All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 839: Big killer

The Li Huo curse cannot be extinguished by water. Harry Potter once wanted to use a clear water like a spring curse to eliminate Li Huo curse but failed, so Shen Long did not try to jump into the sea or draw the sea water to extinguish the Li Huo curse.

He is not unaware of the cracking spells of Li Huo curse, but he wants to know whether scientific weapons can deal with this kind of magic, so he took out the big killer from special channels.

Aiming the big killer at the distant Li Huo curse and the wizards, then pulling the trigger, the shell was fired, and when it reached Li Huo curse, a small explosion occurred. It didn't seem to be anything special that surprised the wizards.

Some Death Eaters even stretched out their hands and felt some of the suddenly thick, misty glue around them, but soon, something even more terrible happened.

The fuze was detonated for the second time in the air, and the entire fog mass exploded, releasing a large amount of thermal energy in an instant, forming a high-temperature and high-pressure fireball, instantly burning the surrounding Death Eaters, the fireball quickly expanded, forming a huge mass The mushroom cloud looks like a nuclear bomb exploded!

Even the air in the air formed a faint ripple, but all the oxygen in the explosion range was burned out in an instant, the dragon formed by the flame gradually shrank, and then disappeared. It seems that even a flame created by magic, Oxygen is still needed to burn. Once the oxygen is consumed, the Lihuo spell will be useless.

This is enough to prove that even a powerful magician such as Voldemort can't cause fatal harm to the human world. Even if he used a fierce fire curse, humans can still use cloud bombs to eliminate this curse, or use other Fire extinguishing method to extinguish the fiery fire curse.

The Death Eaters at the Cloudburst Explosion Center died so that there was no **** left. The Death Eaters on the fringe were desperately growing their mouths and trying to breathe air, but after the Cloudburst exploded, it took at least four minutes to recover oxygen Supply, and people ca n’t hold on without breathing for so long.

Oh, if you switch to Shen Long or some people who have received special training, you can continue for so long, but it does not include these weak wizards. Many surviving wizards who survived the cloud explosions and died quickly suffocated. Losing his breath, now there are only a few Death Eaters around Voldemort, and Nagini who is coming fast from the ground.

"This is ... what!" A Death Eater looked at Shen Long with horrified eyes. What curse was this? Even with such great power, I am afraid that the Dark Devil can't do this?

"Quick! Kill him!" Voldemort was also scared. He lost his composure, and there was a hysterical smell in his voice, screaming at Shen Long, and then waving his wand to try a powerful black magic.

But Shen Long will not give him such a chance anymore. After proving that scientific weapons are equally effective for magic and sorcerers, he became full of confidence and quickly put away the individual cloud explosive bomb launcher and took out new weapons. .

This time it was a round pie-like thing. He pointed the side of the round pie at Voldemort and others and pressed the button. Then there was a silent scream that covered the area where Voldemort and others were located.

"Ah ~~~" Voldemort and the surviving Death Eaters suddenly felt a mess in their brains, as if someone had pierced their heads with a needle to stir their brains. The internal organs were also very painful, let alone curse, keep It's difficult not to collapse.

This is another high-tech human weapon, the infrasonic wave generator. The frequency of the infrasonic wave emitted by this weapon is very similar to the rhythm of the human brain. When resonance occurs, it will strongly stimulate the human brain, making the human nerves chaotic and crazy It can resonate with the internal organs of human beings, causing severe pain in the internal organs and even causing abnormalities in the human body until death.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters have long covered themselves with armor to protect themselves. However, this protection is limited to physical attacks and enchantments. It ca n’t stop the infrasound, and the wizards have no basic understanding of infrasound. How could they develop a solution to infrasonic weapons?

The Death Eaters couldn't catch their brooms one by one, and they all fell from the air, fell into the water with good luck, and temporarily escaped. The bad luck fell directly on the reef, and suddenly died. Dead again.

Even Voldemort was not much better. Perhaps because Voldemort had already tasted a similar taste in the process of making Horcrux, he insisted a little longer than others, but at Shen Long he used an infrasound transmitter to aim at him. After five minutes of stimulation, Voldemort fell.

The place where he fell happened to be a reef. If Nagini hurried over and took Voldemort as a meat pad, it was estimated that his body was already hanging.

Despite this, Voldemort was also not badly hit, and Nagini was also smashed with injuries. Of course Shen Long would not let this good opportunity to clean them up. He fixed the infrasound transmitter and aimed at Voldemort and Najib. Nepal, snakes can emit ultrasonic waves, but they cannot emit infrasound waves. Infrasound waves can also greatly stimulate snakes.

Then he took out a special barrage loaded with various special bullets and aimed at them to start shooting. Armor-piercing, incendiary, and mercury bullets Shouting, there was still energy to defend, and an armor-piercing projectile directly hit his chest.

Then a mercury bullet exploded his head directly, and the famous black demon died in the hands of a 14-year-old child, and he had no power to fight back. ?

Nagini was not much better than Voldemort. The third bullet exploded its head, and then Shen Long made up a few more shots. After confirming that they did not react at all, he turned off the infrasonic generator and slowly approached him. Both bodies.

These two guys are not disguised. At least from the physical point of view, they have been killed by Shen Long, but Shen Long knows that before all the Horcruxes are destroyed, Voldemort still has the hope of rebirth.

So he fumbled on Voldemort and quickly found his notebook. When he touched the notebook, he obviously felt that someone was asking him for mercy. This might be the soul Voldemort hid in the notebook!

It seems that after accepting the baptism of the mass murderer, Voldemort was also completely afraid. Shen Long smiled lightly and decisively cast a fierce fire spell. After a while, Kung Fu, the notebook, and the bodies of Voldemort and Nagini It was burnt clean!

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