All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 846: Lohad Island Treasure

Shen Long opened a picture and showed it to Aaliyah. I saw that this is an ordinary island. There is no beautiful scenery on the island, and there are not many buildings.

"Where is this?" Arya asked, it looked so ordinary, it didn't look like there was a treasure hidden here.

"Lauhoud Island, Australia, is located around Australia, where the official language is English, you can easily communicate with them when you go." Shen Long said, in fact, there are many similar island treasures, such as Costa Rica's Cocoa Island, etc. Wait, but Arya can only speak English and a little Chinese now. It may not be a good place to communicate in those places.

So he finally chose Lohad Island, which is said to contain countless gold and silver jewels looted by the Spaniards from the indigenous people of South America.

In the 1970s, a man named William Fibos accidentally found a map about Lohad Island, which was marked with the sinking place of the Spanish merchant ship "Golden", and he was surprised, Feel a chance to get rich

It turned out that the "Golden" merchant ship had a mysterious story. It was in the 1650s and 1970s when the Spaniards traveled to America along the Columbus track, plundered countless gold and silver jewelry from the Indians, and then filled it The cabin returns home.

However, their actions were noticed by the pirates, so the pirates attacked every passing merchant ship violently, murdered the crew, and robbed a lot of treasures, such as the mountain ’s heavy treasures. Lohad Island, and drew a treasure map, the pirates vowed to keep their secrets in order to enjoy this fortune forever.

Who knows that pirates are pirates after all, and there is no credit to say, some conspirators tried to swallow the treasure, flesh and blood flew for a time, a fire left a body, and the winner carried the treasure map to the world, and spent the world , The extravagant and licentious life, and the legend of the Tibetan Golden Island has spread like wildfire, sweeping the world.

Fibos carried this treasure map, unknowingly and genuinely, and landed on a desert island, surveying everywhere, but found nothing. While he was wandering the beach, he accidentally fell into the sand and touched a foreign body. It was discovered that it was a cluster of exquisite large corals. Inside the coral was a delicate wooden box full of gold coins, silver coins and treasures. treasure.

Fibos was overjoyed. He spent three months on the island, searching frantically. A full 30 tons of gold and silver jewelry filled his schooner, and he realized his dream of making a fortune.

The news of Fibonacci's fortunes spread like a hurricane. A gold-seeking craze swept through Loweudao Island and the nearby waters. The homeless people, adventurers, and even the nobles of the prince came to this deserted island not far away. People think that Fibos The treasures discovered are just a few of the pirate ’s heritage, so where are the more treasures?

"I'll check what is happening on this island now!" Shen Long opened the browser and searched. As a result, he suddenly found that Lohad Island has now built a treasure hunt theme park, attracting tourists from all over the world to come to the treasure hunt.

"All the treasures found on the island can be taken away after paying the tax, which is good and saves us a lot of trouble." Looking at the laws and regulations on the island, Shen Long nodded in satisfaction, although he can use a variety of The way to take away the treasure silently, but it is also a trouble to wash these gold and silver jewelry white, but this law is much better.

"It seems that the local government has determined that there are no large-scale treasures on the island, so this policy will be introduced to attract tourists to the island?" Aaliyah is very clever, and can distinguish these small tricks at once. She pointed to the screen. The text on the page says, "Well, there are only so many tourists on the island every year, and it has been a long time since there has been any news of people digging up treasures. I feel that this treasure hunt theme park is almost bankrupt."

"Maybe it is, but they can't find that it doesn't mean that we can't do it; besides, the fewer tourists, the fewer locals are good for us, right? Even if you can't find the treasures here, it's good as a vacation." Touching Arya ’s head, “If it ’s not there, let ’s go to Costa Rica ’s Cocoa Island.”

The Costa Rican government suddenly banned the treasure hunt of Cocoa Island in the name of destroying the environment. This means that there is no silver three hundred and two here. Shen Long felt there must be an article in it.

"So okay, when are we going to leave?" Arya was eager to go to the treasure hunt.

"I'll find someone to go through the procedures immediately." Shen Long took the phone and found a familiar travel agency to let them handle the visa and flight tickets, and then packed up his luggage. He didn't bring too many things with Arya. Still carrying a small bag is enough, and more things are put in his pocket.

The travel agency's work efficiency was very fast, and within a few days the visa and air ticket were settled, so Shen Long took Arya to go out together, preparing to go to Australia to find treasures on Lohad Island.

Before leaving, he posted a notice on the gate of the courtyard, which read: The shopkeeper went abroad to search for treasure, and he is temporarily closed for business.

After Shen Long left, some familiar people came to see them, and they were all envious, "Hey, this guy Shen Long will play, and he has started to go abroad to find treasure. Hey, do you want us to get a treasure hunt ship, too?" Looking for those treasures hidden under the sea? "

The two of them took the New Zealand Airlines flight ~ ~ from Beijing to Sydney, Australia. After more than ten hours of flight, Shen Long and Arya finally landed on the Australian land.

Take a day off in Sydney, then take Arya around, visit the Sydney Opera House and other places of interest, taste the local cuisine, and collect a lot of real or false information about the treasures of Lord Howard Island, Only then went to Low Howard Island.

I rented a car and drove to the nearest city from Lohad Island, and then I found a boat. On the way, I used all three types of transportation by sea, land and air, and the two of them boarded Lohad. island.

At the first glance on the island, Shen Long and Arya were a little disappointed. I saw a tattered look on the island. There were not many people on the pier. Only the staff who booked the hotel met them at the pier.

"The two came here to search for treasure on the island?" The staff member named Cowell showed a smile on his face. After receiving a positive answer, he said directly, "No one has been able to find it here for many years. Treasures, you better not have too much hope. "

You are really straightforward, aren't you afraid of the guests leaving? But if they ca n’t find it, it does n’t mean I ca n’t find it either.

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