All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 824: Bet it

"Lucius, what's the matter." Shen Long asked over, didn't he say he would come here for an interview today? Why did the people of Gryffindor come?

"Ah, we have booked a course with the school, but Gryffindor said he would also interview the newcomer." Lucius Malfoy pointed to the two groups of people who were in a fierce dispute in the middle of the field. "Gryffindor Having won the championship for several years, they have always enjoyed privileges on the court. "

"But the rule is the rule, isn't it? Since we have obtained the right to use the court from the school, should they get out? If we want to use it, we must wait for it to run out!" Shen Long decisively stood on the side of Slytherin , But he refused to let go of any opportunity that would hit James ’s gang.

"That's right, but Slytherin's performance has been poor in recent years, so our team can't look up in front of Gryffindor." Lucius lowered his voice and said.

"Ha, that's all a thing of the past. As long as I join the team, I will definitely get the championship trophy back." Shen Long increased his voice deliberately. There is no humble and good moral character in European and American countries. If you are humble, You may think that you are counseling, it is better to let the words go out from the beginning.

Shen Long's voice was a little loud, not only Lucius, but also the Gryffindors heard it, and James immediately took a big step with Sirius, "Aha? Slytherin still wants to win the championship? You could be Are you still dreaming? "

"Yeah, isn't this Mr. Porter and Mr. Black who have caused Gryffindor deductions? Do you feel guilty about your performance, so you want to join the team to make up for the points you lost?" Shen Long With a sarcastic smile, "Thanks to you, Slytherin is leading the Academy Cup again. It seems that this year is not just the Quidditch champion, the Academy Cup champion will definitely belong to Slytherin."

James and Sirius were angry, but there was nothing to say, it was really because they did not perform well in the potion class that they would only cause Gryffindor to be deducted points.

"That's because Mr. Slughorn is biased towards you! He is the dean of Slytherin!" James was a little anxious and accused the teacher of blurting out.

"Wow, wow, Mr. Porter, are you accusing the teacher?" Shen Long applauded softly. "Isn't that the fact that you and Mr. Black were really too bad in class?" In Slughorn's ears, James must be in trouble.

However, Shen Long didn't mean to do a small report. Whether it is domestic or foreign, it is quite consistent in this respect. Everyone has no interest in students who make small reports.

"Lucius, is this the newcomer you Slytherin wants to recruit?" Alexander Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, felt that he couldn't let James Potter talk anymore. He came over and Shen Long said hello and then reached out, "Hello Mr. Snape."

Is this guy the father or uncle of Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in the Harry Potter era? It looks as tall and strong as Oliver Wood.

He seems to want to teach me a lesson? Shen Long saw a taste of bad intentions from Wood's eyes, but it didn't matter. Shen Long also smiled and stretched out his hand.

Sure enough, as soon as the hands of both sides touched, Shen Long felt that Wood was exerting force; hey, although he was a few levels higher than Potter, he was still a child, and he always liked to play this kind of trick.

The smile on the corner of Wood's mouth was even stronger. He had begun to imagine Shen Long's cry, but when he started to use force, he felt something wrong. Why did he seem to hold the iron block? Wood's smile stiffened, and he began to increase his strength, but it didn't help.

Wood was tired and sweaty, and Shen Long still did n’t see a little abnormal reaction, and there was a smile on his mouth. Youzai stood there, and Lucius also discovered the little trick between them. After seeing Shen Long, he was fine. Saying ironically, "Dear Mr. Wood, haven't you had dinner today?"

It felt like he couldn't clean up the child anymore. Wood was like giving up and saying a few words to leave. Shen Long didn't give him this opportunity. Feeling that Wood was going to tighten, his fingers started to work hard immediately.

"Ah ~~~" Wood suddenly felt his right hand seemed to be clamped by iron tongs, and cried out in pain.

A tall boy of 16 or 7 years old, who was gripped by a thin boy who was only 11 years old, Gryffindor Quidditch team lost his adult today.

"Ah, Mr. Wood was very warm to me just now, shaking hands very hard. I thought this was a unique hobby of your Gryffindor students. I didn't think he didn't seem to like this!" Shen Long smiled and released his right hand, but he did It didn't take much effort, it would hurt Wood for a while at most, but it wouldn't hurt him.

It's just some children, Shen Long won't care too much about them.

"Haha, Wood, would you like me to have something to eat?" Peter Broad, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, was very happy to see his old opponent Wood ugly.

He is a descendant of the Broad family, one of the 28 pure-blood families in the magic world. He used to not like the half-blood wizard, but now he looks more and more pleasing to the eyes. All Slytherin can clean up Gryffindors.

After experiencing such a small episode, Gryffindor lost the desire to fight Slytherin, Wood frustrated and took the team members to leave, of course, before he left, he did not forget to speak ruthlessly, said to Shen Long, "Boy, let's see you on the court, I hope you won't cry your nose when the time comes."

"Crying nose? Was it like what you just did?" Shen Long's words caused a laugh from the students of Slytherin ~ ~ Captain, since the venue is vacant, can it be tested now? Shen Long asked Broad.

"No, I have heard of your performance in the flight class. Welcome to join the Slytherin Quidditch team!" Brod is in a good mood now and accepted Shen Long without testing.

"Severus, Gryffindor will still be the champion of this year!" Seeing Shen Long has joined the team, he has not yet started the test, James is very unconvinced.

"Oh? Really? So, shall we make a bet? Let's see who can win this year's championship?" Shen Long's eyes turned and he had an idea.

"What bet?" James Potter really took the bait.

"What do you want to gamble?" Shen Long asked back.

"If Gryffindor wins the championship, you're far away from our Gryffindor girls!" James Potter's mind emerged from Lily's figure, he said without hesitation.

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