All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 814: Hogwarts' melee mage?

Regardless of the attitude of people toward wizards in reality, when someone sees that the people around them have extraordinary abilities, they will naturally think, and if they do n’t, this expectation will become jealous and disgusting. It is also the reason why Penny hates Lily in the future. As for Harry's situation, it is the result of anger.

Think about it, your sister has become a magical wizard, but you can only become a boring housewife in a boring real world. No wonder Penny will be jealous.

Penny has no talent, and she can't teach her witchcraft, but she can do more than that. Teach her a little, and have a good relationship with the aunt in advance, which is absolutely no harm to herself.

"Oh? What talent? Can you teach me?" Penny was really attracted, temporarily forgetting witchcraft.

"Like this!" Shen Long looked around and rolled his eyes, and soon a pigeon flying above the playground was controlled by him with the ability of a shapeshifter, and landed on Penny's shoulder, using it kindly Little head rubbed Penny's face.

"Wow, this is awesome!" The little girl likes all kinds of cute little animals. Penny boldly stroked the pigeons, but the pigeons didn't fly away because of fear. They stood on her shoulders and let her caress.

Shen Long ’s eyes quickly returned to normal, and the pigeons flew off Penny ’s shoulders. Shen Long said with a smile, “I ’m not sure if you have this kind of talent, but you can try it. If there is, I will teach you These are the same. "Shape changers are like wizards, not everyone can be, but it doesn't matter, can you teach her martial arts if you learn this?

"So, what is the wizard talent you just said?" I don't know why, seeing her sister and Shen Long talking so intimately, Lily felt a little uncomfortable.

"This is a long story, let's sit down and talk slowly?" Shen Long looked around and led the two of them through the small bush to a big tree, the canopy sprinkled green on the ground. In the shade, the three children sat cross-legged on the ground face to face, and in front of them was a river of golden light shining in the sun. This is really a nice place.

"Did you know that since BC, the wizards have lived on the European continent. They make magic wands, use flying brooms, and practice various magical magics. Until today, they are still hidden among ordinary people ..." Shen Long gave them Talking about the history of wizards, "... they opened a school called Hogwarts in the UK to recruit children with wizard talents."

"When they are eleven, they will receive an admission notice from Owl, and then step on the train to Hogwarts at the King's platform in London Railway Station; I will be almost eleven, I believe me I will soon receive an admission notice. "Shen Long looked back at Lily," You are the same! "

Shen Long sat on the lawn and chatted with the Evans sisters for a long time. Most of the time they talked to Lily about magic and the wizarding world. Occasionally they talked to Penny and controlled a passing animal. Make her happy and happy, the time passed unconsciously, and soon it was time for dinner.

"Ah, it's time for dinner, and Mom will come out to find us if I don't go back!" Seeing that the sun was setting, Penny and Lily were anxious, and the two of them got up in a hurry to prepare to go home. Tell us this, that, will you come here tomorrow? "

This is a good start. When a girl starts to look forward to the second meeting, it shows that she has a strong interest in you. Shen Long is very satisfied with her performance today, well, you are in so many The world has been in love with different girls, why would they be proud of attracting young girls?

"I have something to do tomorrow morning and I will come over after lunch in the afternoon." Shen Long said, he didn't want to stay in the slums anymore, he had to find a way to get some money first.

"Okay, then we're done. Tomorrow afternoon, continue to meet here! I will bring you some muffins for you." Lily and Penny and Shen Long made an appointment and left through the playground gate.

Shen Long also returned to Snape ’s home in Spider Lane. This is a very small house. Now only Snape ’s mother, Irene-Prince, is busy at home, oh no, it should be called Irene-Snape. By the way, Tobias Snape didn't know where to go to drink.

When the violent man was not there, Irene had a brief relaxation. After having dinner with Shen Long, she was going to clean up the kitchen. Shen Long stopped her aloud, "Mom, can we talk?"

"Sever, what happened?" Irene reached out and stroked Shen Long's little head. This child may be the only light in her life, and she was willing to endure all kinds of suffering for him.

"Eileen, have you ever thought of divorcing Tobias?" Shen Long asked. He was still not used to calling mother directly.

"Siefer, why are you asking this?" Irene was a little flustered, and she subconsciously glanced at the door, afraid that Tobias would come back suddenly and just heard these to beat them both.

"Since Tobias went bankrupt, he has been suffering from alcoholism. Haven't you been happy all these years? Isn't that why you are not divorced?" Shen Long shrugged.

"Siefer ~ ~ This kind of thing is not as simple as you think." Irene hugged Shen Long in her arms. In order to marry Tobias, she and the Prince family fell down. These He has been a full-time housewife again for years, and once divorced, life will be lost.

"I understand, I understand!" Of course Shen Long knows this, isn't it money, he has a way to make money, "Are you afraid of having no financial resources? If I can solve this problem, you will divorce Tobias, Take me out of this nasty place and live a new life? "

"Little Sever, I know you have awakened the talent of magic, but you must know that the Ministry of Magic prohibits us from casting magic on Muggles." Irene wanted to be crooked, thinking that he was going to use magic to make money. This is illegal. Auror was attracted, otherwise she would have done it already.

"No, I have my way. It's not too early. I'm going to rest." Through this conversation, Shen Long has judged Ai Lin's idea clearly, which is enough.

Back in his hut, Shen Long lay on the bed, thinking about the plan after entering Hogwarts. Even if he entered Hogwarts to start learning magic, he would not give up his original advantage.

Hey, is this a double training for Mowu? A legend of melee mage in Hogwarts?

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