. "Ancient feathers and wine cut Huaxiong, today there is a little swallow hot chicken to kill the traitor..." Ma The is broken. I have been with Xiaoyanzi for a long time. Don't be infected by her retarded brilliance and become a fool! See what these words are!

   Xiao Yanzi was very happy to hear that Shen Long compares himself with Guan Yu, but he looked at the blood stains on the ground and horse feces and urine, and shook his head quickly, "Forget it, I don't want to eat anything now!"

"Just don't want to eat! Pack up, let's go! Although Qianlong didn't kill Qianlong, but with his son's head, he can go to the grave for a memorial service. When I go next time, I will take Qianlong's head with him. Come on!" Don't say she doesn't want to eat, Shen Long doesn't want to eat either!

   So in the past, he cut off Yong Qi's head, pulled the good horse they left behind, cleaned up, turned on the horse and left, leaving only the corpses of the nobles.

"The emperor, thank you for a little bit. There is a willow tree over there. The minister will break a few willow branches to make splints for you and protect your bones!" Doctor Hu was old, and he was a little burdened when he helped Qianlong walk for a while. I couldn't help it, seeing the willow tree in front of me, I quickly took the opportunity to catch my breath. I broke a few branches and wrapped the willow bark as a rope around Qianlong's thigh.

   Ji Xiaolan also hurriedly comforted, "The emperor, don't panic, you will be at Baihe Village a dozen or so miles ahead. When we get to the village, we can wash up and buy a carriage and return to Beijing!"

   Qianlong's face was as gray as death, and he refused to say a word. This time, his face was so embarrassed that Ji Xiaolan didn't dare to say any more.

   The three people were exhausted, and finally arrived at Baihe Village, and felt that they could finally be saved.

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