All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 838: You have magic, I have science

"Severus, if you are willing to submit to me, I will forgive what you did before, give you a higher status, teach you higher black magic, you are a child of Slytherin, you are a magic genius, You should get more. "Voldemort seduced Shen Long with hissing voice.

I do n’t know if he was also born in Slytherin, is also a hybrid of humans and wizards, and is also talented in magic, thus having a good impression on Shen Long. Voldemort did not show up as a killer as soon as he came up.

"And then it becomes like you are not a ghost or a ghost?" Shen Long sarcastically said, before I said that Lucius was stupid after you, wasn't I even Lucius?

"Severus, how dare you anger the great Dark Lord! I will torture you with the most painful magic!" Bellatrix showed a cruel smile, she has always liked to torture people, when she heard this Rosdorf-Lestrange stepped forward to cast magic on Shen Long.

"You are too close to me. Shouldn't you be a wizard and avoid magic from afar?" Seeing the two of them came over and smiled at Shen Long, don't you think I'm a weak ordinary wizard.

"What?" Rosdorf-Lestrange didn't quite understand, and stood there stunned.

"Nothing, oh, by the way, poor Rosdorf, do you know you are green by your master? Bellatrix has long slept with Voldemort! Or that you submit to Voldemort and put your own Wife sent it too? "Shen Long smiled as he looked at the guy with green light on his head.

Perhaps it was the same love of black magic. Bellatrix had long been mixed with Voldemort. When Voldemort was resurrected in the future, Bellatrix also gave him a daughter, Delphi Riddle, she The story is described in detail in "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child".

Hearing this, Bellatrix and Rosdorf changed color at the same time, Bellatrix was a little flustered, and Rosdorf could n’t believe it, the other Death Eaters looked at Voldemort, but Voldemort ’s face was There is no response at all.

"The second warning, don't be distracted when you are so close to me!" Shen Long suddenly moved, and the Death Eaters couldn't see how he moved. Shen Long went to Bellatrix. Between Sis and Rosdorff, his hands were raised, and a long sword and a dagger suddenly appeared in Shen Long's hands.

The sword and dagger were drawn like lightning, and Bellatrix and Rosdorf did n’t even have time to add armor to themselves, and one was cut off by the sword and the other was stabbed in the chest and lost. Life!

"Bella!" At this time, Voldemort moved slightly, and the rest of the Death Eaters exclaimed and remembered what Shen Long said just now. It seems that Voldemort really has a leg with Bellatrix!

"Killing Curse!"

"Drill your heart!"

The Death Eaters picked up their wands to read the spell, but just while the spell was being spoken, Shen Long had disappeared in place. The Death Eaters could n’t even aim at it, and Shen Long took this opportunity to enter between them. , Wielding a long sword and a dagger to slash and kill.

The wizards have never experienced such a battle. In the past, they used magic wands to launch magic with each other, and they directly fought against them!

Often, Shen Long ’s long sword was delivered to their throats before they had finished reading the spell, and they had to interrupt the spell to evade, but it was not easy to toss these Death Eaters, and there were even mistakes between people in a panic. After the spell, he was repulsed by the magic, and then was ended by Shen Long.

"Fiendfire!" Voldemort finally reflected. He used the fiery fire curse of the black magicians and spit out a fireball from his mouth. The fireball suddenly became larger and turned into a huge dragon rushing towards Shenlong. The spell can keep chasing all the materials that can be burned, which is much more powerful than the "flame". If there is no limit, it is not impossible for Voldemort to burn the entire London with the power of Voldemort!

But this magic has a fatal flaw, that is, the flame can't separate us, even the caster itself may be burned to death by flames. Voldemort may not be afraid of this, but his death eaters can't stand it, Shen Long is cleverly Perceiving the trajectory of the flaming dragon, led the flame to swim back and forth among the Death Eaters.

The Death Eaters were constantly screamed by the flames, and then swallowed by the Lihuo man. After a while, the werewolf leader Fenrir Greyback and the younger brother of Rothschild Rabastan-Lestrange died. Under Li Huo curse.

Voldemort used the Unforgivable Curse of Awada Soul, Heart Drill, etc. Unfortunately, Shen Long avoided them one by one. He locked Voldemort ’s movements with a sense of gas. As long as he felt Voldemort ’s movements, he Dodge quickly.

"Nagini!" After being escaped several times in succession, Voldemort was also anxious. The Death Eaters were too slow to interfere with Shen Long. He decided to make Nagini faster and more agile. Come out and help.

With a bang, Nagini sprang out of the bushes, swam fast on the lawn, and rolled over to Shen Long. The twelve-foot python was extremely flexible and huge, which greatly restricted Shen Long ’s swim. Going, Voldemort has the same consciousness as it does, and it also allows Nagini to cooperate with Li Huo curse to hit Shen Long from both sides.

Shen Long's long sword made a circle ~ ~ Temporarily repelled the Death Eaters who besieged him, then took out the light wheel and sat on it, fled the scene quickly, and fled towards the deserted place by the sea.

Voldemort under the wrath did not control Irene who was hiding in the house, and chased with the Death Eaters; in fact, he could not catch Irene even when he entered the house. Shen Long had already built it in the fireplace at home Well, the flyway channel leading to Hogwarts.

Shen Long flew left, right, up, and down in the air, easily avoiding the chase of the Lihuo mantra, and avoiding the unforgivable mantras launched by the wizards. His flying skills are much better than these wizards. Hit.

After escaping for a long time, Shen Long finally found a suitable place for a decisive battle. This is an unmanned beach with no buildings around a few kilometers.

Just now, he was afraid that the motion would be too great to hurt Irene and his neighbors. He never dared to take out the big killer. Now that he has arrived at such a place, he can finally give Voldemort a try.

Shen Long fell from the air and took out a good thing from the portable space, pointed at the fiery fire curse in the air and the wizards, ha ha, you have magic and I have science, let's see which one is more powerful!

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