All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 836: Plan ahead

"What do you ask about this?" Slughorn was very nervous. He looked around subconsciously, and even wanted to use magic to investigate whether there are other people peeping at them; because the Horcrux is made by The taboo knowledge was strictly restricted from leaking out. He accidentally revealed this secret to Tom Riddle before he created the current Voldemort.

"I have to make some preparations!" Shen Long sighed. "Inventing the wolf poison potion will definitely offend Fenrir Greyback. He is one of the most important Death Eaters under the mysterious man. The mysterious man will find me sooner or later. Yes, I ca n’t do without the slightest preparation. "

"Professor, I believe you have also entered their line of sight." Shen Long warned that this is not just a matter of his own. "The mysterious person is estimated to have begun to make Horcruxes. I must understand this knowledge to destroy him. "

Shen Long searched through the library, but he did not find the "Decryption of Cutting-edge Black Magic" detailing the production method of the Horcrux, which was estimated to be hidden by Dumbledore, so he could only ask Slugho Well, it ’s easier to persuade him than Dumbledore.

More than a year ago, Shen Long had gained the trust of Slughorn, and with the threat of Voldemort, Shen Long spent a lot of time and finally asked about the Horcrux from Slughorn. knowledge.

"The production method of Horcrux comes from the wizards of ancient Egypt. The word Horcrux evolved from Horus. The body of Horus' father, Osiris, was caused by Seth. The backwardness was thrown away, but as the mummy was resurrected, Osiris, who was resurrected, became a model for all the dead. In mythology, the **** of Horus was taught to the human mummy manufacturing method; and the wizards of ancient Egypt used this to study A method of making Horcruxes was created. "

After talking about the history of Horcrux, Slughorn began to talk to Shen Long about the methods of making and destroying Horcruxes. "To make a Horcrux requires a black wizard to break and split his own soul through murder and other evil things. Separate part of the soul from the body and seal it in a vessel. This vessel is a soul vessel, so that even if the body is destroyed, it will not die, because there is a part of the soul that has not been damaged and remains in the world, but the soul should remain intact. , Splitting it is an evil act against nature and will lead to insanity. "

"To completely kill a black magician who made a Horcrux, you must destroy all Horcruxes, but be very careful when destroying Horcruxes, because they are often under the protection of powerful black magic."

Shen Long nodded, and he remembered clearly that Dumbledore was in black magic when he destroyed the Marvolo-Gante ring. Even Dumbledore couldn't heal the injuries caused by black magic.

So, now Voldemort has several Horcruxes, where are they hiding? Shen Long began to recall the novel. The first Horcrux in the original work was Tom Riddle's diary, which Lucius secretly stuffed into Ginny's book pile. This is not yet known there.

The second Horcrux is Marvolo-Gant's ring, which is kept in the Gant's old house of the Slytherin family.

The third Horcrux is Slytherin's pendant box, which was kept in the cave that Tom visited when he was young, protected by powerful black magic, and should not have been taken by Regulus Black yet.

The fourth Horcrux is Hufflepuff's gold cup. The alert Voldemort was placed in the Gu Ling Pavilion and was guarded by the dragon. The place where the gold cup was placed was cast a fire spell and a copy spell. The touched objects will be hot and copied. Yourself.

The fifth Horcrux was the crown of Ravenclaw, deceived by Tom Riddle ’s ingenuity, and made into a Horcrux. He was hiding in a house of quests when Riddle went to Hogwarts to apply for Dumbledore. , Hidden in Hogwarts, this can be found out and destroyed.

The sixth Horcrux is the great snake Nagini. According to the news from Lucius, Nagini has now followed Voldemort. It is estimated that he will not find a solution until the end.

Harry Potter is not yet born, and the seventh Horcrux does not yet exist, so to kill Voldemort only needs to solve six Horcruxes; after thinking about it, Shen Long again thought of the Voyager problem If Voldemort knows a little bit about science and secretly hides a Horcrux on this or the moon probe, then it is estimated that he will not be killed.

Hey, this is the disadvantage of no culture. As long as the Horcrux is still hidden on the earth, how can it be found, or that the Horcrux also has a range of use? Once I fly too far, I can't receive the signal, can't I resurrect?

To destroy the Horcrux, a specific method is also required. The Horcrux that can be destroyed must be very destructive, so powerful that the Horcrux can no longer be repaired with magic, such as the poison of the Basilisk, the Fiery Curse, and Awada. Suo Ming curse and so on, the Gryffindor sword itself cannot destroy the Horcrux, it can destroy the Horcrux because it absorbed the Venom of the Basilisk.

Therefore, it is also harmful to forbid learning black magic. If you can't scorch the fire spell and the Avadasso spell, and you can't get the venom of the basilisk, what do you rely on to destroy the Horcrux?

Shen Long thought of the dwarven Mithril Longsword that he carried in his space, and the Valeria steel dagger borrowed from Erya ~ ~ These two weapons also have the effect of eliminating evil, I do n’t know Can it destroy the Horcrux?

Forget it, let these things be done by Dumbledore! I'm still a kid, why should I bear this kind of pressure that is not commensurate with my age? Find an opportunity to secretly find out the room where you can, and give Ravenclaw ’s crown to Dumbledore. Then let him find a way to destroy it. As for me, let ’s continue to grow in a frivolous way, and increase the relationship with Lily. Too.

After coming out of Slughorn, Shen Long was quiet for a while. After the final exam in the second grade, he entered the room of the request according to the records in the book, got the crown of Ravenclaw, and gave it to Dumbledore. .

"Severus, how did you find the room with the request?" Dumbledore saw the trace of black magic on the treasure.

"To celebrate Slytherin ’s receipt of the College Cup, I drank a lot of beverages, and I eagerly wanted to go to the toilet, and then I went in. There are all kinds of beautiful potties ..." Shen Long put Dumbledore in the future The experience is said.

"Well, thank you, Severus, you made a huge contribution to Hogwarts." Dumbledore doubted him, but did not show anything. After sending away Shen Long, he looked at The Horcrux fell into contemplation.

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