All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 818: Hogwarts Express

Take the three most unforgivable spells in the magical world. The Abbaso spell can be inserted, but the bullet can also be inserted, and the power is much greater; the heart drill can make people suffer huge Pain is not unusual at all; the Soul Retrieval Curse has some meaning. After being used on a person, it will cause the other party to lose their mind and do things exactly as the caster intended, but it will not work for someone with strong willpower.

If you put it in the ancient Middle Ages, perhaps the wizards can still use these magic to run on the side, but with the development of technology, as the lethality of weapons held by ordinary humans becomes stronger and stronger, the deterrent power of the wizards will inevitably decline. After the crossbow appeared, the wizard could not rule the world.

After the guns were invented, they had to worry about human hostility. The wizarding world prohibited wizards from using magic in front of ordinary people. Perhaps they were not worried about the safety of ordinary people, but feared the destruction of the wizarding world.

Therefore, many people jokingly call Voldemort a village-level terrorist is not unreasonable. Don't look at his so powerful performance in novels and movies, the actual damage caused is not enough.

But magic is not useless. At least Shen Long has seen many magics that can shine in the ordinary world, such as a spell that expands space. The use of this spell is simply too great. When traveling, you can use a smaller bag and more There are many things that can be used to build large-space buildings on very small land.

If this technology can be popularized, the transportation industry may have been monopolized by the wizards. Ordinary people have no ability to compete with them. Think about the box of Newt in "The Magical Animal Is There". How many things can be accommodated there? !

Ordinary people spend a lot of money transporting things by train, large freighter, or transport plane. Newt-Scamander slips away from a box, and then uses a broom to fly, or rushes to use props, door keys and other props Destination, how much does this transportation cost? How do ordinary people's transportation industry compete with them?

There are also mantras that penetrate the space, which are equally effective in exploration, exploration and other fields; there are also various potions, such as the kind of treatment of long spots and acne caused by Mrs. Primm Pineil ’s beauty potion shop If the magic potion can be sold in the world of ordinary people, I am afraid that it will have replaced L'Oreal and other companies and become the overlord of the beauty industry.

These wizards are really in Baoshan without knowing it, but then again, they have good things, but they don't have the ability to protect them, and hiding their tracks is not a right choice.

Business competition is not as simple as it is said in ordinary commercial warfare TV series. The Morgan family likes to let people fly on the plane. The Rockefeller family directly owns the army. If the witches are targeted by them, these witches will become slaves of these capitalists. , Being controlled to make huge profits for the capitalists day and night.

Of course, this is only an extreme imagination. Magic is still very useful when ordinary people are unprepared. The soul-taking spell and the forgetting spell can control many people. If Voldemort ’s brain is a little easier to use, control it Some key figures may really destroy the world.

Since these things are so useful, how could Shen Long let go. Since this day, he has been staying at home almost every day, studying and studying these books every day, quickly mastering one spell after another, and often asking Irene for some potions. In terms of knowledge, Irene Prince was born in the potion family, and Snape could become a potion master, perhaps inheriting her knowledge and talent.

When taking occasional breaks, Shen Long would go to Lily. Now that their family is already a middle class, he can come to the Evans house to visit the house without worrying about the other party ’s parents being upset.

Lily and Penny will often come to his house as a guest. Through Irene Prince, Lily has no doubt about the world of magic. By July, the owl from Hogwarts finally sent them admission notices. book.

Penny was very unhappy that she did not receive the notice. She even secretly wrote a letter to the school and asked the principal to accept her. However, all this was useless and she had no talent for learning magic.

Shen Long and Lily comforted her for a long time. In the original novel, Lily did not perform well when Penny was lost, which led to an increase in the rift between the sisters. Since Shen Long is here, of course, this kind of thing will not continue occur.

Shen Long gave Penny a bright future. For example, after she learned martial arts, her body became more flexible, she could become a ballet dancer, or a world champion of a certain competition, etc., Penny only barely accepted it.

I do n’t know what method Hogwarts used to make Lily ’s parents accept the reality that she will become a witch. The Evans family also began to prepare for Lily to buy school supplies. Shen Long acted as a tour guide. Character, took them to go around Diagon Alley for a while and bought all the necessities.

After more than half a year, the feelings of the two people gradually increased. At night, they even used their pets to communicate between each other's bedrooms, exchanging various small notes to chat. This novel feeling made Lily very addicted.

Finally, at the time of enrollment, the two went to King ’s Cross Railway Station in London, walked through the wall, and reached the platform of nine and three quarters. Irene sat on Shen Long ’s shoulder and occasionally knew her in the wizarding world. People greeted ~ ~ and Lily's family stood there a little bit restrained, a little out of place.

"Don't worry, I will take care of Lily!" Shen Long approached them and said to the Evans couple.

"Siefer, then please!" During this time, Shen Long made a pretty good impression on them by visiting the Evans family. After hearing these, the Evans and his wife were relieved a little.

Penny showed some sadness. This kind of sadness was not only a regret that she could not become a wizard, but also a sadness that was reluctant to separate from Lily and Shen Long. Shen Long and Lily went to comfort them again. Finally, no penny hit in the novel Lily slaps the scene.

The train was about to leave. Shen Long took Lily to the Hogwarts Express, waved goodbye to Irene, Penny and others, and then found an empty carriage to sit down while chatting about school while enjoying the magical scenery outside the window After things.

"Siefer, do you want to enroll in that college? Are you saying that there will be a hat for us to arrange the college?" Lily is most concerned about this.

This question is indeed crucial. Snape and Lily failed to come together and have an inseparable relationship with Gryffindor and Slytherin's grievances.

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