All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 811: Snape's help

"Ouli thank you very much for helping him realize his wish, and now give him his athletic talents, whether you accept it, please confirm." The voice of the system sounded in my mind.

Sports talent? Do I need this stuff? Shen Long was a little puzzled. After going through the world of "Dragon Ball" and the world of "Swordsman", he learned Guixianliu Budo and "The Forging Bone of the Book of Changes" in the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", his body The quality has long surpassed that of ordinary people. Is this thing useful to him?

Forget it, anyway, don't need money, don't do nothing, Shen Long hesitated and chose to accept it. There is no harm in this thing, so let's try it first.

"Accept!" Shen Long pressed the confirmation key in his head, then subconsciously shivered, and a warm current flowed through his body, and immediately returned to normal.

It seems that ... It really changed a little bit. Shen Long came to the yard to do some activities. He could feel that his physical quality had improved to a certain extent. Both his strength, speed and control were much better than before.

what 's wrong? Ouli's physical fitness and athletic ability should be far from me? Why does my physical fitness and athletic ability improve after receiving his talent?

After punching a set of punches, Shen Long went back to the recliner and pondered slowly. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally thought of a possibility. Ouli ’s physical fitness and athletic ability were worse than that of him now. At the beginning, Shen Long, who was a yard farmer, had to win a lot. Receiving his talent equals to changing his foundation.

In the words of martial arts novels, Shen Long ’s original root bones are not good, and Ouli ’s root bones are better than him, so accepting Ouli ’s athletic talent is equivalent to improving his root bones, so that he is in The turtle martial arts martial arts learned in the world of "Dragon Ball" and the martial arts learned in the world of "Swordsman" also naturally improved.

Well, this kind of logic makes sense. Take the world of "Dragon Ball". Goku is of Super Saiyan origin. Needless to say, he can improve martial arts faster than himself; When Professor Leah "The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra", she seemed to get started faster than she had originally, which shows that both of them have better talents than themselves.

Ouli can become a professional athlete and has the opportunity to enter the national team, proving that his athletic talent is first-class among 1.3 billion people. Although it is certainly not comparable to the super Saiyan lineage of Sun Wukong, it is definitely better than himself. Much stronger, inheriting his athletic talent is tantamount to giving himself a reborn change.

Was this reward quite useful? Most of the world Shen Long entered in the past has no extraordinary ability. Those learned by myself are enough; and in the future, I ca n’t guarantee that it will always be such a task. It has been reshaped. The root bone will greatly help to increase your upper limit and obtain a stronger ability.

Hey, when will you be able to enter the world of "Dragon Ball" again, if you can help Sun Wukong solve some problems and let yourself get the Super Saiyan lineage, then even if it is Marvel World, you can go Mix it up.

Do n’t worry, she has already entered the world of “Dragon Ball” twice anyway. Shen Long felt that there would definitely be a chance in the future. He estimated that he had won Yamu Tea before, and now he has improved his roots, maybe even Lin Kelin It can also be overcome. In the future, will it be possible to win the title of the strongest human in the world of "Dragon Ball"!

Forget it, I do n’t want so much for the time being, I just want to take a break after finishing the task, I need to take a break now, to know that I just took the Chinese team to the World Cup, this is something God ca n’t do, if If the world begins to rejuvenate, and incense is willing, I will definitely rely on this.

"Alia, stop playing games, I will take you out!" Shen Long shouted towards the room, and then took her into the world of "The Godfather" again, playing with her for a while, before returning. real world.

In the next period of time, Shen Long continued to be idle in the store, selecting some talents of interest from the appointment list every day, chatting with them, and drawing knowledge and wisdom from them.

At the same time, I have not forgotten the several projects that I have done before. The new drug research and development of Academician Ma Lin has passed the final level and can be officially launched for sale. This is a benefit he has sought for the real world.

There is also the patented chemical technology obtained from Laobai, and the company that has obtained the technology has already started production and sales. For a long period of time in the future, it will give Shenlong Belt a steady stream of income.

It can be said that he has fully realized financial freedom in the real world, and the general material enjoyment has been basically no difficulty for him.

The research progress of the Metal Research Institute to crack the smelting process of Valeria steel is also very fast. They may not be able to smelt exactly according to the process when the Valeria smelted this special steel, but through modern science and technology, They used new methods to smelt metals with similar properties.

This metal is of great help to the domestic military industry and aerospace technology, so the technology has been cracked and controlled by the relevant departments. They will give Shenlong economic returns in accordance with the annual production, but these metals are used What does ~ ~ can't be asked by Shen Long.

But you can guess some without asking, maybe soon you will see the domestic military and aerospace fields, launch new products or make breakthroughs in certain key technologies!

In this regard, Shen Long is full of expectations. This is also a little contribution I made to the country. Although he has made greater contributions in multiple worlds, he has harvested these in the real world and in the mission world. The feeling is still not the same.

However, after a long leisurely time, Shen Long felt a little bored again, and began to long for new tasks. The Shenlong system did not live up to his expectations, and soon released him new tasks.

"Severus Snape from the world of" Harry Potter "hates James Potter for failing to protect Lily Evans, he hopes you can help him protect Lily!"

Hey, this task is interesting! Finally, you can touch the world with extraordinary abilities! Shen Long was immediately excited. The magic of the Harry Potter world was still a bit interesting.

Then prepare to help Snape realize this wish! Shen Long got up and went back to the house to check the materials. The original "Harry Potter" is still very long.

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