All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 819: Bear Child James

"Hey, there is no doubt that Gryffindor is the best college in Hogwarts!" The two boys walked into the carriage, the one with light black hair and a spoiled look, Shen Long first I immediately recognized that this was Harry Potter ’s father, James Potter, and the comrade behind him was sitting in a chair lazily. Needless to say, it was definitely James ’servant Sirius. They met them.

"You don't lack courage, maybe you will be assigned to Gryffindor by the sorting hat!" Shen Long said to Lily. She had already gone to Gryffindor, but should I go to Slytherin?

Lily glanced at James and Sirius. Their frivolous posture made Lily a little disliked, so she ignored them and continued to ask Shen Long, "Siefer, you haven't told me you want to go to that What about the college? "

Shen Long shrugged. "I don't know. In fact, that college doesn't matter to me, but for Irene, I might go to Slytherin! She graduated from there!"

"Hah, did you hear that, Sirius, it seems that you are going to Slytherin too, your whole family belongs to this academy!" Seeing Lily didn't take care of herself, James felt a little uncomfortable, and he subconsciously wanted to leave, but Seeing Lily's dark green eyes, he was reluctant.

"Maybe I will break this tradition, James, if you choose, you will go to that college?" Sirius grinned, Sirius is the rebellious teenager of the Black family.

"Gryffindor, the Warriors' pile of academies, like my dad!" James made a gesture of drawing a sword out of thin air, and the founder of Gryffindor left the Gryffindor sword and branch cap.

Um, your simple, well-developed limbs look like a Gryffindor bear child. I do n’t understand. Why did Hermione, who loves learning, be assigned to Gryffindor? Obviously Ravenclaw is more suitable for her, could it be that there is a problem with the branch hat? Or the role of the protagonist aura?

Shen Long was too lazy to take care of the bear child, and turned his head directly to look at the scenery outside the window. He did not want him to make James angry, and he glanced up and down at Shen Long. "Look at your thin face, Gryffin. More is not for you! "

Snape had been undernourished before, and Shen Long improved his family conditions after he arrived in this world, but the time was a bit short. Although he now looks much better than in the movie, he is still a little weak.

I do n’t take care of you. You ’ve gotten into me. Shen Long turned around and smiled ironically, “You ’re quite strong. Since you have such a good body, why would you come to Hogwarts to learn magic? Move bricks up! "

Lily grinned and smiled. She was happy to see the two rude children deflated, but she had no intention of widening the contradiction. She stood up and said to Shen Long, "Severus, let's change the car!"

"Ooooooooo ~~" James and Sirius imitated her cold tone, got up and left first, and when he went out, James looked at Shen Long deeply, intending to keep this face in mind In his heart, although he did not know what it meant to move bricks, he instinctively felt that this was not a good word.

"Adolescent bear children are so annoying, and Gryffindor is a gathering place for Hogwarts bear children." Shen Long said with a shrug.

"They seem to have opinions about Slytherin?" Lily heard something from James and Sirius.

"Huh." Shen Long nodded. "Compared to Gryffindor, Slytherin is more conservative. The students are mostly children of the pure-blood wizard family. They don't like mixed-blood families like me or you like hemp. The students of melon family ... actually, it is just all the adolescent bear children imitating the boring behavior of their parents. "

"For me, it ’s just silly to use colleges to distinguish people. There are nasty guys in any college and friends in any college." Shen Long thinks that Lily will definitely suffer after entering Gryffindor. It is better to take a vaccination first so as not to be disturbed when you go to school.

Lily nodded slowly. She had read a book in an ordinary school and could understand the meaning of Shen Long. The two soon forgot the episode and began to taste various snacks on the Hogwarts Express.

Various sounds came from the carriage passage, and Shen Long vaguely heard the words of the mysterious man. Since last year, Tom Riddle began publicly appearing as Lord Voldemort, gaining fandom in the wizarding world, and his wings are gradually plump. The Death Eaters led by him carried out a terrible killing. They were tortured to death against their teachings. Many Muggles were killed by them in the name of "fun", and they were panicked for a while.

People do n’t even dare to call his name directly, but instead replace it with a mysterious person. Shen Long feels that this is not just a cause of fear. In the magic world, the name is a very unique existence. Perhaps the name directly calling Voldemort will attract some trouble.

The train arrived at Hogwarts College. Shen Long saw many familiar faces here, such as the giant Hagrid, such as the principal Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Dumbledore became the principal of Hogwarts in 1943. The year Harry Potter entered school, he had been in this position for nearly fifty years.

Professor McGonagall graduated from Hogwarts seventeen years ago, then briefly engaged with Muggle Dugor-McGreger, and then changed jobs a few times ~ ~ returned to Huo 15 years ago Gvoz served as a teacher.

The students came to the auditorium, and the school's teachers introduced them to the history of the school and the four major colleges, followed by the most important task assignment college before formal admission.

A dirty hat was invited out, and it sang "Branch Hat Song", and then assigned the colleges to the freshmen in the order of their initials.

Soon after Sirius Black was assigned to Gryffindor, James and he gave a high-five to celebrate, and Slytherin burst into boos, and they regarded Sirius as a traitor.

Shortly after Sirius passed, it was Lily's turn. Professor McGonagall shouted her name. Shen Long patted Lily on the back of her hand to stop her nervous. Lily took a few deep breaths and then sat on the chair.

This time the branch hat made a decision that seemed to take a lot longer than in the movie, but in the end it still shouted the name "Gryffindor", and cheers rang out from the crowd of Gryffindor to celebrate the arrival of his college Beauties.

Lily took off her hat and returned it to Professor McGonagall, then hurried to the cheering Griffindor students, but at the same time she looked back at Shen Long with a small bitter smile on her face.

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