All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 845: Let's go to the treasure hunt!

Think about it. If you have a family of five, you will need at least three rooms to stay. You can't say it's ninety square meters upward. According to the current housing prices in Beijing, it's five or six million.

With a seamless extension spell, it ’s different. You do n’t need ninety square meters at all. A space of nine square meters can give you a feeling of nine hundred square meters, and you can get a luxurious villa out of you.

Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. If the actual operation is not a big opportunity, let alone the developers ’objection, Shen Long ca n’t do this by himself? He hasn't been so diligent yet.

After visiting Newt-Scamander ’s portable magic zoo, Aaliyah has a strong interest in magic. Unfortunately, after Shen Long ’s test, she has no magic talent, and it seems that she has no chance to learn this.

This makes Arya a little depressed. You just say you don't take me to such a fun world to play, why can't I learn magic? I'm really unhappy.

"That's good, I'll take you out to play? Shall we go to the treasure hunt game?" Shen Long comforted Arya's head and comforted her. After seizing the gold of Kolchak, Shen Long was right. Treasure hunt has a strong interest, which is not exactly a desire for money, he is more enjoying the process of discovering treasure.

"Treasure hunt?" Aaliyah is also full of interest in this activity. She likes all kinds of adventure activities. When she heard this depression that she couldn't learn magic suddenly, she asked excitedly, "Where do we go for treasure hunt?" ? "

"Let's gather the information first! Look at the treasures in the world that have not been discovered yet!" Shen Long began preparations, and he collected various undiscovered legendary treasures through various channels.

"Come on, let's sort the data first. The shipwreck treasures are the first to count. The sunken treasures are too troublesome to be retrieved. I don't need to consider them for the time being. There are also treasures near the densely populated areas. I think you probably Do n’t like being surrounded by people? It ’s better to be a treasure in a remote island, or a treasure in a sparsely populated area deep in the jungle. "

Oh, yes, we do n’t consider it for the time being in our country. There are many cultural relics buried in our country, but we are not professional archaeologists. Excessive excavation will definitely cause losses. Many times archaeology is more concerned with the cultural relics than the cultural relics themselves According to these positions, many things can be inferred.

"Also, the well-known thrones with too obvious characteristics are not considered for the time being. Even if they can be dug out, they cannot be shown to others, which is too boring." Shen Long thought and added.

"In this case, the Amber Hall can't be found? I'm afraid that if they find it, their country will ask for it from us? There's no way for Portugal's Ocean Flower, this should be hidden on the bottom of the sea." Long said to filter the information in principle, and kept throwing a book aside.

"If you have a special preference, you can leave the information for the time being. We can't look for it in this world, it doesn't mean it can't do it in other worlds!" Shen Long once thought about Amber Hall in the world of "Crossing the Kanto".

The “Flower of the Ocean” is a 400-ton Portuguese three-masted fast warship built in Lisbon in 1502. This ship has been battle-tested and participated in many famous naval battles. In the end, it did n’t work.

On this voyage, the ship was commanded by Alfonso de Albuquerque, filled with the great wealth shipped from Malacca and the tribute of the Siamese king, and went to Portugal, the home country; according to historical records, the ship was The treasures shipped are the largest treasure transported in the history of the Portuguese navy.

"Ocean Flower" sailed with four other ships to Portugal, but encountered a storm in the Strait of Malacca. On November 20, 1511, it encountered a shipwreck in the coral reef area of ​​Sumatra. The ship was broken into two pieces. Although Alfonso was saved, the treasure and many young slaves were drowned in the waves.

Because the mapping technology at that time was relatively backward, the Ocean Flower did not leave an exact sinking position, so it has not been discovered by people since then, but it is definitely on the bottom of the sea, and it is difficult to dig.

"How about the money pit treasure?" Arya asked another document, which is a treasure located in Oak Island, Canada.

In 1795, Daniel McGinnis and a friend noticed a circular depression in the woods here, like a big pit that was dug up and then filled.

Believe that there may be something valuable buried there, they dug 9.1 meters deep in the depression. At first they found a layer of slate, and then they found traces of pickaxes on the rock. In fact, they did not find anything. Something of value, but the story about the "money pit" treasure spread, and soon it was linked to Captain Kidd's missing treasure, and even the infamous pirate "Black Beard".

"No, there are too many people paying attention to this treasure. We may have to wait in line when we arrive at Oak Island!" Shen Long shook his head and threw this information aside.

Over the centuries, there have been countless people digging for treasure in the money pit on Oak Island. Even President Roosevelt has tried it, and after years of digging, the money pit has been dug to a depth of more than 70 meters. Shen Long does not think that 18 The islands before the century spent so much effort to bury the treasure so deep.

Either those treasure hunters have dug the wrong place, or the lies that the first few teenagers fabricated ~ ~ In the future, the locals have processed this lie in order to promote the growth of the tourism economy, just like the Loch Ness Monster. same.

"So, what about the gold in the lost city of Paititi? There shouldn't be too many people here?" Arya threw another piece of information.

In the 16th century, the Incas of Peru were defeated by Spanish colonists, and the remaining Incas fled to a new location in the tropical rainforest of southern Brazil, and took away their huge gold treasures.

Then these Incas disappeared into history, but many historians and archaeologists believe in the existence of this treasure, and many films and television works also mentioned this treasure, such as "Tomb Raider" and so on.

"Forget it, let these golds stay there again!" The same was invaded by the colonists. Shen Long was quite sympathetic to these Incas and the soldiers couldn't bear to disturb their peace.

Arya shrugged her shoulders and continued to search in the data pile. Although there are many materials about the lost treasure, but there are not many that meet the requirements, it seems that there is no suitable one.

"Aha, this seems to be good. Let's try to find this treasure?"

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