All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 837: Voldemort is here

After returning home in the summer vacation, Shen Long went to meet Lucius Malfoy secretly again, and received a lot of useful news from him. The most important one was that Voldemort suddenly became mentally ill a while ago. The backlash from the destruction of the device made Voldemort nervous, and he began to plan the attack.

In this regard, Shen Long made a decision, he told Lucius Malfoy the rest of the Horcruxes, and asked him to notify Dumbledore, using Dumbledore's hand to weaken Voldemort.

"Severus, how do you know this?" Lucius Malfoy was more and more surprised. The other party understood Voldemort's so many weaknesses, and Voldemort didn't even notice it. This situation is a bit scary.

No wonder he refused to agree to join the Death Eaters. Based on these, coupled with Dumbledore's deterrence, Voldemort basically had no hope of winning! He began to rejoice that he had listened to Shen Long ’s warning and made the right choice. Now that he had established a relationship with Dumbledore, he became twenty-five, so even if Voldemort eventually failed, he would not have any losses. .

It is even possible to go further and get the wealth left by Voldemort and other Death Eaters, so that the wealth and influence of the Malfoy family will expand again.

"Siefer, I think we can ..." Lucius Malfoy began to discuss with Shen Long how to divide the victory. He felt that Dumbledore was definitely not interested in these things, but he wanted to get more. Many things can't do without Shen Long's help.

Shen Long is also good at doing this kind of thing. Anyway, we were also godfathers at that time, right? There are more people in his hands than there are wizards in the whole of England. He came up with various proposals. He heard Lucius stunned. He felt that he had lived on the dog ’s stomach all these years. Where can he think of so many subtleties? Approach.

If all goes well, by the time this matter is over, the Malfoy family will definitely become the most wealthy family in the magic world, and in front of him will also become a wealthy person in the magic world.

"I wish us a happy cooperation!" Lucius took the wine glass and touched Shen Long, and then drank it. For the wealth that was about to come, he now hopes that Voldemort will hang up tomorrow, compared to pulling Shen Long last year. When he joined, Lucius's attitude towards Voldemort made a 180-degree turn.

This is the charm of money. It seems that even in the magic world, the charm of money is still very powerful. Even Voldemort will bow his head under the power of money. He may not care about it, but the people around him can't resist it. The temptation of money, Lucius, the two or five will definitely cause huge losses to Voldemort.

The summer vacation passed, and the new year came. This year Shen Long ’s life in Hogwarts was still calm. He and Lupin worked out the method of making the living point map. This plan can be applied to other places in the future. Perhaps he can bring tremendous help to himself, and he has mastered a lot of other knowledge.

Even if he is now allowed to take the fifth-grade general wizard test, he will definitely get all the excellent results; even the ultimate wizard test is completely no problem.

So after waiting for the third grade graduation exam, Slughorn even chatted with him about his future plans in advance. He kindly invited Shen Long to stay as a teacher at Hogwarts.

Outside of Hogwarts, the entire magic world was a mess. Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix obtained several Horcruxes based on the information of Lucius of the two or five, and then destroyed them; Voldemort felt The arrival of threats strengthened the protection of his last few Horcruxes, and took the Death Eaters to launch a fierce attack on the magic world.

Shen Long took Irene Prince to Hogsmeade Village in advance, and Lily ’s parents are Muggles, and they will not be disturbed by Voldemort for the time being. Their family is nothing.

Under the restraint of Shen Long, Avery and Murray Cyber ​​and others did not join the Death Eaters. This attitude also affected their families, which weakened Voldemort's strength a lot.

When the third grade graduated, Shen Long took Irene back to London. Penguin Press was still waiting for Shen Long's new book. Irene was going to communicate with them and sign a contract.

After signing the contract, the two of them did not rush to return to the magic world. The magic world is a little too boring, and Irene has lived among Muggles for so many years, and has gradually fallen in love with Muggle entertainment culture. In Hogmore Tokumura does not have these.

That night, Shen Long and Irene went to the cinema to watch the latest Hollywood movie. Irene drove Shen Long back to their villa in the suburbs.

As soon as the car was fine, Shen Long felt something strange. He pulled out his wand from his sleeve and warned Irene, "You will stay in the house later, don't come out no matter what happens outside!"

"Siefer!" Irene felt the seriousness of the problem from his tone.

"Eileen, it's okay, I can do this." Irene-Prince's combat ability is not good. She stayed here can only distract Shen Long. Shen Long took out an invisibility cloak and draped it on her, letting her first Going home, he also made some preparations at home, which can resist for a while.

After Irene left, Shen Long came out of the car and came to look around on the lawn. His eyes fell on the trees. His breath had captured the trail of the enemy ~ ~ He raised his wand Pointed over there and said, "Who is there, come out!"

"Severus-Snape!" A man in a black robe came out of the bushes. His head was shining and he was wearing a black robe. The pale face of the dead looked like wax and twisted strangely. The white eyes seemed to be filled with blood forever.

"Tom Mavolo Riddle! Or should I call you Voldemort?" Shen Long's face sneered. Now that people have arrived in front of themselves, there is no need to worry about the name.

"Did you tell Dumbledore where my Horcrux is hiding? It was yours that made Dumbledore destroy my Horcrux!" Voldemort said with a snake-like hissing sound, and then drilled out several famous foods from behind him Dead man.

Shen Long saw that there seemed to be Bellatrix Black and her husband Rosdorf Lestrange, there were the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback, but they did not see Lucius Malfoy. Shadow, this guy is estimated to be the second or fifth child again, trying to sell himself.

Maybe he didn't tell Voldemort about these things, but he should know that Voldemort came back to find himself. If he hangs up, no one knows his things, and he can get more things. This decision is not very wise, Lucius. , You will pay the price!

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