All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 820: How to become a campus figure

Sirius stood up and gave way to Lily. Lily looked at Sirius and recognized that he was the man on the train, so he twisted his face firmly with his arms and only turned his back to Sirius; students from the other three colleges issued Laughing, Sirius shrugged awkwardly and sat down.

The roll call continued, and Shen Long saw Lupin, Little Dwarf Peter and James Potter all being assigned to Griffindo College; in the end, there were only a dozen students to be assigned, and Professor McGonagall finally called. Snape ’s name, "Severus-Snape!"

Shen Long walked slowly to the chair, the branch cap buckled on his head to cover his eyes, and then the dark world in the hat and waiting, Shen Long heard a small voice in his ear, "Huh? Very special student, You do n’t lack courage, you can go to Gryffindor if you want! "

That is inevitable. I have experienced so many worlds and so many adventures. If I lack the courage, I am afraid I will have failed. But I did n’t want to go to Gryffindor to deal with the bear children. Shen Long was about to refuse, but heard the branch hat speak again, "But you also have the desire for wisdom, and Ravenclaw is also for you! I seem to be able to Realizing that you have a special affinity for plants, Hufflepuff must love such students! "

"Ah, you still have ambitions that are not commensurate with your age. Slytherin will also welcome you; difficult, very difficult. I was the first time I met a student who made me so difficult to choose. It was really interesting. Which college should I assign you? Gryffindor? Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw or Slytherin? "

"Actually, I don't care which college I study, but I really don't want to be with those bear children, you still assign me to Slytherin!" Shen Long responded silently in his mind, the branch hat didn't seem to see Your own real information is probably the reason why the system is shielded!

"So okay." The sorting hat was quiet for a while, and then shouted Slytherin's name, this time the children of Slytherin's turn cheered, and Gryffindor boos, James and Sirius seems to be still saying something to Lily, but this did not make them win Lily's favor, Lily is farther from them.

Shen Long put down the branch cap and walked to the other side of the hall. A senior student with pale blonde hair, cold gray-blue eyes, and a pale pointed face, wearing a glittering senior badge on his chest, greeted him. With his right hand extended, "Lucius Malfoy, welcome to Slytherin."

Lucius Malfoy was six years older than Snape. He entered Hogwarts six years earlier. With his background, he easily became a class leader. Now he is the leader of Slytherin.

This guy is as arrogant and arrogant as his child Draco Malfoy, but I do n’t know why, he actually has a good relationship with Snape, perhaps because they have n’t spent a lot of time together in school.

"Severus-Snape, it's nice to meet you!" Shen Long shook hands with him, and then sat on the chair, Lucius glanced at Shen Long's dress, a little puzzled, surname Snape Not among the 28 pure blood wizard families, why is he so rich?

The last student was allocated and the branch ceremony was officially over. Now it ’s the principal ’s turn to appear Dumbledore. He does n’t look much different from the movie. This guy was born in 1881. He was just 90 years old this year. When Lee Porter was enrolled in school, he was 110 years old. The 90-year-old and the 110-year-old did not really look different.

After the welcome speech by Albus-Dumbledore, the banquet officially began, and a lot of delicious food suddenly appeared on the empty gold plate above the table, roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, salami, steak, boiled potatoes, roasted Potatoes, potato chips, Yorkshire pudding, pea sprouts, carrots, gravy, tomato paste, and mint hard candy.

Many freshmen were very surprised, including Lily. Shen Long gave her a gesture of peace and enjoyment. These foods were not made out of thin air, but Hogwarts ’house-elves made them in the kitchen and used them. The magic is here.

Many children from ordinary families suddenly saw so many delicious foods and couldn't help chewing up happily, but Shen Long tasted everything and stopped, and the British's cooking skills did not dare to compliment, just Not even the craftsmanship of house elves.

"Why don't you taste it?" Lucius Malfoy was even more curious to see this scene.

"I have to admit that the British are really not talented in cooking, and these things just don't eat bad stomachs." Shen Long said with a shrug. "I don't know the house elf cooking school of Booth Barton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It won't be better. "

Booth Barton is located in France. The cooking skills of French chefs are still quite good. Shen Long began to look forward to the top three competitions. I do n’t know if it will be held in recent years. Do you have a chance to visit France?

"When I followed my father to France and the French magic world, I did taste the cooking skills of the elves in France, which is much better than Hogwarts." Lucius Malfoy started to force himself Well, this may be the tradition of the Malfoy family.

"Why didn't Principal Dumbledore have a conversation with Booth Button? ~ From them, I asked some house elves to come over? I can't stand eating these things every day." Shen Long glanced at Deng Brido, I saw that he was dealing with a piece of honey cake. The old guy seemed to have enough sweets.

"Frankly speaking, I haven't heard of the surname Snape before. Which family are you descendants from?" As Lucius looked more and more, he felt that Shen Long's posture was full of nobility.

"I am not a descendant of the pure-blood wizard family, my father is a Muggle, and my mother is the last descendant of the Prince family." Shen Long answered truthfully, without a little anxiety on his face, he was not British People will regard blood as important.

The Prince family seems to have disappeared from the magic world long ago? Why is he so rich? Lucius took another look at Shen Long's dress, which was definitely not something the wizarding family could afford.

So he stopped the strange reactions of other students in Slytherin, and continued to talk with Shen Longpan with curiosity. The Malfoy family was firmly surrounded by pure blood, and had always believed that the wizard's genes were superior to Muggles, but they needed to Before stopping to please the Muggles, he felt the same with Shen Long.

Shen Long is thinking about another question, how to become a great figure in Hogwarts.

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