All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 813: Meet Lily for the first time

When a white light flashed, Shen Long entered the world of Harry Potter, opened his eyes and observed the surrounding environment, and found that he seemed to be in a bush, and his entire body became a lot smaller. .

Taking out the mobile phone from the portable space, of course, there is no signal here, but the camera can still be used. With the help of the camera, Shen Long can see clearly what he looks like now.

This is a skinny boy. His dark hair is too long, the clothes are very unfit, the jeans are too short, the shirt is like a strange style blouse, the ragged coat is obviously worn by adults, and looks about nine or ten years old Looks like this should be Severus Snape when he was young, right?

Oh, no, it ’s not nine or ten years old. He should be eleven years old, but he is so thin because of lack of nutrition. Poor Snape and his parents live in Spider Lane in the slums. His father Tobias -Snape only knows that drinking and beating his wife and children, there is no income at home, naturally eating bad.

Hey, poor baby, so the first problem to be solved is to make money? Hey, it ’s really unfortunate to live in such a family. Shen Long felt that Snape ’s childhood might not be much better than Harry Potter ’s, or even worse, the feeling of being beaten by his aunt and aunt and beaten by his father. It's not different.

Although Snape ’s mother is still alive, how does it feel to watch her mother be beaten by her father in front of herself? I think anyone who has heard Jay Chou's song understands.

So, the first question is to make money, and then divorce Irene Prince and Tobias Snape? Shen Longke did not want to stay in this family at all.

Thinking about it, there was a cheerful laughter in his ear suddenly, looking through the gap between the branches and leaves of the bushes, and found out that there was an almost abandoned playground outside. Only a huge chimney could be seen in the distant sky. Two girls were coming Echo swing.

The two girls look alike, and they seem to be sisters. The one sitting on the swing has long dark red hair, which is very beautiful, swaying high and giving a cheerful laugh. This should be Lily-Yi Vance.

"Lily, don't do that!" The girl standing on the ground looked a little older and was looking nervously at Lily. This should be the aunt Penny Evans who had raised Harry Potter for more than ten years.

But Lily flew up when the swing reached its highest point, and laughed when she rushed to the sky. Then she did not fall to the ground and fell miserably. Instead, she slid through the air like a swing master and stayed for so long. It was so light when it landed.

"Mom told you not to do that!" Penny stopped the swing with the heels of sandals, making a rattling friction, and then jumped up and put her hands on the buttocks, "Mom said you are not allowed, Lily!"

Well, at least at this time, the feelings of the sisters are still very good, but why did it change later? Probably because of jealousy? Penny also wanted to enter Hogwarts to learn witchcraft, but did not receive a letter from the owl.

"But I didn't have a problem." Lily still giggled. "Penny, look, see if I can do this!" Lily didn't realize that she was different from other children at this time, but simply thought it was instinct. She did I don't know if this is a sign of her wizard's talent awakening. Every wizard will show something strange before he is eleven.

For example, Harry Potter understood the language of snakes at the zoo. In Britain, awakened talented children will receive a notice from Hogwarts before they are eleven.

It is not only the children of the wizarding family who will be born with wizard talents, but the chances of the children of the wizarding family being born are higher, but it is also possible to produce dumb cannons without the slightest talent! There are very few talented children in the Muggle family, but it is not impossible, such as Lily Evans in front of her, and Hermione Granger in the future.

Penny glanced around, she was afraid that the scene just now was seen, but she did not find Shen Long; Lily picked up a withered flower from Shen Long ’s hiding bush, and Penny walked forward Two steps, with an attitude of curiosity and scrutiny; Lily opened her palm when she could see clearly, and the flower opened and closed again in her palm, and bloomed again.

"Stop!" Shouted Penny. Shen Long could clearly hear fear and envy from her voice, and she wanted to do the same.

"It didn't hurt you either." Lily closed her palms and threw the flowers back to the ground. Her tone was full of pride. Doesn't the adolescent girl like to show off?

"That's wrong!" Said Penny, but her eyes followed the flower that fell to the ground, and she didn't move away. "How can you do it?" She asked, obviously there was a yearning in her voice. .

"Because your sister has a unique talent!" Shen Long came out of the bushes, and Penny and Lily looked nervously. I saw the child in front of him, although he was not well-dressed and his hair was greasy and messy, but at first glance They gave a very comfortable feeling, and they gradually relaxed.

Shen Long now owns Snape ’s body, but with the charm bonus given to him by Qi Tongwei, the first impression of the two little girls is much better than Snape himself, and Penny runs away without fear, Lily Then he asked curiously, "What kind of talent? Why do you know this?"

Shen Long stood there with a smile ~ ~ You may not even know that this world is not just like what you see, there are many special groups unknown to you hidden in the crowd, such as wizards; Well, it's a bit like Gandalf in "The Hobbit", but actually there is a big difference. "

"The Hobbit" was published as early as 1937. This is a very popular fairy tale book that many children have read. I believe that this explanation will make it easier for people to accept.

Shen Long pointed to the flower in Lily ’s palm, “It ’s the result of your wizard ’s talent to make this flower bloom again, but you need a long time to learn to master this ability.”

"I know you. You are the kid who lives in Spider Lane. How do you know this?" Shen Long's warm sunshine smile made Penny easy. She opened her mouth and still couldn't help asking. , "Since Lily has this talent, I am her sister, should I also have it?"

Sorry, you really have n’t. Shen Long whispered in his heart, but there is another way of saying, "Each of us has his own talent. You may not be suitable to be a wizard, but in other respects, you may Has a unique talent. "If you want to soak up the sister, the relationship between the sister must also be handled well.

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