All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 810: No, we have won the World Cup

"Are you back?" Hearing Shen Long coming out of the house, Arya put down the "Assassin's Creed: Pirates of the Pirates" who was playing. Although Shen Long had just entered the house, Arya could feel him like It's been the same for a long time.

"Yeah." Shen Long stretched out and touched Arya's head. "What do you want to eat at night? I'll do it for you!" In the world of "Ambition", Shen Long hasn't done it for a long time. After dinner, I really miss it.

"Well, I want to eat the kind of chicken you made for me when we first met. What's the name? Called the chicken?" Arya replied after thinking for a while, "Or we can drink some wine, Listen to you tell me the world you just went to? "

"No problem, this time it's guaranteed to be more delicious than last time!" Shen Long snapped his fingers and immediately went to work. In Westeros, you can't find the most suitable chicken for the chicken, and there is also a lack of lotus. Raw materials such as leaves and rice wine do not exist in his house. Kill chicken, mud, and wrap them with lotus leaves .... In a little while, two fragrant chickens are ready.

Coupled with a few side dishes, Shen Long went to get a bottle of wine he brought back from "Ordinary World". He asked Ken-Louis to buy in France, not only the 82-year-old Lafite, but also many other Variety of good wine.

Drinking wine should choose the type according to the dishes. Chicken is generally more suitable for drinking white wine. All Shen Long chose a bottle of Bordeaux sweet white produced in 1976. Although that year ’s Bordeaux white wine was not good, it was also a first-class. It has been seven or eight years since the completion of this bottle of wine, just at the right drinking period, and it is now suitable to drink.

Well, it is reasonable to say that it is more appropriate to eat rice wine with yellow chicken, but who makes Arya like to drink wine, and Shen Long has good wine here, then satisfy her wish.

"Very good wine. Compared to this, the wines of Qingting Island are not worth mentioning!" Arya took a sip of praise and she despised the best wine-growing regions of Westeros.

"This is not that the wine in Qingting Island is not good enough, but that the winemaking technology of Westeros World is different from the world you are in now." Because of the extraordinary ability, Westeros Continent has limited the science and technology. Development, even the wines that nobles like are no exception, to know that good wine is not just good grapes and good winemakers.

"I brought back a few bottles of good red wine last time, but it still takes a few years to reach its drinkable period!" The wine is suitable for drinking in different years, such as 82 years of Lafite, such a good wine, at least also need Ten years of precipitation, and thirty years after that, are suitable for drinking.

Although Arya does not like all kinds of nobles like other noble ladies, she still knows this basic common sense. She nodded and asked about Shen Long's adventure in the world of "Ambition."

Shen Long did not conceal, and told the myth that she once created in that world, but after Arya heard that it was not the kind of adventure she was expecting, she lost most of her interest and put more attention. On the Bordeaux white wine in front of me, when the chicken was finished, the bottle of white wine was also consumed by them.

Shen Long was a little bit stunned, although he could use his internal force to get rid of it, but he didn't have this plan. Isn't that the feeling of drinking? Sometimes it ’s nice to enjoy it a little bit.

So he told Aaliyah that she should not play games for too long, and went back to bed. After that, she slept until ten o'clock the next morning, and was reluctantly awakened by the ringtone of her mobile phone. open one's eyes.

"Hey, who is that?" Shen Long asked with a half-closed eyes without looking at the electric display.

"Mr. Shen, it's me, Li Tongfan! Didn't disturb you? I actually wanted to visit you today. I don't know if you have time?" Li Tongfan's voice came on the phone.

"Oh, Coach Li, just fine today, I invite you to have lunch!" Shen Long agreed, no matter what, people have taught us not.

"Hole, I must arrive on time! Oh, yes, I brought two friends, don't you mind?" Since the guests don't care about asking one or two more, Shen Long agreed.

When lunch came, Li Tongfan brought the two over. One of the foreigners looked familiar and seemed to be the head coach of the Beijing City Club. He said hello to Shen Long in German. The assistant he was about to translate was heard Shen Long responded in skilled German.

Shen Long has not played football in Europe in recent years. By the way, he has learned the languages ​​of several countries. He is very good in German and Spanish. He even learned some Portuguese and French. By the way, Shen Long now has more than ten languages.

After the meal was served, the head coach of the Beijing City Club was full of praise for these delicious foods. He almost forgot the business, or at the reminder of Li Tongfan, the head coach explained his intentions.

As expected by Shen Long, the head coach watched the video tape sent by Li Tongfan and wanted to invite Shen Long to join the Beijing City Club as a professional player.

"Mr. Shen, I know you do n’t care much about money, but playing football is not just about money! You say yes, as long as you play your normal level, you can definitely take our Beijing team to the championship ~ ~ Li Tongfan feels that what Shen Long lacks now is only experience, as long as he mentions a few games, he will definitely not be worse than those top foreign aid.

He knew there that Shen Long had already had enough experience in the Europa League and World Cup, so he didn't need to spend so much time.

"Wait until that time, you will be able to join the national team. With your presence, maybe the national team will be able to qualify from the World Cup qualifiers. What a glory it is!" Find a breakthrough.

"Hey, I really don't have that idea." Shen Long shrugged. We've even taken the World Cup and more than once. It's a bit boring to repeat the same thing.

After all, football is just football. Although the national team plays well, it is happy, but if it is not played well, it will not cause any loss to the fans. Shen Long is really too lazy to spend this effort.

This is not Lao Bai's chemical patent, but also the smelting technology of Valeria Steel, which can bring a huge boost to the national strength. Why bother to trouble yourself.

Li Tongfan and the head coach have not been able to convince Shen Long, so they had to leave with regret. After they left, Shen Long remembered that the reward for this mission had not been checked.

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