All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2858: Great elder

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"Hello, how are you guys? You seem to have what I want. If you don't mind, please hand it over. I might let you go!" Shen Long generously stopped Frieza's hand. In front of him, waving at them with a smile.

"Huh? There are people on this planet who dared to threaten King Frieza's men. It's so courageous! Let's see how much his combat power is!" The leader habitually aimed with the combat power detector. Shen Long, "The fighting strength is only five? Do you dare to provoke us? Is he crazy?"

Shen Long also aimed at them with fighting power, "The fighting power is 18, the fighting power is two thousand and four... It is another group of weak chickens... Oh, finally came an interesting one, the fighting power is 28,000, but it is close to Vegeta. Yes, but I still deliver food!"

"Captain, be careful. Didn't Lord Sabo just say that two players were killed by a guy with a combat strength of only five? Maybe it was him!" A player with a combat strength of over 3,000 pointed at Shen Long.

And at the top of the thick stone pillar in front, some people are paying attention to this side, "It's really a bunch of fierce guys, is it going to be the end of the Mekker?"

"Elder, I'll drive them away!" At the top of the stone pillar is the residence of the Great Elder Namek. Neru, the only combat namek of Namek, asked. He is the strongest warrior of Namek. The combat power is as high as forty-three thousand, and it is easy to clean up these people.

"Don’t move for the time being. I have a hunch. This time, Namek will face a huge crisis, even more dangerous than the previous weather change. Under such circumstances, let’s observe for a while and don’t participate rashly. Their conflict." said the elder sitting in the chair.

"But, but those people are holding our dragon balls, if the dragon **** fall into the hands of evil people..." Neru still hesitated, but as the guard of the great elder, everything is subject to the order of the great elder. He could only loose his fist and stood there watching Shen Long confront the eleven Frieza Legion's men.

"Aron, do you want to use that trick again?" Bulma shrank in his pocket, only showing a pair of eyes looking at the strange looking enemies.

"No, change it this time!" Shen Long smiled, spreading his right hand, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel became bigger and longer in his palm. A wild and domineering aura filled the space between heaven and earth, Frieza Legion The numbers on the combat effectiveness detectors are also soaring.

"Ten Thousand... Twenty Thousand... Thirty Thousand... Oh, this guy has been hiding his strength! We are going to die here! Quickly inform King Frieza!" The 28,000 fighting force shivered, others People hurriedly prepared to scatter and flee. Since you can't win the fight, how many can run!

"Where do the monsters go, eat my old Shen Yibang!" Holding the wishful golden cudgel and exuding the power of Monkey King in "Journey to the West", Shen Long also learned the way the monkey speaks. He lifted the golden cudgel and slammed his head. Those Frieza Legion men smashed over, and there was no one general wherever they went.

The golden cudgel swung up, died next to each other, and died while rubbing, and the men of the Frieza Legion fell from the air like a flock of birds hit by a shotgun.

"This guy clearly only had five combat powers just now. Why is it so powerful all of a sudden?" A cold sweat broke out on Neiru's forehead. With the combat power that Shen Long just broke out, he might not be able to stop even one move, right?

"Aron, you look so domineering now!" Bulma in his pocket flushed with excitement. Literature under the pen 2020

"Huh? Whose momentum is this? It's so powerful? Even more powerful than Vegeta. Isn't it someone on another spaceship?" Monkey King also felt Shen Long's momentum.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that little Namek has such an interesting person besides Dragon Ball. If you defeat him and let him surrender to me, the combat effectiveness of Frieza Legion will increase again!" Frie in the distance Sa said, "Sabo, let's go over and take a look, this guy seems to be the only one I can deal with!"

"Who is this person? The fighting power is so powerful, but I can't seem to feel the evil aura in his power, only unyielding and resistance." The elder murmured.

"Now we have four dragon balls. After finding seven, we can revive Tianjin rice, dumplings, and Piccolo!" Shen Long flew up and down on somersault clouds, picking them up one by one before the dragon **** hit the ground, and then stuffed them in. In my own portable space.

"Huh? What's going on? First, someone exploded with great fighting power, and then four dragon **** suddenly disappeared!" Klin, who had just found the fifth dragon ball, was watching the dragon ball radar, preparing to find the whereabouts of the next spiritual orb. Four dragon **** gathered together were missing.

"Damn, that guy's anger suddenly disappeared!" Frieza, who had just flew out for a long time, suddenly stopped, he could no longer feel Shen Long's anger.

"Perhaps he has any special skills for hiding his breath?" Sabo guessed, and at the same time he murmured in his heart. If this is the case, then what he just broke out is his full strength? Isn't he hiding more powerful strength? In this case, we...No, don't worry, King Frieza is the most powerful existence in the universe.

"Aron, you are so amazing!" Seeing that all the enemies were solved by Shen Long instantly, Bulma shouted excitedly, "Where are we going now? Shall we find the next dragon ball?"

"No, let's go and meet the Great Elder of Namek!" Shen Long took Bulma and landed on the top of the huge stone pillar. Neilu immediately blocked him. As the guard of the Great Elder, even if he knew Not an opponent, he must do the same.

" let them in, I can feel that they are not malicious!" The voice of the great elder came from the room at the top of the stone pillar.

Neru was silent for a moment, and took Shen Long in. Bulma also jumped out of his pocket, returning to its original size.

"Wow, he's so tall!" Entering inside, seeing the huge elder sitting in a chair, Bulma exclaimed. With her height, it reached the elder's knee at most.

Hey, why do I think this look of the Great Elder is a bit familiar? Oh, the bloated look is a bit like Jabba, the slave owner on the planet Tatooine in Star Wars.

"Strangers, can you tell me where you are from and why you came to Namek?" The elder seemed to have reached the end of his life and asked in a weak tone.

"We are from the earth, and we came to Namek to find Dragon Ball!" Shen Long replied.

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