All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 850: Did you go there on holiday?

Back in Sydney, Shen Long and Arya rested in the hotel for another day. These gold and silver jewelry declarations also need a little time. He handed them over to a special agency.

After the procedures were completed, the two passed the official Australian inspection and returned to Beijing by flight. It was another ten hours of flight and the plane landed at Beijing Airport.

Getting off the plane and picking up luggage was smooth, but I encountered a small problem when passing through the security check. When Shen Long's box entered the testing instrument, the staff found the gold inside.

"What's in your box? Please open it and see." The staff pointed to the box, his eyes showing a vigilant look.

"Oh, some gold and silver crafts in the era of great navigation, I have proof documents here." Shen Long handed over the relevant documents, and then opened the box to show the treasures to the staff.

"His ~~" Even the well-informed airport staff, couldn't help but take a breath of air after seeing so many gold and silver jewelry, other tourists behind him also stretched their necks and stared at those jewelry with their eyes. .

"Thank you, please wait a moment." It will take some time to verify that the gold, silver, jewellery and documents can be matched to the number, and the staff asks, "How did these things come from?"

"I saw the lost pirate treasures on Lohad Island in Australia on the Internet. I was curious for a while and tried to find treasures in the past. I didn't expect to be found by me!" Shen Long said with a smirk.

Dear, are you teasing me? Pirate treasure? Why don't you say it's a treasure of the Incas! The staff member ’s time at the airport is not short, it is well-informed, but this is the first time I have heard this; he knew there, if Shen Long was troublesome, the Inca ’s Golden City Can't escape his search.

As long as there is a sniff, what kind of treasure can't be found? Not to mention the Inca ’s treasures, what Arizona gold mines, Rommel ’s treasures, as long as they are on land, Shen Longquan can find out for you, without having to dig, you can do it for you. Properly done.

"Well, this is my tax payment certificate on Lohad Island. There is detailed evidence on it. Oh, there are news reports from the Australian official media." Shen Long showed them his evidence one by one.

In the face of the iron evidence, the staff had nothing to say. After the detailed verification, after completing the formalities, Shen Long and Arya were released.

It was only after that day that among the airport staff, there was gradually a legend that a Chinese found the treasures of the island in the time of the great voyage in Australia. The legend spread more and more, and even set off a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet. Some film companies heard Later, I found this story very interesting, and I plan to adapt it to a movie.

Of course, these are all afterwords. Now Shen Long takes Arya back home and picks out the treasures in the treasures to play with carefully. When they were in Australia, they had n’t fully appreciated them yet.

Arya is not the same as the average aristocratic girl. If she is replaced by her sister, three silly, seeing so many jewels, it is estimated that she will be perturbed, and then pick them up one by one to analyze the texture and inlay process of these gems. Concerned about these, these jewelry is just a fun and adventurous gift for her.

She prefers the process of finding these treasures rather than the results; of course, Arya is not interested in all jewelry. Now she is holding a delicate dagger to study it carefully.

This dagger is about the size of her Valeria steel dagger. The scabbard and the handle are covered with various precious stones, and the dagger is gently pulled out to reveal the cold light. Even if it has been buried under the beach for hundreds of years, it is still There is no trace of rust, this is definitely a treasure sword.

"Just keep it if you like, but don't take it out." Needless to say, this thing must be a controlled tool.

"Uh huh!" Alia nodded her head skillfully, took a few knives, and returned the dagger into her sheath. She had lived in the real world for so long, and she still knew some basic rules.

After returning, Shen Long found a collection of ancient coin collectors and historical experts from the time of the great voyage to have a meeting, took out these treasures for them to appreciate, listen to them tell the story of that era, and these coins, jewelry Artistic characteristics, these stories are quite interesting, Shen Long and Arya listened with interest.

These collectors and experts study this every day, but because of being in China, they rarely get in touch with the real thing and can only appreciate it from the data. Now they suddenly see the real treasures of the great voyage era, and it is a bit uncertain.

After the appreciation, they all asked for purchases, and Shen Long did not refuse. Except for the rare quantities of treasures such as Escudo gold coins, most of the requests he agreed to, and some gold and silver coins and jewelry according to the market price Sold to these collectors and history experts.

In fact, no one is going to propose to buy Escudo gold coins. They all know that the price of this thing has exceeded their financial capacity, and it is estimated that Shen Long will not sell it.

This meeting was a great joy for everyone. Shen Long learned more knowledge and strengthened the relationship with these experts. In the future, it is much easier to ask them to ask questions; and these experts not only have enough eye addiction, but also get what they want. Collections, all with a happy smile on their faces as they walk away ~ ~ Soon after the party, Arya returned to school, and at dinner, some friends discussed their holidays , "I went to the United States and went to Hollywood to take a look. Well, this is my photo on the Avenue of Stars."

"I was too lazy to go to the Maldives and stayed at the beach for a few days." This one also showed his circle of friends.

"I originally wanted to go shopping in Paris, but I didn't pass it until I realized that Paris is far worse than I imagined. This trip really disappointed me!" Someone said.

I have to admit that people's lives in this era are getting better and better, and the affluent people are more and more. As students, many people can also use the holiday to go abroad to play.

They said that it didn't mean that it didn't seem obvious. After all, it was always a very pleasant thing to get the envious eyes of others. The big guy said for a long time, but he didn't see Arya talking.

Someone asked, "Alia? Did you go there during the holiday? Why didn't you see you update your circle of friends?"

"I went to Australia." Arya said.

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