All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2859: Open

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"The Saiyans attacked the earth. Bulma and I lost a lot of friends. The dragon ball on earth also lost its function because of the Saiyans. So if they want to resurrect them, they can only rely on the dragon ball of Namek. I hope to get it. Your help." Shen Long said to the great elder.

"What? There are also dragon **** on the earth? Dragon **** symbolize the wisdom and strength of the Namekians. Is there also the Namekians on the earth?" Shen Long's words surprised the elder.

"Many years ago, when Namek had suffered a climate disaster, a Namek had sent his child to the earth and left a letter." Shen Long left Kadaz to the fairy letter. To the elder, "Unfortunately, he did not wait for the arrival of his parents. Later he grew up on the earth and made seven dragon balls. As long as he can gather seven dragon balls, he can realize a wish."

"It was a letter written by Kadaz, and his child arrived on Earth safely! Kadaz is indeed a genius among our Namek stars. It is not surprising that his child can make dragon balls! By the way, how is that child now? "" the elder asked eagerly.

"The child died later, but he left behind a child named Piccolo. Piccolo was also a friend of Bulma and the others. It's a pity that Piccolo was killed by a Saiyan named Vegeta not long ago." Shen Long Replied.

"Bick means different worlds in our language. Perhaps the children of Kadaz want their son to be a bridge between the two different worlds of the earth and Namek?" The elder was lost in thought.

"Saiyan? Saiyan can actually defeat the genius among the Namekians? Is he a Super Saiyan?" In the comics, the word Super Saiyan also came from the mouth of the Great Elder.

"Now that Vegeta knows about Dragon Ball, he has also rushed to Namek, and wants to take away the Dragon Ball from Namek to make himself stronger. He is the subordinate of the evil emperor Frieza, Frie Sa rushed over when he received the news! If you don’t stop them, then Mekker will definitely be destroyed by them! All the Mekker people will also die!” There are still a lot of good things here for the Great Elder, which can be brought in. .

"Elder, I do feel that someone has landed on Namek, their aura is very strong!" Neru said, he also felt the aura of Vegeta and the Frieza Legion.

"The Frieza Legion actually arrived at Namek!" A cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Grand Elder. He has lived for too long, and he has also heard some legends about the Frieza Legion.

"If that's the case, then Mekker is dangerous!" He looked at Neru subconsciously. If it were ordinary enemies, Neru would be enough to deal with them, but for the Saiyans and Frieza Legion, Neru alone can Can't win.

"Great Elder, I will guard this planet!" Neru felt the gaze of the Great Elder and immediately swore.

"Now there are only more than a hundred people left on Namek, and you are the only combatant. We need more help if we want to defeat Vegeta and the Frieza Legion!" The Great Elder sighed. He cast his gaze on Shen Long, then frowned, "Hey, I can't see your strength at all!"

Look at Bulma again, this one is too weak and he was in entanglement for a while, so he could only say, "Young people, if you want to collect Dragon Balls, you must hurry up. My life is not a few days away. , You must find all the dragon **** to summon the dragon in these few days, or the dragon **** will disappear because of my death."

"What?!" Bulma became nervous immediately. Although he has already got four dragon balls, there are still three more. If they fall into Vegeta or Frieza's hands, they won't be able to get them in a few days. Things come back. Raindrop Book House

"Do you have any other partners? If you are the only two of you, I am afraid it will be difficult to beat Frieza!" One has no combat effectiveness, and the other cannot see the depth. The elder is a bit unconfident. Even if Neru is included, I am afraid Can't it?

"Yes, my partners are all kind-hearted people on Earth. You will be very happy to meet them!" The Grand Elder can improve the combat effectiveness of other people. Neru was trained in this way. In the comics After Lin was stimulated by the great elder's potential, his combat power soared from fifteen thousand to three thousand. Now let them come over and open the hook, it will be much more advantageous to fight the enemy.

After speaking, Shen Long picked up the intercom and started calling Monkey King and Klin and the others, "I found four dragon balls, and also found the elder who made the dragon **** from Namek. Come here, the communicator shows my location. , You can just follow the instructions of the communicator!"

Thanks to Shen Long being prepared for a long time, otherwise it would not be easy for them to find themselves. Although they could perceive themselves by releasing their qi, it would also attract Frieza and Vegeta.

"I just had a fight with Vegeta. He seems to have more important things to do and he doesn't want to pester me. In that case, I'll come and find you first!" Monkey King replied.

"I also found a dragon ball, I will come to find you!" Klin's progress is also relatively smooth.

It didn't take long for Neilu to feel a few strong and weak auras flying towards this side, until Monkey King and the others appeared, and Shen Long told him that this was his teammate, and Neilu relaxed a little.

"Aron, the dragon ball of Namek is much larger than that of the earth!" Klin walked in with a huge dragon ball, and Monkey King and Monkey King followed him.

"The other one was taken by Vegeta, I didn't have time to get it back." Monkey King scratched his head.

"Young I can feel that you are very courageous and pure in heart. I am willing to help you with all my strength. Come here now!" The elder beckoned and called them over.

Shen Long nodded and asked Monkey King and Klin to follow suit. Klin walked up to the great elder, and the great elder reached out and put his hand on his bald head, "Although you are a human being on earth, you are very powerful, but unfortunately there are many potentials. The power of "has not been shown, let me help you wake up this power!"

"Is there such power? I have been training hard for a long time, and I feel that my strength has reached the limit!" Klin's face was surprised, and the whole person was shrouded in light.

When the light dissipated, Klin smiled with joy, "Ah, strength, my strength has increased!"

Shen Long took out a combat effectiveness tester and aimed at Klin, and saw that his strength had increased from two thousand three to twenty thousand, which was much higher than the combat effectiveness in the original comics! The great elder is awesome.

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