All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 817: Most precious wealth

"I really miss it!" Shen Long and Irene said at the same time, because Irene had not returned to the magical world for a long time since she was married to Tobias Snape; Shen Long felt crowded and narrow Diagon Alley reminded him of the village in the city near the school when he was in college. Both places are the same lively and the same mess.

Both sides are dilapidated buildings with all kinds of signboards, pedestrians on the road are also strangely dressed, most of the clothes give a sloppy, dirty feeling, only a few wearing straight dresses, as if from Like the gentlemen who came to the modern society in the Victorian era, these should be those nobles from the ancient pure-blood wizard family.

What is more interesting are the signboards of those shops. The characters on the wall are able to speak and move like the paintings on the Hogwarts wall. They solicit the passing guests and even scold people at the signboards next to them.

Well, this is quite interesting. If you can learn how to make this kind of signboard, and then go to other worlds, you must be good at opening your own business? If it were not his own private restaurant that was not short of business, and worried about causing unnecessary trouble, Shen Long wanted to bring one to his shop.

"Although the notice hasn't come yet, I think I can buy you something first! Like crucibles, wands, and pets. What do you like? Owl or toad?" Irene asked, looking at the surrounding shops.

owl? toad? I don't like either of them. Do you look cute or cute? Even Ron ’s big mouse is better than these?

"No matter what we buy, do we have to exchange some money first? Go to Gu Ling Ge first." Shen Long has long had a keen interest in the financial system of the Harry Potter world. A Gallon value It is 5 pounds, which is almost equivalent to more than six dollars and more than forty yuan.

According to the impression in the movie, a gold gallon weighs more than ten grams, and now the Bretton Woods system has just collapsed. The exchange rate of gold against the US dollar and the pound has risen all the way. More than ten grams of gold can be exchanged for more than 5 pounds. As long as you change a bunch of gold gallons back to melt into gold and exchange for pounds, and then exchange pounds for gold gallons, it is absolutely profitable!

It does n’t matter if the gold is not real gold. Nowadays, the exchange rate of the pound is constantly changing. If you use the means of foreign exchange to fry the gold and the pound, you can definitely make a lot of money!

However, Shen Long is not very interested in this, because the money he earned in the real world is enough for his own excellent life. Do n’t watch Harry Potter ’s gold coins pile up when the vault is opened in the movie. In fact, the wealth of the wizarding world Far from being comparable to the local tyrants of the Muggle world.

As can be seen from the scope of their business operations, wizards in the magic world have never had too much contact with the Muggle world. Their population base is so small. It is estimated that there is not a small county with a large population and no experience. After the baptism of an industrialized capital society, how much wealth can such a world accumulate?

There are eggs that have reached the number of gold coins belonging to Harry Potter in the Gulingge vault, probably between 10,000 and 20,000 coins, which is a maximum of one million pounds, so this Harry Potter is regarded as the magic world. The top local tyrant is called Wang Sicong in the magic world. However, one million pounds is put into the real world, and Mao is not even counted.

The best-selling of "The Lion King" brought Shen Long a royal royalty, and even a company came to him to plan to adapt this book into cartoons, stage plays, and production of peripheral products, etc. According to the current income, up to When the third part of "The Lion King" was released, Shen Long's assets could definitely surpass the Potter family.

This is just royalties and copyright fees. If he carries out some commercial operations, such as buying and selling stocks, speculating in futures, etc., it is a matter of minutes to become the richest man in the world.

Walking to a tall white building, I glanced at the warning written at the entrance of Gu Ling Pavilion, and walked into the lobby. A group of Goblins were doing things behind the long counter. Some were talking with customers and some were using balances. Called gold coins; Irene took Shen Long to an empty counter and took out a thick stack of pounds from her bag and asked to exchange it for Gallon.

As soon as Goblin saw so many pounds, she suddenly shined in two different ways, and quickly recommended the service of the vault to Irene. There were a lot of gallons she wanted to exchange, which was not convenient to carry.

Shen Long calculated, it was really calculated according to the nominal exchange rate of one gold gallon to five pounds, and I do n’t know how Gu Ling Pavilion guaranteed that no one could use the exchange rate problem to break the Gu Ling Pavilion. Reasons for no interest in the Muggle world.

After exchanging the money, the two went out together to buy Shen Long what they needed for school. The first thing was the magic wand. He came to the Oliver Wand store and spent seven gallons, or thirty-five pounds, for himself. A wand, birch, 13 and 1/2 inches long, the core of the wand is the nerve of the snake, exactly like that of Snape in the novel.

Then I went to Madam Mokin's magic robe shop and bought them a full set of new clothes. Irene hasn't had the money to buy these all these years. After changing into new clothes, the whole person looks much younger.

Of course, the crucible is also indispensable. This is a must-have for refining potions. In addition, there are pets. Shen Long chose a British short-tailed cat. The short-tailed cat is not as eye-catching as owls and toads. Back to the real world.

The last is the Lizhen Bookstore. In Shen Long ’s view, this is the most valuable place in Diagon Alley. As a Nobel-grade chemist and the founder of the world ’s computer industry in “The Scarlet Romance”, Shen Long knows clearly and knowledgeably Is the most precious asset.

No matter what the novel is, Shen Long bought a bunch of books on the history of magic, elementary magic and some practical magic, and packed a whole box.

Maybe one day I can take Lily over and take her to see the world. Well, wait for her to receive the notice, and then on the way back, Shen Long made up her mind.

After returning home and having dinner, Shen Long returned to his study, drinking tea while reading these books, which recorded the history of the magic world, as well as various magical magic, magical creatures, magic With props and magic potions, Shen Long seemed to be in a huge treasure trove, and he looked fascinated.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening when Irene came to urge him to sleep that Shen Long reluctantly put down the book, washed and prepared to sleep, and lay in bed. Shen Long was also full of novel knowledge he had just come into contact with.

It's a waste of magic if you only use it to kill and kill!

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