All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 847: Sniff

"Very good ingredients, but the chef's craftsmanship is somewhat disappointing, but seafood like this, as long as it is fresh, is very good." In the most luxurious hotel in Lohad Island, Shen Long and Arya Sit on the sea-view balcony and enjoy their first dinner since they landed on the island.

It is said to be the most luxurious hotel. In fact, it is far from the luxury resort hotels in Maldives and Bali. It is equivalent to the level of those homestays on the island when Shen Long and Guan Juer traveled to the East Pole Island. .

It can be seen from this that the tourism industry on the island is indeed not prosperous. If there are enough tourists, there will be better hotels built.

After eating, the two went out for a walk. In the hotel lobby, they met Cowell again, and Cowell took them to the store in the lobby, "This is the specialty of our Lord Howard Island. We came here almost They are all treasure hunters, but very few tourists will bring special treasure hunt equipment. We can provide rentals for sale here. "

"Look, then." Shen Long and Arya walked in. In fact, they didn't need these things, but since they came to the island to find treasure, it would be a little too weird not to bring these things?

"This is a portable metal detector. You use this probe to point to the ground. If there are metal products within three meters below, it will make a dripping sound, and then you can use this shovel to dig!" Kewei An item to Shen Long introduced the products here.

"It looks good, let's rent a set! You can help me debug and fully charge, I will use it tomorrow morning." Shen Long waved his hand and rented the best equipment in the store.

In fact, it ’s not that good. It ’s just some ordinary equipment, and it seems to have been used for several years. If there is such a shallow treasure buried on the island, it will definitely be discovered long ago.

Kewell also understands this. In fact, when he first went to the island, he took this stuff every day to find treasure on the island, but he found nothing but some rusty nails.

"If you feel that digging is too hard, you can still hire me and other people to help, you only need to carry this thing to explore, and we will dig when it is found! You can rest assured that we can sign the contract before departure , We only take what we deserve, not take away your treasure. "If you can really find it.

Kewell whispered in his heart, hey, the life on the island is really not easy, he can only earn some pocket money by selling labor, how much is the salary in the store alone.

"Oh, by the way, if you ... If you are really unlucky and haven't found anything, we still have gold coins from the time of the great nautical era that can be sold to you. When you return to your country, you can go with your friends ... . "Cowell lowered his voice to Shen Long and whispered, then came your eyes.

"Haha, your service is really attentive." Shen Long couldn't help but smile, if the guests felt embarrassed to go back and found friends, they also sold gold coins from the time of the great nautical era, which can be used by the guests to boast and show off Maybe it will attract more tourists.

"Let's consider these when I go back!" Shen Long patted Cowell's shoulder and took Arya out for a walk along the beach. The beach sand here is not very good, but the sea water is still clear The two of them walked until the night came and went back to the hotel to rest.

The next morning, after having breakfast, Shen Long and Arya set out with these messy tools and dry food and drinking water. The residents near the pier looked at them and they all showed similarities to Kewell Their expressions, obviously they are not optimistic about Shen Long and Arya can find any gain.

"According to the data, William Fibos first found the treasure near a beach with coral reefs nearby. Let's go there to see it first!" Shen Long pointed to a billboard on the roadside.

Look, how much other people's treasure hunt theme parks are professional, and even where they are most likely to find the treasures clearly marked, Arya will naturally not have an opinion.

At the destination, there were no people around. Right now, only a few residents on Lohad Island still live on the island. They all gathered in the area near the pier. No one came here.

"Would you like to try this?" Shen Long handed the metal detector to Aaliyah. She hadn't played this yet. Shen Long also wanted to feel what it was like to find treasure, so she didn't come up with her own means.

Arya took the metal detector happily and searched on the beach. After a while, the metal detector made a beeping sound. Shen Long quickly dug down with a shovel. As a result, she only dug out a beer bottle for a long time. Gai, if it might be possible to change things in the wasteland era, it would be useless at this time.

Shen Long shrugged, put the bottle cap in the trash bag, and watched Arya continue to search forward with the metal detector.

From the morning to the afternoon, they only found some waste products such as beer bottle caps, rust nails, and metal parts on the ship. As for gold and silver jewelry, even a yarn was not found.

"Sir, you can consider my suggestion." Seeing them bring these things back, Kewell grinned and began to recommend the gold coins to Shen Long. "Although these gold coins have a very large number of survivors, they are not What are the cultural relics and collection value ~ ~ but it is definitely made of real gold. "

"Okay, I will consider your suggestion!" Shen Long said perfunctoryly.

For the next three days, Shen Long and Aaliyah took a full set of treasure hunt tools every morning to go to the treasure hunt everywhere on the island. They had been busy until sunset before returning. It seemed no different from other tourists who came to the island for treasure hunt.

There is also no difference in that they have no gains. On the fifth day, Shen Long said to Kewell before departure, "Today is my last treasure hunt. If there is no harvest today, I will buy you. Gold coins! "

"Maybe you can really find the treasure!" Kewell complimented, but he was very happy in his heart. It seems that the gold coins in his collection can be sold at a high price.

This time, after Shen Long took Arya to the beach, he ignored the treasure-hunting tools and took out Newt-Skaderman's portable magic zoo from his personal space.

He reached into the box, and after a while he took out a cute little animal covered with black fluff and with a duck-like mouth. Shen Long scratched his stomach, "Go, sniff, put this Find the treasure! "

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