All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 851: New task

"I went to Australia," said Arya. As an assassin, she has never liked selfies and is not used to revealing her address, so she rarely sends a circle of friends.

"Australia is also good. The Sydney Opera House and the Great Barrier Reef are very beautiful. Where did you go? Are there any photos to show us?" Someone showed a yearning look.

"Just staying in Sydney for a day or two, the Opera House looks good, but most of the time I stay on Lohad Island, looking for the treasures left by the pirates of the great voyage." Arya ’s answer made the big guy The children were stunned.

"Treasure? A treasure hunt? It's like ... It's like" The Treasure Hunter "? Isn't that interesting?" The companions listened suddenly and glanced, "So have you found the treasure?"

"In fact, there is still a difference between the real treasure hunt and those in the movie. Most of the time we just walk around on the beach with a metal detector, and then dig, but the harvest is not bad, we found this!" Ai Leah took out the Escudo gold coin and showed it to the big guy.

"Wow, gold coins!" The charm of gold is endless, and friends have come together to appreciate this ancient gold coin one by one. Some people also took out their phones and searched for the origin of the gold coin based on the text and patterns on the gold coin.

"I'm going, the five-million-dollar Escudo gold coin!" When they found the origin of the gold coin, the friends were shocked. This is too amazing!

"Five million?" The child who was holding the gold coins and admired the number suddenly dropped his brain and shook his hands to the ground, but the big guy was terrified.

"It's okay, it's okay, the gold coins won't break!" Arya comforted, and then picked up the gold coins from the ground and put them back on the table, but this time no one dared to touch this thing, although they said Everyone knows that coins made of gold will not be broken, but what if you accidentally drop it somewhere and ca n’t find it?

"Your vacation is too fun!" The children who had been talking about their vacation travel experience before did not speak anymore. No matter how fun Disneyland is, the sea view in the Maldives is beautiful, and it is nothing compared to the treasures of pirates. What?

"Alia, don't you take the gold coins to school? It's not good if people get it." Instead, they began to worry about Aria's safety.

"Thank you, I will put it home at night." Aaliyah knew their good intentions, but she didn't care about it herself. Who could steal the gold coins from her pocket?

After returning home from class, I saw Shen Long standing under a cherry tree with interest. What was he looking at? Arya also stepped in curiously.

I saw a small branch on the cherry tree that looked a little different. The branch seemed to move, slowly crawling along the branch, and sucking a worm that was lying on the branch to **** juice Grab and chew.

"Take care of the tree?" Arya recognized the little guy. Wasn't this the one she had seen in the portable magic zoo?

"Yes, I want to try to see if it likes the tree in the yard. As a result, it climbed onto this cherry tree as soon as it came out." The tree protection pot eats the insects on the tree. If it inhabits a tree On the top, it will become the guardian of this tree, and the trees inhabited by the tree protection pot are very suitable for making wands.

This also means that Shen Long can also make magic wands in the real world. Unfortunately, Arya has no talent for learning magic, or Shen Long can make a magic wand for her by herself.

The slender tree-shaped fingers of the tree guard pot can help them dig out various bugs. Although the tree guard pot is usually mild in nature, if something threatens the safety of the tree and itself, it will become very aggressive. , Jumped off the tree and attacked the enemy's eyes with his sharp fingers.

When the wizards need materials to make the magic wand, they will find the favorite turtles for the tree guard pot. After enjoying the soil turtles, the wizard can choose the appropriate materials.

"With it, I will be able to relax a little bit later. After all, it is not an easy task to take care of so many plants." Shen Long said, patting the cherry tree. In the future, whenever these plants need to be dewormed, You can put the tree guard pot and let them do this.

The branches and leaves of the cherry tree made a rustling sound, it was replying to Shen Long, and it liked this little guy too; then the trees next to it also made a noise, they were protesting Shen Long ’s favorability, and the treatment enjoyed by the cherry tree made them a little jealous. The trees also felt the kindness of protecting the trees and they wanted to own one.

"I'll find a few more later, but I'm not sure they will choose the one among you." Shen Long responded with a smile, and not all trees will inhabit.

Sniffing can help you find treasures, and protecting trees and pots can help you take care of the trees in the yard. Then there are those magical animals that can help you, or will you not be found in the real world?

Why don't you take the moon beast to Britain for a day? Find a wheat field and release it at the full moon ~ ~ Appreciate the complicated dance of the moon beast. When the next day, Britain will begin to spread the legend of the wheat field circle.

Or when you enter a new world and do n’t know where your destination is, you let Ye Qi out. This terrifying-looking guy has a very gentle personality and an amazing sense of direction. Just tell them the destination. , Will send you wherever you want, no matter where you are.

Or maybe when you have a chance to enter the world of Xianxia in the future, let Wuwu come out, and riding Wuwu must be very windy, right? And Wu Wu is very compelling in myths and legends, and there may be unexpected surprises.

Hey, the real world is still a bit too restrictive. When thinking of these, Shen Long is eager to get the next mission early, so that he can take these magical animals for fun.

After teasing the tree for a while and letting out the sniff, and holding the gold coins to tease it, this little guy is so cute. When he was about to sleep, Shen Long put these animals back to Newt-Skar In Mander's box.

Go back to the bedroom to wash and lie in bed, sleep until I wake up the next morning, have breakfast, and after Arya goes to school, Shen Long comes to the yard again and wants to take out the tree guard pot, at this time , He received a new task in his mind.

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