All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 825: Cloak

"Ha, Mr. Porter, I don't know that your Gryffindor students can even bet against friends!" Even though Shen Long had the determination to win 100%, he would not agree to this. Lily would definitely be sad to go out, "I'm not like your Gryffindor students can do this kind of thing."

"Mr. Porter, you irritated me, so let's bet a big one, what do you think of ten thousand gold gallons? If you Gryffindor win, I will give you ten thousand gold gallons! Then, If Slytherin won the final championship, what can you lose to me? "Shen Long asked James looking at James.

"Ten thousand gold gallons!" There was a cry of excitement at the scene. Even old tyrants like Lucius Malfoy, after hearing so many gold gallons, they took a breath, and he looked at Shen Long's eyes. It is more and more different. How much money can he take out with so much money?

Even the Malfoy family will not casually give away 10,000 gold gallons of gambling; let alone other students, the total family property of the vast majority of them together is uncertain and there is no 10,000 gold gallons. .

James Potter and Sirius Black were born in an ancient family. They can take out the money, but they are young and have not inherited the family ’s property. There will be no problem in daily expenses. Let them take 10,000 gold gallons to participate in a game, the two of them do not have this strength.

"Why? Mr. Porter, Mr. Black, can't you get the money?" Shen Long's mouth showed an ironic smile, which was so dazzling in the eyes of James and Sirius.

"Siefer, don't worry about them, they are absolutely scared!" Lucius came over and hugged Shen Long's shoulder. After learning that Shen Long was so rich, he became more and more kind to Shen Long.

"I wouldn't be scared!" James said arrogantly, but he could only say that, and he and Sirius couldn't add up so much money.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You haven't inherited your family property yet? You haven't learned to make money yet. I couldn't get so much money out of it! Well, let's change our bet and I will still give 10,000 gold gallons. And you just bet on your stealth clothes! You have a big advantage in this game! "Shen Long's real purpose is actually this, stealth clothes are fun.

"Siefer, the Potter family's cloak is not worth ten thousand gold gallons." Lucius worried about Shen Long's loss, so he reminded others to nod, even on James Potter's face. Surprised look, as Shen Long said, he definitely took advantage of this game.

"It's okay!" Shen Long said generously. "Anyway, I won the championship. If Mr. Porter can't even conceal his cloak, can he bet me with a copper nut? If I lose, I will Give you ten thousand gold gallons. "

Young people are not stressed, especially the bear children such as Gryffindor. As soon as the voice fell, he heard James say loudly, "I bet with you, the cloak is the cloak!"

"Jam, we can definitely win this championship, you can rest assured!" Alexander Wood encouraged James on the shoulder, and he was confident in the strength of the team.

"Okay, that's it!" Shen Long smiled, his purpose has been achieved, "Oh, yes, no one should say anything about today's affairs, I think Dumbledore would definitely not want to see this In one scene, if he knew it, he would stop us; oh, if you have no confidence in yourself or do not see the hope of victory, can you go to Dumbledore to inform! "

"We can use magic to protect this secret!" Lucius felt that Shen Long was very confident, so he decided to help Shen Long handle this matter better. In the magic world, there is magic that can make people keep secrets strictly. .

"We will never divulge it to others." Wood exchanged glances with James, Sirius, and others, and agreed to Lucius' plan, so several senior students who mastered the magic jointly cast a spell and completed the magic ritual. , They have no way to tell others about this news.

Then the students of Shen Long and Slytherin left. Since Shen Long has officially joined the team, there is no need for them to stay here. It just happens that Gryffindor can use this opportunity to test Porter and Sirius. .

After the test, Wood looked at them, "James, Sirius, you two are really talented, James is suitable to be a chaser, Sirius you can be a hitter, you will follow the ball from tomorrow Team training! "

"Yeah!" James and Sirius happily clapped, neither of them noticed that the smile on Wood's face was a little stiff. Wood also heard of Shen Long's performance in the flight class. With their current strength, there was no way Beat him.

After establishing the game, James Porter and Sirius Black put most of their energy into Quidditch training. There is no time to harass Shen Long and Lily at the moment, which allows him and Lily to enjoy a leisurely time.

Lily's performance in the classroom is very good. She was originally talented, studying and working hard, coupled with Shen Long's tutoring to her, made her become a school bully like Hermione.

However, just like Hermione ’s position in Gryffindor is not high, Lily continued to win points for Gryffindor through her excellent performance ~ ~ but did not win the love of Gryffindor children They only saw that Lily often interacted with Slytherin students, which made them very dissatisfied.

So the children of Gryffindor began to isolate Lily, except for a few people, most of the children of Gryffindor were reluctant to associate with Lily, which made Lily very sad.

"Hey, to be honest, this habit of simply distinguishing relationships between different colleges is too bad; if I went to Gryffindor like you, then it wouldn't happen so much." Shen Long Comforted.

"No, isn't that your mother's wish?" Lily shook her head lightly. "And which college is assigned by the branch cap, it's up to you." Lily doesn't know which college Shen Long wants to go to.

She just feels that compared with the bear children of Gryffindor, especially James and Sirius, this one is simply too good in front of her.

Now that Voldemort has begun to summon Death Eaters, Dumbledore is busy with the formation of the Phoenix Society to fight him, and it seems that he has not noticed the bet between Shen Long and James.

Time passed quickly, and it didn't take long for the Quidditch game to begin.

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